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Zombie parts do not need eat, sleep or breathe.  (Note that unlike Pathfinder zombies, zombie parts do NOT have the Staggered condition, and get a full action every round.)
Zombie parts do not need eat, sleep or breathe.  (Note that unlike Pathfinder zombies, zombie parts do NOT have the Staggered condition, and get a full action every round.)
=== Out of Combat ===
; Immortal (Su)
Zombie parts cannot be killed through normal means. However, zombie parts may lie shattered and dormant after being defeated for months or even years before their bodies recompose and they once again rise as fully intact normal [[Zombie|zombies]] to seek and consume the flesh of the living.  A [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sanctify-corpse sanctify corpse], [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/consecrate consecrate] or [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/gentle-repose gentle repose] spell will add a year and a day to the time it takes for a zombie to re-compose.  A [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/resurrection resurrection] spell will bring the person associated with the zombie's corpse back to life, destroying the necromantic bond on its corpse.

Revision as of 19:54, 12 September 2015


Zombie Parts (CR 2)

Zombies are compelled to seek out and exterminate life wherever they find it. They do this by tearing, chewing and clawing what living things they find to death, spreading zombie rot as they go. But often times, life fights back. Zombie parts are those zombies which have had a rough time of things, but haven't given up their quest to quench all life from the world. These undead things can be any chunk of zombie flesh capable of rudimentary locomotion and some means of attacking. This means zombie parts are anything from a crawling hand, to a zombie that was cut in half at the torso (either half is a good zombie part, really). For game purposes, a zombie part is always treated as being capable of biting and clawing an enemy, and its actual features and description are purely illustrative.

When a normal CR2 Zombie is reduced to zero or fewer hit points, it spawns a single Zombie Part minion in its place, continuing its relentless pursuit of murder. Zombie parts can also be encountered in small packs, perhaps all originating from a few zombies that were previously left for dead.

Minions are typically encountered in larger numbers than a single opponent. Four minions is equal to a single creature of the same CR for purposes of creating encounters. This means that a typical party of 5 adventurers could encounter 20 minions as a single equal-CR encounter.


CR 2 Hit Dice 3

XP a single Zombie Part is worth 150 xp. A pack of four zombie parts is worth 600 xp. (Minion role included)

NE Small Undead

Init +1; Senses Standard Darkvision 60 ft., Sense Life 30 ft (as Weak Blindsense), Perception +5


AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 dex, +1 natural, +0 deflection)

hp 1 (Minion role included)

Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -


  • all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms)
  • disease, poison, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain
  • death effects, necromancy effects, sleep effects
  • nonlethal damage
  • paralysis, stunning, fatigue, exhaustion
  • any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless)

Weaknesses: Cannot heal damage on its own (if it has no Int), but healed by negative energy.


Speed 25 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Bite +5 (1d8+1/x2) plus Zombie Rot

Full Melee Bite +5 (1d8+1/x2) plus Zombie Rot, 2x Claws +5 (1d4/x2)

Ranged -

Special Attacks Zombie Rot

Action Points 0


Str 17, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 16

Feats -

Skills -

Languages -


Sense Life (Su)

Zombie Parts can sense life within 30 feet, and once detected, are unshakably persistent stalkers. This sense exists even if the zombie parts lack a head or other discernible sensory organs. The very flesh of a zombie is eager to terminate all life it can get within its grasp.

Zombie Rot (Su)

Any time a creature is bitten by a zombie part, he must make a Fort save, DC 12, or contract the Zombie Rot disease. Onset is 1d4 days, frequency 1/day, effect 1d2 Con, this damage cannot be healed while the creature is still infected. Cure requires 2 consecutive saves.

Anyone who is reduced to a zero Constitution while infected rises as a zombie in 2d6 hours. There are no visible warning signs that this transition has occurred other than the ongoing sickness, until the zombie begins trying to eat all his nearby friends.

Similarly, anyone killed by a zombie though damage will also rise as a zombie in 2d6 hours. If resurrection is cast on a zombie, it returns to life and is no longer a zombie.


Each zombie part has treasure with a sell value of 125 gp. A pack of four zombie parts has treasure with a sell value of 500 gp. (Minion role included)


Much like fully intact zombies, zombie parts use the tactic "get them". Zombie parts are mindless and will always attack the nearest living creature or the creature that most recently attacked them. If a quarry runs from them, they will chase them until they catch them, or until a new living creature is closer to them than their quarry. Zombie parts will chase prey forever, since they are immortal and really have nothing better to do. If they've defeated all prey they've sensed, they will shamble aimlessly until they detect new prey.

Zombie parts do not need eat, sleep or breathe. (Note that unlike Pathfinder zombies, zombie parts do NOT have the Staggered condition, and get a full action every round.)