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Revision as of 16:02, 9 February 2019

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Level 1 Paladin Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Bane Enchantment Std Enemies take holy (energy, rare) damage when struck by the casters empowered allies.
Bed of Iron Necromancy Std Armor Check penalties are reduced, and you can sleep comfortably in armor without suffering fatigue.
Bless Enchantment Std Allies gain a scaling Divine Bonus on attack rolls and saves.
Bless Weapon Bless Weapon (Paladin Spell) Std Bless Weapon (Paladin Spell)
Bowstaff Bowstaff (Paladin Spell) Std Bowstaff (Paladin Spell)
Bungle Enchantment Immediate Inflict a penalty on a target's d20 roll as an immediate action.
Cause Fear Necromancy Immediate One creature gains the Cringing condition.
Challenge Evil Challenge Evil (Paladin Spell) Std Challenge Evil (Paladin Spell)
Command Enchantment Std One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
Compel Hostility Enchantment Immediate Encourages opponents to attack you instead of your allies.
Create Water Conjuration Std Creates 2 gallons/lvl of pure water.
Cure Light Wounds Conjuration Std Cures 2d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +10).
Detect Poison Universal Std Detects poison in a creature or object.
Disguise Self Illusion Std Changes your appearance.
Disrupt Undead Necromancy Std Ray deals Positive Energy Damage to one Undead in range.
Divine Favor Evocation Std You gain an increasing Divine Bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Doom Necromancy Std One subject is Shaken and risks a Synergy.
Empower Holy Water Transmutation Std You empower a flask of Holy Water to deal additional damage.
Endure Elements Abjuration Std Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.
Firebelly Firebelly (Paladin Spell) Std Firebelly (Paladin Spell)
Ghoul Touch Necromancy Std Damages one living target you touch.
Grace Abjuration Immediate Movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
Hero's Defiance Hero's Defiance (Paladin Spell) Std Hero's Defiance (Paladin Spell)
Honeyed Tongue Transmutation Std Roll 2 dice for some uses of Diplomacy, take higher roll.
Horn of Pursuit Evocation Std Create 3 notes that can be heard up to five miles away.
Inflict Light Wounds Necromancy Std Negative energy touch, dealing 2d8 damage +1/lvl (max +10).
Kinetic Reverberation Abjuration Std Channels the force of your actions into a ray of Force damage.
Knight's Calling Enchantment Std Forces target to move toward you and fight you.
Know the Enemy Universal Std Gain a scaling Divine Bonus on a monster Knowledge check.
Liberating Command Transmutation Immediate Restrained target may make an Escape Artist check to escape as an immediate action.
Life Pact Necromancy Std Affected creatures automatically donate hp to stabilize fallen ally.
Linebreaker Transmutation Std You gain many scaling bonuses to force your way into enemy lines.
Litany of Sloth Enchantment Immediate Single target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Litany of Weakness Necromancy Immediate Single target is weakened for 1 round.
Longstrider Transmutation Std Your speed with all types of movement you possess increases.
Magic Weapon Transmutation Std Transform a weapon into a similar sort of weapon that is better suited for yourself or for allies.
Peacebond Abjuration Immediate Locks a weapon in place on the target's body.
Rally Point Rally Point (Paladin Spell) Std Rally Point (Paladin Spell)
Read Magic Universal Std Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Reinforce Armaments Transmutation Std Temporarily mitigates the Fragile (Quality) in targeted weapon or armor.
Resistance Abjuration Immediate Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws.
Restoration, Lesser Conjuration Immediate Removes a weak status condition.
Sanctify Corpse Evocation Std Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead.
Summon Monster II Universal Std Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you.
Swift Girding Transmutation Std Your allies are instantly suited up.
Tactical Acumen Enchantment Std Your or your allies gain an additional bonus on attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield positioning.
Tap Inner Beauty Universal Std Gain a bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks.
True Strike Universal Immediate Gain a bonus on your next attack roll.
Twilight Haze Illusion Std Illusory fog obscures vision.
Veil of Positive Energy Veil of Positive Energy (Paladin Spell) Std Veil of Positive Energy (Paladin Spell)
Virtue Transmutation Std Subject instantly gains 1 temporary hp.
Wave Shield Abjuration Immediate Water blunts one incoming attack or fire effect as an immediate action.
Weapons Against Evil Transmutation Std Enchant weapons to bypass the DR of evil-aligned creatures.
Word of Resolve Word of Resolve (Paladin Spell) Std Word of Resolve (Paladin Spell)

Level 2 Paladin Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Agonizing Rebuke Illusion Std Cause rapturous distress and pain to a target if it attacks you.
Air Step Transmutation Std Tread on air, with limitations.
Arrow Eruption Arrow Eruption (Paladin Spell) Std Arrow Eruption (Paladin Spell)
Aura of Greater Courage Aura of Greater Courage (Paladin Spell) Std Aura of Greater Courage (Paladin Spell)
Bestow Grace Bestow Grace (Paladin Spell) Std Bestow Grace (Paladin Spell)
Blade Tutor's Spirit Conjuration Std Attack penalties you choose to suffer are reduced.
Blindness/Deafness Necromancy Std Makes subject blind to sight or sound, dazzled if they make their save, and at risk of a Synergy.
Blood Scent Blood Scent (Paladin Spell) Std Blood Scent (Paladin Spell)
Burning Gaze Evocation Std Inflict fire damage and Burned to creatures simply by looking at them.
Burst of Radiance Illusion Std Fills area with shimmering light, blinding (or dazzling) creatures for 1 round and damaging them.
Corruption Resistance Corruption Resistance (Paladin Spell) Std Corruption Resistance (Paladin Spell)
Darkness Darkness (Paladin Spell) Std Darkness (Paladin Spell)
Desecrate Desecrate (Paladin Spell) Std Desecrate (Paladin Spell)
Divine Arrow Divine Arrow (Paladin Spell) Std Divine Arrow (Paladin Spell)
Effortless Armor Transmutation Std Armor you wear no longer slows your speed.
Endure Elements, Communal Abjuration Std As Endure Elements (Paladin Spell), but you may protect several creatures you touch.
Fire of Entanglement Fire of Entanglement (Paladin Spell) Std Fire of Entanglement (Paladin Spell)
Gentle Repose Necromancy Std Preserves one corpse.
Heroism Enchantment Std Gives +2 bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
Hold Person Enchantment Std Paralyzes one humanoid creature for a brief time.
Holy Shield Holy Shield (Paladin Spell) Std Holy Shield (Paladin Spell)
Instant Armor Instant Armor (Paladin Spell) Std Instant Armor (Paladin Spell)
Invisibility Illusion Std Subject is invisible until the end of its next encounter.
Juxtaposition Conjuration Std Swaps places with the caster and an enemy creature.
Light Lance Light Lance (Paladin Spell) Std Light Lance (Paladin Spell)
Litany of Defense Transmutation Immediate Grants a target ally temporary hit points as an immediate interrupt.
Litany of Eloquence Enchantment Immediate Cloisters a single creature for 1 round.
Litany of Entanglement Litany of Entanglement (Paladin Spell) Std Litany of Entanglement (Paladin Spell)
Litany of Righteousness Evocation Immediate Bless an ally's attack with bonus Holy (energy, rare) damage.
Litany of Warding Transmutation Immediate You grant yourself or an ally a 1d4+1 Divine Bonus to AC against 1 attack
Martyr's Bargain Martyr's Bargain (Paladin Spell) Std Martyr's Bargain (Paladin Spell)
Paladin's Sacrifice Abjuration Immediate Take the damage and effects for another creature.
Reaper's Coterie Reaper's Coterie (Paladin Spell) Std Reaper's Coterie (Paladin Spell)
Reinforce Armaments, Communal Transmutation Std As Reinforce Armaments (Paladin Spell), but you may affect multiple targets.
Resist Energy Abjuration Std Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Common energy type.
Righteous Vigor Enchantment Std You gain an increasing Divine Bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Sacred Space Sacred Space (Paladin Spell) Std Sacred Space (Paladin Spell)
Saddle Surge Saddle Surge (Paladin Spell) Std Saddle Surge (Paladin Spell)
Scare Necromancy Std Inflict psychic damage and Cringing on one or two targets.
Shield Other Shield Other (Paladin Spell) Std Shield Other (Paladin Spell)
Silence Silence (Paladin Spell) Std Silence (Paladin Spell)
Summon Monster IV Universal Std Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you.
Touch of Bloodletting Necromancy Std This spell causes any existing wounds that the target possesses to bleed profusely.
Umbral Weapon Umbral Weapon (Paladin Spell) Std Umbral Weapon (Paladin Spell)
Vestment of the Champion Vestment of the Champion (Paladin Spell) Std Vestment of the Champion (Paladin Spell)
Vine Strike Conjuration Std Bristles burst from your body, allowing you to deal additional piercing damage with melee attacks.
Wake of Light Evocation Std Magical trail aids allied creatures' movement.
Widen Auras Widen Auras (Paladin Spell) Std Widen Auras (Paladin Spell)

Level 3 Paladin Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Accept Affliction Conjuration Std The caster can transfer the effects of afflictions such as curses, diseases, and poisons from the target creature to himself.
Accursed Glare Necromancy Std Inflicts Cursed or Hexed on victims, and places them at risk of a Synergy.
Adjustable Disguise Illusion Std As Disguise Self (Paladin Spell), but you can change the disguise as a swift action.
Aura of Inviolate Ownership Aura of Inviolate Ownership (Paladin Spell) Std Aura of Inviolate Ownership (Paladin Spell)
Battle Trance Enchantment Std Targets gain bonus damage to attacks while under the effects of the spell.
Bestow Auras Bestow Auras (Paladin Spell) Std Bestow Auras (Paladin Spell)
Bestow Curse Enchantment Immediate Immediately inflict Cursed or Jinxed on a creature within your melee reach .
Blade of Bright Victory Blade of Bright Victory (Paladin Spell) Std Blade of Bright Victory (Paladin Spell)
Bloody Arrows Conjuration Std Conjure deadly arrows that strike unerringly.
Burst of Speed Transmutation Immediate Immediately take a move action for free, and increase Walk speed until the end of the encounter.
Cure Moderate Wounds Conjuration Std Cures 4d8 damage +1/lvl (max. +20).
Daybreak Arrow Daybreak Arrow (Paladin Spell) Std Daybreak Arrow (Paladin Spell)
Daylight Evocation Std 60-ft. radius of bright light, or touch a creature to inflict Light damage and Blind.
Defile Armor Defile Armor (Paladin Spell) Std Defile Armor (Paladin Spell)
Diamond Spray Conjuration Std You blast a ray of diamond slivers at a target in range.
Dispel Magic Abjuration Std Cancels one magical spell or effect
Divine Transfer Necromancy Std Transfer hit points and give DR/Common to target creature.
Final Sacrifice Evocation Std You disrupt the conjuring energies within a summoned creature, causing it to violently explode.
Fire of Judgment Fire of Judgment (Paladin Spell) Std Fire of Judgment (Paladin Spell)
Flame Strike Evocation Std Smites foes with divine fire.
Heal Mount Heal Mount (Paladin Spell) Std Heal Mount (Paladin Spell)
Heroic Fortune Evocation Std The target gains 1 temporary Action Point.
Holy Whisper Holy Whisper (Paladin Spell) Std Holy Whisper (Paladin Spell)
Hostile Juxtaposition Conjuration Std You create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it.
Inflict Moderate Wounds Necromancy Std Melee touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/lvl (max +20).
Isolate Illusion Std Your ray attack causes a target to become Exiled.
Life Bubble Abjuration Std Protects creatures from some types of sustained environmental effects.
Litany of Escape Conjuration Immediate Teleports a friend out of a grapple.
Litany of Sight Universal Immediate You can see invisible creatures until the end of your next turn.
Malediction Necromancy Std Fell magic damages your foes, and gifts you their strength as an Action Point if you kill any of them.
Marks of Forbiddance Marks of Forbiddance (Paladin Spell) Std Marks of Forbiddance (Paladin Spell)
Prayer Enchantment Std Allies gain a scaling Divine Bonus on attacks and saves, and can deal Holy (energy, rare) damage.
Remove Curse Abjuration Std Frees object or person from curse.
Resilient Reservoir Resilient Reservoir (Paladin Spell) Std Resilient Reservoir (Paladin Spell)
Resist Energy, Communal Abjuration Std This spell functions like Resist Energy (Paladin Spell), except you can protect several creatures.
Resist Uncommon Energy Abjuration Std Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Uncommon energy type.
Sanctify Armor Sanctify Armor (Paladin Spell) Std Sanctify Armor (Paladin Spell)
Summon Monster VI Universal Std Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you.
Utter Contempt Enchantment Std Targets suffer heavy Soul (energy, rare) damage as you deride them.
Vampiric Touch Vampiric Touch (Paladin Spell) Std Vampiric Touch (Paladin Spell)

Level 4 Paladin Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Air Walk Transmutation Std Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle).
Archon's Trumpet Enchantment Std Inflicts heavy thundercrash damage to all targets in a 30 foot cone.
Blaze of Glory Blaze of Glory (Paladin Spell) Std Blaze of Glory (Paladin Spell)
Blight Necromancy Std Inflicts heavy Necrotic damage, to which Animals and Plants have a penalty.
Bloodsworn Retribution Bloodsworn Retribution (Paladin Spell) Std Bloodsworn Retribution (Paladin Spell)
Break Enchantment Break Enchantment (Paladin Spell) Std Break Enchantment (Paladin Spell)
Boneshatter Transmutation Std A crackling ray deals heavy damage and inflicts wobbly.
Burst of Glory Burst of Glory (Paladin Spell) Std Burst of Glory (Paladin Spell)
Chains of Light Conjuration Std Target is held immobile by glowing golden chains composed of pure light.
Crusader's Edge Crusader's Edge (Paladin Spell) Std Crusader's Edge (Paladin Spell)
Cure Serious Wounds Conjuration Std Cures 6d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +30).
Daywalker Necromancy Std Turns an ally into a pseudo-undead, with potent benefits.
Deadly Juxtaposition Conjuration Std You swap places with an enemy creature, dealing heavy interstice damage to it, and its allies.
Death Ward Death Ward (Paladin Spell) Std Death Ward (Paladin Spell)
Dragon's Breath Evocation Std Gives you a dragon's Breath Weapon.
Eaglesoul Eaglesoul (Paladin Spell) Std Eaglesoul (Paladin Spell)
Emblazon Crest Transmutation Std Your distinct symbol is magically displayed on any suitable item you carry.
Eyes of the Void Eyes of the Void (Paladin Spell) Std Eyes of the Void (Paladin Spell)
Fear Necromancy Std Subjects within cone suffer Psychic damage and gain the Cringing condition.
Fire of Vengeance Fire of Vengeance (Paladin Spell) Std Fire of Vengeance (Paladin Spell)
Forced Repentance Forced Repentance (Paladin Spell) Std Forced Repentance (Paladin Spell)
Forceful Strike Forceful Strike (Paladin Spell) Std Forceful Strike (Paladin Spell)
Hold Monster Enchantment Std Briefly paralyzes one creature of any type.
Holy Sword Holy Sword (Paladin Spell) Std Holy Sword (Paladin Spell)
Inflict Serious Wounds Necromancy Std Touch attack, 6d8 damage +1/lvl (max +30).
Invisibility, Greater Illusion Std As Invisibility (Paladin Spell), but works against all senses.
King's Castle Conjuration Immediate Instantly switch places with a single ally.
Litany of Madness Litany of Madness (Paladin Spell) Std Litany of Madness (Paladin Spell)
Litany of Thunder Evocation Immediate A single target is damaged by a powerful crash of thunder.
Litany of Vengeance Transmutation Immediate Allies attacking the target of the spell gain bonuses to their damage.
Master's Escape Conjuration Immediate Switch places with one summoned creature you control.
Mind Fog Illusion Std Illusory fog obscures vision and causes fictive damage.
Neutralize Poison Conjuration Std Immunizes subject against poison, or detoxifies poison in or on subject.
Oath of Peace Oath of Peace (Paladin Spell) Std Oath of Peace (Paladin Spell)
Raise Animal Companion Raise Animal Companion (Paladin Spell) Std Raise Animal Companion (Paladin Spell)
Reprobation Transmutation Std Marked target is shunned.
Resist Rare Energy Abjuration Std Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Rare energy type.
Resounding Blow Resounding Blow (Paladin Spell) Std Resounding Blow (Paladin Spell)
Restoration Conjuration Std Removes a weak or moderate status condition.
Sacrificial Oath Sacrificial Oath (Paladin Spell) Std Sacrificial Oath (Paladin Spell)
Slay Living Slay Living (Paladin Spell) Std Slay Living (Paladin Spell)
Stay the Hand Stay the Hand (Paladin Spell) Std Stay the Hand (Paladin Spell)
Suffocation Necromancy Std Target suffers heavy winded damage.
Summon Monster VIII Universal Std Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you.
Symbol of Healing Symbol of Healing (Paladin Spell) Std Symbol of Healing (Paladin Spell)
Unholy Sword Unholy Sword (Paladin Spell) Std Unholy Sword (Paladin Spell)