Leathery Creature
Leathery Creature Pattern (+1 CR)
- Subtype: add Leathery to subtypes
Leathery Creature is a pattern that can be added to any Creature, hereafter referred to as the base creature. Leathery adds a tough outer layer to a creature, be it thick skin, layers of callous or scar-tissue, a full suit of well-worn chainmail, a thick rubbery layer of ectoplasm or a layer of debris (brush, coals, gravel, etc) which has been crusted onto their surface. In all cases, their ugly, scabrously-tough appearance indicates that they are quite a bit more durable than you'd expect.
Leathery is a great Pattern for representing grizzled sergeants, battle-hardened veterans, and tough, stubborn survivors. It can also be used to show allegiance to a God of War, or some weird Cult of Pain. Maybe it is indicative of a tribe of Treants who have survived a forest fire, or a heavily reinforced Flesh Golem, or a truly tough Dragon. Maybe Leathery contructs are the 'signature item' of a famous Warlord or evil Emperor.
Leathery can also represent more exotic bad guys, like phase-bent Waspines, or Atropals wrapped in the ghosts of their dead universia. The possibilities are manifold, and GM's are encouraged to be creative, but fair.
This tough-looking creature is covered with scars, callouses, and a wary attitude.
- Init: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Senses:
- Movement Types:
- Increase all move speeds by 10 ft.
- AC: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Special Defenses:
- (Leathery Creature) Been There, Done That: Leathery Creatures gain DR1/Common and ER1/Common. If they already have Damage Reistance or Energy Resistance, this does not stack, they only receive the larger amount of protection against a given attack.
- Strong Against:
- Weak Against:
- Space / Reach: - / -
- To-Hits: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Str: Dex: Con: Int: Wis: Cha:
- Feats:
- Skills:
- Languages: