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[[Category:Epic Path]][[Category:Bestiary]][[Category:CR 6]]
* ''Go back to the [[Epic Path]] page.''
<!-- Version 2.08 -->
* ''Go back to the [[Bestiary]] page.''

| CR=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|CR}}}
== Ankheg (CR 6) ==
| CR | 6
  <!-- Value: integer between 1 and 40. -->

The Ankheg is a massive insectoid beast whose depredations are cause for concern wherever they appear.  Ankhegs are powerful diggers and burrowers who pop up when they are least expected to grab prey and vanish with them.
| Min-CR = 3
| Max-CR = 11

Ankheg incursions prompt full-scale responses from local authorities and are cause for extensive bughunts wherever they are found.
| MonsterName=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|MonsterName}}}
| MonsterName | Ankheg

Ankhegs are brown and black beetle-like monsters ten to fifteen feet long, well equipped with biting mandibles, gripping legs, and acidic sprays of clinging glue.  Even for their size, Ankhegs are enormously strong.
| Image=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Image}}}
| Image | Ankheg_1.png
  <!-- Value: file name and extension only    -->

=== General ===
| Caption=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Caption}}}
'''CR''' 6  '''Hit Dice''' 9
| Caption |
  <!-- Optional: inserts hover text for the image. If left blank, will insert the monster's name. -->

'''XP''' 2,400
| Role=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Role}}}
| Role |
  <!-- Values: Heavy, Killer, Leader, Legend, Minion, Shooter, Skirmisher, Sneak, Swarm, Tank, Threat, Villain, or leave blank -->

N Large Magical Beast

'''Init''' +3; '''Senses''' darkvision 60 ft., low-light 120 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., Perception +9
  <!-- Prevent this monster from being assigned certain roles in MMM -->
| Restrict-Role-No-Role =
| Restrict-Role-Heavy =
| Restrict-Role-Killer =
| Restrict-Role-Leader =
| Restrict-Role-Legend =
| Restrict-Role-Minion =
| Restrict-Role-Shooter =
| Restrict-Role-Skirmisher =
| Restrict-Role-Sneak =
| Restrict-Role-Swarm =
| Restrict-Role-Tank =
| Restrict-Role-Threat =
| Restrict-Role-Villain =
  <!-- Values: Y or leave blank -->

=== Defense ===
| Pattern1=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Pattern1}}}
'''AC''' 24, '''touch''' 15, '''flat-footed''' 20 (+4 armor, +4 dex, +5 natural, +1 deflection)
| Pattern1 |
  <!-- Use to assign a Pattern to the monster, which will alter its effective CR.  Or leave blank. -->

'''hp''' 82
| Pattern2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Pattern2}}}
| Pattern2 |
  <!-- Use to assign a second Pattern to the monster, which will further alter its effective CR.  Or leave blank. -->

'''Fort''' +9, '''Ref''' +5, '''Will''' +5

'''Aura:''' -
| Description=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Description}}}
| Description | The ankheg is a massive insectoid beast whose depredations are cause for concern wherever they appear.  Ankhegs are powerful diggers and burrowers who pop up when they are least expected to grab prey and vanish with them.

'''SR:''' -  
Ankheg incursions prompt full-scale responses from local authorities and are cause for extensive bug-hunts wherever they are found.

'''Special Defenses:''' -
Ankhegs are brown and black beetle-like monsters ten to fifteen feet long, well equipped with biting mandibles, gripping legs, and acidic sprays of clinging glue.  Even for their size, ankhegs are enormously strong.

'''Immunities:''' -
| Alignment=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Alignment}}}
| Alignment | Neutral
  <!-- Values: Lawful Good, True Lawful, Lawful Evil, Pure Good, Neutral, Pure Evil, Chaotic Good, True Chaotic, Chaotic Evil -->

'''Weaknesses:''' -
| Size=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Size}}}
| Size | Large
  <!-- Values: Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal, Titanic -->

=== Offense ===
| Type=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Type}}}
'''Speed''' 30 ft., burrow 20ft.
| Type | Magical Beast
  <!-- Values: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Incorporeal, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Undead, Vermin -->

'''Space / Reach:'''  10 ft. / 5 ft.
| Subtype=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype}}}
| Subtype |
  <!-- If second monster type: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Incorporeal, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Undead, Vermin -->
  <!-- If Humanoid: Duergar, Giant, Gloom, Gnoll, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Maenad, Norker, Orc, Somber Crool, Troglodyte, Vampire Thrall -->
  <!-- If Outsider: Air, Chaotic, Demon, Devil, Earth, Elemental, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Native, Water -->
  <!-- Only one entry in this field. If multiple options exist, choose the most important/appropriate one. -->
  <!-- Otherwise leave blank. -->

'''Single Melee''' Bite +11 (1d8+7/x2) Acid
| Subtype2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype2}}}
| Subtype2 |

'''Full Melee''' Bite +11 (1d8+7/x2), 2x Claws +11 (1d6+2/x2) + Grab
| Subtype3=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype3}}}
| Subtype3 |

'''Ranged''' none, but see Vomit Acid
| Subtype4=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype4}}}
| Subtype4 |

'''Special Attacks''' Grab, Eat and Run, Vomit Acid
| Subtype5=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype5}}}
| Subtype5 |

'''Action Points''' 0
| NudgeBasicLoreValue=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|NudgeBasicLoreValue}}}
| NudgeBasicLoreValue|
  <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the basic knowledge check for this monster -->
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

=== Statistics ===
| NudgeFullLoreValue=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|NudgeFullLoreValue}}}
Str 24, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
| NudgeFullLoreValue|
  <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the full knowledge check for this monster -->
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

'''Base Atk''' +6; '''CMB''' +10 (+14 for grabs); '''CMD''' 20
| NudgeInit = 1
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->

'''Feats''' Improved Grab (EFFECT: +4 CMB for grabs; does not provoke)
  <!-- SENSES -->
  <!-- These senses have no ranges; the monster either has them (Value: "Y") or doesn't (leave blank) -->
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Vision =
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Sound =
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Smell =
| Sense-Has-Low-Light-Vision =

'''Skills''' Stealth +9
  <!-- These senses require ranges; if the monster has them, list the range in feet (just the number only),
        or leave blank if the monster doesn't possess the sense in question.            -->
| Sense-Darkvision-Range = 60
| Sense-Heartsight-Range =
| Sense-Keen-Hearing-Range =
| Sense-Precise-Hearing-Range =
| Sense-Echolocation-Range =
| Sense-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Keen-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Perfect-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Airsense-Range =
| Sense-Blindsense-Range =
| Sense-Cloudsense-Range =
| Sense-Lifesense-Range =
| Sense-Mindsense-Range =
| Sense-Tremorsense-Range = 60
| Sense-Watersense-Range =

'''Languages''' None
  <!-- If you want custom text in the 'Senses' field, use the field below, or leave blank -->
| Senses-Custom-Text =

=== Special Abilities ===
; Grab (Ex)
If it successfully hits with a claw attack during a full attack, the Ankheg may use Grab as a free action to initiate a Grapple attack with up to one size medium or smaller creature. The Ankheg may roll to sustain this grapple each round as a free action, but as long as it has a creature grabbed, it cannot make further Claw attacks.

; Eat and Run (Ex)
| NudgePerception =
When the Ankheg has a creature grabbed, it may, as a full attack, make a bite attack on that creature and move up to half its movement rate, either overland or by burrowing.  Most Ankhegs will use Eat and Run to retreat back down the tunnel they bored to make their surprise attack.
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->

; Vomit Acid (Ex)
| NudgeAC =
Once per encounter the Ankheg may, as a standard action, vomit acid over a large area. Vomit Acid is a 30 foot cone that does 3d6+1 damage and inflicts the [[Slowed]] condition.  Affected creatures are allowed to make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 16 to reduce the damage by half and avoid the [[Slowed]] condition.
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

=== Treasure ===
| Nudge-Maneuver-Defense =  
sell value of approximately 1,875 gp
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

=== Combat Tactics ===
| Maneuver-Defense-Notes =  
Ankhegs are great burrowers, able to create ten foot diameter tunnels when burrowing at half speed.  They can only burrow through soft soil, which is why they are usually encountered in forests, grasslands, farmland, and the like.  Ankhegs will use their tremorsense, laying up to twenty feet deep below the surface, and when they feel prey walking above will burrow after them stealthily until they stop.
  <!-- Values: Text about specific bonuses to Maneuver Defense (e.g. "+4 vs Grapples") -->
| NudgeHitPoints =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Added to the base HP total (after role, if any) -->
<!--  SAVING THROWS  -->
| Fort = S
| Refl =
| Will =
  <!-- Values: S (for Strong save), leave blank for Weak save
        * Most monsters have 1 strong save and 2 weak saves
        * Heavies, Tanks, Threats and Villains have 2 strong saves
        * Dragons have 3 strong saves                              -->
| NudgeFort =
| NudgeRefl =
| NudgeWill =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3                  -->
| SpecialDefenses =
  <!-- Put any DR or ER values here -->
| StrongAgainst =
  <!-- Put any 'immunity' or 'hardened' values here;
        immunities based on type (e.g. Vermin) or role (e.g. Threat) are automatically added
          '''''Hardened (1/2 damage):'''''
          '''''Immune (no effect):'''''                                                                  -->
| Hide-Role-Strong-Against-1 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for role (if any))    -->
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-1 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-2 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-3 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-4 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-5 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-6 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type (if any))    -->
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-1 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-2 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-3 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-4 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-5 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-6 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for subtype (if any)) -->
| WeakAgainst =
  <!-- Put any 'vulnerable' or 'defenseless' values here;
        vulnerabilities based on type (e.g. Vermin) are automatically added
          '''''Vulnerable (1.5x damage):'''''
          '''''Defenseless (2x damage):'''''                                                              -->
| Hide-Type-Weak-Against-1 =
| Hide-Subtype-Weak-Against-1 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type and/or subtype (if any)) -->
  <!-- MOVE TYPES -->
  <!-- If the monster has a given movement type, list the speed, in feet (just the number only), below;
        if they don't have that movement type, leave it blank                    -->
| Move-Type-Walk-Speed = 30
| Move-Type-Burrowing-Speed =
| Move-Type-Tunneling-Speed = 30
| Move-Type-Earth-Glide-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Climb-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Climb-Speed =
| Move-Type-Brachiating-Speed =
| Move-Type-Vaulting-Speed =
| Move-Type-Hover-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Flight-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Flight-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Swim-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Swim-Speed =
| Move-Type-Jet-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Teleport-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Teleport-Speed =
  <!-- If you want custom text in the 'Move Type' field, use the field below, or leave blank -->
| Move-Type-Custom-Text =
| NudgeSpace =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.
        NOTE: If role is "Swarm", only put the space occupied by the COMPONENT CREATURE, NOT the space of the swarm, troop, or horde.
        NOTE: Swarms default to 10 feet. Troops default to 15 ft. + the normal space for the component creature size (e.g. 20 ft. for size medium) -->
| NudgeReach = -1
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.
        NOTE: If role is "Swarm", only put the reach of the COMPONENT CREATURE, NOT the reach of the swarm, troop, or horde.
        NOTE: Swarms default to 0 ft. Troops default to the normal reach for the component creature size (e.g. 5 ft. for size medium) -->
| MeleeOrNatural = Natural
  <!-- REQUIRED; Values: "Melee" (has ONLY a Primary attack), or "Natural" (has Pri and Sec attacks) -->
| MultipliedDamageType =
  <!-- Roles only (leave blank if no role); Values: "Attacks" (+atks/rnd), "Damage" (+damage/rnd), or "Hybrid" (default; both +atks/+dmg) -->
| PriAtkName = Bite
  <!-- name of primary attack, weapons or natural attacks (e.g. "Longsword" or "Bite") -->
| Pri-Atk-Dmg-Type = acid
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| PriAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| PriAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Primary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces PriAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Pri-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Pri-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Pri-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| PriAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgePriToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgePriDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-PriDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Pri-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| SecAtkName = Claw
  <!-- name of secondary attack, natural attacks only (e.g. "Claw"); leave blank for none -->
| Sec-Atk-Dmg-Type = slashing
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| SecAtkNotes = plus Grab
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| SecAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Secondary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces SecAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Sec-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Sec-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Sec-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| SecAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeSecToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeSecDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-SecDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Sec-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| TerAtkName =
  <!-- Roles only; name of tertiary attack (e.g. "Shield Bash" or "Tail Slap"); damage equal to primary attack; leave blank for none -->
| Ter-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| TerAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| TerAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Tertiary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces TerAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Ter-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Ter-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Ter-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| TerAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeTerToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeTerDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-TerDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Ter-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| QuaAtkName =
  <!-- Roles w/natural attacks only; name of quaternary attack (e.g. "Wing Slam"); damage equal to secondary attack; leave blank for none -->
| Qua-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| QuaAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| QuaAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Quaternary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces QuaAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Qua-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Qua-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Qua-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| QuaAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeQuaToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeQuaDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-QuaDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Qua-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| RangedAtkName =
  <!-- Name of ranged attack (e.g. "Longbow" or "Hurled Rock"); if blank, monster has no ranged attack -->
| HasRangedFullAttack =
  <!-- Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| RangedAtkIncrementDistance =
  <!-- Range increment in feet (e.g. 20 ft.); -2 to hit per increment after first -->
| RangedAtkNumberOfIncrements = 
  <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
| Ranged-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| RangedAtkNotes = 
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| RangedAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Ranged Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces RangedAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Ranged-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD RANGED Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
| Override-Ranged-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL RANGED Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
| Ranged-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| RangedAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeRangedToHit =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeRangedDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-RangedDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Ranged-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| Nudge-Maneuver-Offense =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Maneuver-Offense-Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about specific bonuses to Maneuver Offense (e.g. "+2 on Trips") -->
| SiegeDmgCapable =
  <!-- Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no); use for monsters which can destroy fortifications -->
| SiegeAtkName =
  <!-- Name of siege attack (e.g. "Bite" or "Hurled Rock") -->
| SiegeAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "vs. all targets in 20 feet of impact", etc.) -->
| Override-Siege-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for SIEGE Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| SiegeAtkIncrement =
  <!-- Only used if this field is not blank; Range increment in feet (e.g. 20); number only (i.e. don't include "ft."); max range is calculated from this -->
| SiegeAtkNumberOfIncrements =
  <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
| Nudge-Siege-Maneuver-Offense =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeSiegeDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Str = 24
| Dex = 10
| Con = 16
| Int = 1
| Wis = 13
| Cha = 6
<!--  FEATS  -->
| Feat1 =
| Feat2 =
| Feat3 =
| Feat4 =
  <!-- Just the feat name; will be autolinked, and ShortDesc added -->
<!--  SKILLS  -->
| Skill1 = Stealth
| Skill2 = Movement
| Skill3 =
| Skill4 =
| Skill5 =
| NudgeSkill1 =
| NudgeSkill2 = 2
| NudgeSkill3 =
| NudgeSkill4 =
| NudgeSkill5 =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->
| Skill1Notes =
| Skill2Notes =
| Skill3Notes =
| Skill4Notes =
| Skill5Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about conditional bonuses to skill (e.g. "+4 while in tall grass") -->
<!--  LANGUAGES  -->
| Languages =
  <!-- Comma-separated list -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 1  -->
| Ability-1-Name = Grab
| Ability-1-Type = Ex
  <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance" -->
| Ability-1-Action-Required = Free Action after successful attack
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-1-Concentration =
  <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will auto-detect Combat Casting and include it -->
| Ability-1-Description = If it successfully hits with a claw attack during a full attack, the ankheg may use Grab as a free action to initiate a Grapple [[combat maneuver]] with up to one size medium or smaller creature, by rolling its [[Maneuver Offense]] (1d20 + {{Maneuver-Offense}}). If the roll equals or exceeds the target's Maneuver Defense, the target becomes [[Grabbed]]. The ankheg may roll to sustain this grapple each round as a free action, but as long as it has a creature grabbed, it cannot make further claw attacks (with any of its claws).
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 2  -->
| Ability-2-Name = Eat and Run
| Ability-2-Type = Ex
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-2-Action-Required = Full Attack Action, with conditions
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-2-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-2-Description = When the ankheg has a creature [[grabbed]], it may, as a full attack action, make a bite attack on that creature and move up to half its movement rate, either overland or by burrowing.  Most ankhegs will use Eat and Run to retreat back down the tunnel they bored to make their surprise attack.
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 3  -->
| Ability-3-Name = Vomit Acid
| Ability-3-Type = Ex
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-3-Action-Required = Standard Action 1/Enc
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-3-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-3-Description = Once per encounter the Ankheg may, as a standard action, vomit acid over a large area.  Vomit Acid is a 30 foot cone that does {{Special-Standard-Dmg}} points of {{dmg|acid}} damage and inflicts the [[Slowed]] condition.  Affected creatures are allowed to make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of {{Save-DC}} to reduce the damage by half and avoid the [[Slowed]] condition.
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->
| Ability-4-Name =
| Ability-4-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-4-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-4-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-4-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 5  -->
| Ability-5-Name =
| Ability-5-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-5-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-5-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-5-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =  
| Save-Mod =  
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 6  -->
| Ability-6-Name =
| Ability-6-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-6-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-6-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-6-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 7  -->
| Ability-7-Name =
| Ability-7-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-7-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-7-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-7-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 8  -->
| Ability-8-Name =
| Ability-8-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-8-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-8-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-8-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 9  -->
| Ability-9-Name =
| Ability-9-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-9-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-9-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-9-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom resurrection power for Heavies, Tanks,
        Threats, and Villains, replacing the rez power that they get by default.
        This ability will only appear if this monster is designated as a Heavy, Tank
        Threat, or Villain role.  All other times, it will be invisible.                    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this
        monster is given the "Killer" role.  Any other time, this ability will be invisible.
        It does not replace any of the default powers that killers normally get.            -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Description =  
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Leader" role. It replaces the default "Shouted Command" power, which
        lets Leaders give an ally a Standard Action once per round as a Free Action.
        Leave this blank if you want the "Shouted Command" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Leader" role.                                                  -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Name =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Type =  
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Legend" role. It replaces the default "Lash Out" power, which
        grants Legends a bonus attack action each round, but only against a fresh target.
        Leave this blank if you want the "Lash Out" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Legend" role.                                                  -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Minion" role. It replaces the default "Packed Like Sardines" power,
        which allows minions to squeeze into the same space with another minion without
        penalty. Leave this blank if you want the "Packed Like Sardines" power to appear
        when this monster is designated as a "Minion" role.                                -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Shooter" role. It replaces the default "Deadshot" power, which allows
        shooters to use any of their other special abilities at range, even if they are
        normally melee only.  Leave this blank if you want the "Deadshot" power to appear
        when this monster is designated as a "Shooter" role.                                -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this
        monster is given the "Skirmisher" role.  Any other time, this ability will be
        invisible. It does not replace any of the default powers that skirmishers
        normally get.                                                                      -->
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Sneak" role. It replaces the default "Flash Bomb!" power, which allows
        sneaks to initiate a stealth stance even while observed (hide in plain sight).
        Leave this blank if you want the "Flash Bomb!" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Sneak" role.                                                    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Swarm" role. It replaces the default "Personal Space Issues" power
        (or the "Darken The Sky" power, if it is a Troop), which allows swarms to inflict
        the Distracted condition when they damage a foe (or it grants an area of affect
        ranged attack if it is a troop). Leave this blank if you want the "Personal Space
        Issues" or "Darken the Sky" power to appear when this monster is designated as a
        "Swarm" role.                                                                      -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action,
        Free Action, Immediate Action, Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At
        Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
| CombatTactics = Ankhegs are great burrowers, able to create ten foot diameter tunnels when burrowing at half speed.  They can only burrow through soft soil, which is why they are usually encountered in forests, grasslands, farmland, and the like.  Ankhegs will use their tremor sense, laying up to twenty feet deep below the surface, and when they feel prey walking above will burrow after them stealthily until they stop.

Ankhegs will then burrow slowly upward, making a tunnel, and attack with surprise if they are able to.  They will typically do a full attack if they can, grab prey, and use their Eat and Run power to retreat back down their tunnel.  if pursued, they will vomit acid down the tunnel and burrow away while their pursuers are slowed.  if they have to drop prey to flee at full speed, they will do so.
Ankhegs will then burrow slowly upward, making a tunnel, and attack with surprise if they are able to.  They will typically do a full attack if they can, grab prey, and use their Eat and Run power to retreat back down their tunnel.  if pursued, they will vomit acid down the tunnel and burrow away while their pursuers are slowed.  if they have to drop prey to flee at full speed, they will do so.
Line 84: Line 1,432:
Nests of ankhegs may have large networks of tunnels, interconnected seemingly at random.  Cleaning out such a nest of ankheg tunnels is a nightmare-inducing experience, to say the least, with the monstrous bugs attacking straight out of the walls.
Nests of ankhegs may have large networks of tunnels, interconnected seemingly at random.  Cleaning out such a nest of ankheg tunnels is a nightmare-inducing experience, to say the least, with the monstrous bugs attacking straight out of the walls.

Those who survive can usually sell the Ankheg's chitin for 1600 to 2000 gp per ankheg slain.
<!--  OUT OF COMBAT    -->
| OutOfCombat = Ankhegs are analogous to huge, carnivorous, termites. Unfortunately, that analogy can extend to their numbers. Ankhegs reproduce at a considerable rate for something as large as they are, and if they are left undisturbed, they will develop colonies of mind-boggling size and depth. If an infestation of Ankhegs is reported, the vile things must be confronted and burned out, exterminated entirely, before a large nest can develop. An Ankheg infestation can become so bad that truly desperate measures may be required, such as baiting a Bulette into their habitat. A Bulette can and will exterminate an entire Ankheg nest in a furious gory bacchanal of murderous fury, but once the Ankhegs have been eliminated, you are left with a bored Bulette. This is a terrible state of affairs. It is better to simply exterminate the Ankhegs through the application of heroes.
<!--  TREASURE AND XP  -->
| TreasureNotes =
| XPNotes =

Latest revision as of 20:30, 14 January 2023

Ankheg (CR 6)

Neutral - Large - Magical Beast
Lore: Know (Arcana)
12 27
Basic DC Full DC
Initiative Icon 2.png
20 +10
Passive Active
on a d20


Movement Types:


Shield Icon 3.png
Man Def
Shield Icon 3.png
Monster Health
81 40 9
Hit Points Bloodied Hit Dice
Saving Throws
Fort: +9
Refl: +4
Will: +4

Strong Against:

Weak Against:


Size: Large
10 ft. 5 ft.
Space Reach
Sword Icon 3.png
Man Off
Sword Icon 3.png

Standard Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Bite +10 (1d10+9/x2)
    as acid (energy, common)

Full Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Bite +10 (1d10+9/x2)
    as acid (energy, common)
  • 2x Claw +10 (1d6+4/x2)
    as slashing (physical, common)
    plus Grab

Standard Attack (Ranged):

Full Attack (Ranged):

Siege Damage: Not siege capable






Special Abilities

Grab (Ex) Free Action after successful attack

If it successfully hits with a claw attack during a full attack, the ankheg may use Grab as a free action to initiate a Grapple combat maneuver with up to one size medium or smaller creature, by rolling its Maneuver Offense (1d20 + 10). If the roll equals or exceeds the target's Maneuver Defense, the target becomes Grabbed. The ankheg may roll to sustain this grapple each round as a free action, but as long as it has a creature grabbed, it cannot make further claw attacks (with any of its claws).

Eat and Run (Ex) Full Attack Action, with conditions

When the ankheg has a creature grabbed, it may, as a full attack action, make a bite attack on that creature and move up to half its movement rate, either overland or by burrowing. Most ankhegs will use Eat and Run to retreat back down the tunnel they bored to make their surprise attack.

Vomit Acid (Ex) Standard Action 1/Enc

Once per encounter the Ankheg may, as a standard action, vomit acid over a large area. Vomit Acid is a 30 foot cone that does 1d8+6 points of acid (energy, common) damage and inflicts the Slowed condition. Affected creatures are allowed to make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 18 to reduce the damage by half and avoid the Slowed condition.



The ankheg is a massive insectoid beast whose depredations are cause for concern wherever they appear. Ankhegs are powerful diggers and burrowers who pop up when they are least expected to grab prey and vanish with them.

Ankheg incursions prompt full-scale responses from local authorities and are cause for extensive bug-hunts wherever they are found.

Ankhegs are brown and black beetle-like monsters ten to fifteen feet long, well equipped with biting mandibles, gripping legs, and acidic sprays of clinging glue. Even for their size, ankhegs are enormously strong.

Combat Tactics

Ankhegs are great burrowers, able to create ten foot diameter tunnels when burrowing at half speed. They can only burrow through soft soil, which is why they are usually encountered in forests, grasslands, farmland, and the like. Ankhegs will use their tremor sense, laying up to twenty feet deep below the surface, and when they feel prey walking above will burrow after them stealthily until they stop.

Ankhegs will then burrow slowly upward, making a tunnel, and attack with surprise if they are able to. They will typically do a full attack if they can, grab prey, and use their Eat and Run power to retreat back down their tunnel. if pursued, they will vomit acid down the tunnel and burrow away while their pursuers are slowed. if they have to drop prey to flee at full speed, they will do so.

Nests of ankhegs may have large networks of tunnels, interconnected seemingly at random. Cleaning out such a nest of ankheg tunnels is a nightmare-inducing experience, to say the least, with the monstrous bugs attacking straight out of the walls.

Out of Combat

Ankhegs are analogous to huge, carnivorous, termites. Unfortunately, that analogy can extend to their numbers. Ankhegs reproduce at a considerable rate for something as large as they are, and if they are left undisturbed, they will develop colonies of mind-boggling size and depth. If an infestation of Ankhegs is reported, the vile things must be confronted and burned out, exterminated entirely, before a large nest can develop. An Ankheg infestation can become so bad that truly desperate measures may be required, such as baiting a Bulette into their habitat. A Bulette can and will exterminate an entire Ankheg nest in a furious gory bacchanal of murderous fury, but once the Ankhegs have been eliminated, you are left with a bored Bulette. This is a terrible state of affairs. It is better to simply exterminate the Ankhegs through the application of heroes.


XP: 2,400

Treasure: Sellable Goods worth 2,125 gp.

Weight: 60 lbs.     Volume: 2.4 cu. ft.

Optional Treasure Rules: Roll a d20 on Table 1 below once per encounter (NOT per creature). Any items discovered are in addition to the normal treasure for the encounter.

Table 1: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 10 Nothing Found
11 - 14 1 Languid Remnant (tier 1)
15 - 17 1 Pale Remnant (tier 2)
18 - 19 1 Bright Remnant (tier 3)
20 Roll on Table 2
### Nothing to see here!
### Or here. Move along.
Table 2: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Languid Remnants (tier 1)
6 - 10 3 Pale Remnants (tier 2)
11 - 14 1 Intense Remnant (tier 4)
15 - 17 1 Blazing Remnant (tier 5)
18 - 19 1 Vital Remnant (tier 6)
20 Roll on Table 3
### Or here. Move along.
Table 3: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Bright Remnants (tier 3)
6 - 8 3 Intense Remnants (tier 4)
9 - 11 3 Blazing Remnants (tier 5)
12 - 14 3 Vital Remnants (tier 6)
15 - 17 1 Prime Remnant (tier 7)
18 - 19 1 Mythic Remnant (tier 8)
20 1 Empyrean Remnant (tier 9)