Behir (Basic Lore)

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Behir (CR 14)

Neutral - Huge - Magical Beast
These arrogant and often suddenly violent reptiles resemble monstrous 40-foot long blue serpents, but can unfold six pairs of legs with jagged claws when necessary. They often slither about as a snake would, but the legs enable them to climb sheer surfaces or grab foes in combat. Behirs are highly territorial and often claim large swaths of land as their own, even when they can't necessarily hold it against all nearby foes. That doesn't stop them from aggressively punishing anyone who dares to enter.

Behirs are also notorious for their ability to fire blasts of lightning from their mouths, causing many to speculate that they might be related to blue dragons. However, behirs are flightless, and frankly, not as bright as dragons, though they are smarter than one might expect, usually at the worst possible times.

Behirs maintain tight-knit families, similar to a pride of lions, and usually travel together as a pack, maintaining numerous lairs within their territory, and migrating among them in no discernible pattern.