Sunders Against Shields

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Sunders Against Shields

Shields, like armor, are designed to protect the wearer, and are therefore more difficult to Sunder. Shields have a durability akin to unattended objects, requiring more than one successful Sunder attempt to inflict the Broken condition upon the shield. In addition, if an enemy attempts to sunder any of your worn or wielded items, and you are proficiently wielding a shield, you may ALWAYS elect to have that sunder check apply to your shield instead, as long as your shield does not already have the Broken condition.

  • Bucklers have a durability of 1 (requires only 1 point of Siege Damage to inflict Broken)
  • Light Shields have a durability of 2 (requires 2 points of Siege Damage to inflict Broken)
  • Heavy Shields have a durability of 3 (requires 3 points of Siege Damage to inflict Broken)
  • War Shields have a durability of 4 (requires 4 points of Siege Damage to inflict Broken)
  • Tower Shields have a durability of 5 (requires 5 points of Siege Damage to inflict Broken)

In addition, some dweomermetals, and some magic properties can alter the durability of a shield.