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Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, or Neutral Evil
Alignment: True Lawful, Lawful Evil, or Pure Evil
Skills: 1 rank Knowledge:Karena
Skills: 1 rank Knowledge:Karena
Spells: Able to cast 1st level Cleric spells.
Spells: Able to cast 1st level Cleric spells.

Latest revision as of 02:07, 28 November 2019

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Contrivers of Karena

The worship of Karena is widespread in the cities of the Empire, and Her church is widespread, wealthy and influential. Even though Karena makes no secret of her evil, very little stigma has attached to her, perhaps because of her steadfast (and very public) opposition to Puellor and Quellada. Of course, she also works just as hard to stamp out the Revelers of Corellan and would cheerfully do away with Lurain if she dared, but the church is very careful to keep those activities secret. Contrivers also serve the Empire as Justiciaries and will provide truthsaying services for a fee. The veracity of these services is absolute, since the Church will not risk it's reputation by lying about something that could be caught. The temples of Karena are grand affairs of stone, similar in many respects to the Cathedrals of Domana, except even more stark in their sterile perfection of form. The church of Karena suffered a great setback several thousand years ago, when Karena was known as the Consort of Domana. Karena has been the paramour of the Powerful God for most of the Empire's history, and the two of them have administered the affairs of the Celegian people through trials and travails without number. A little more than five thousand years ago, Domana was lured away from Karena's side by a relative newcomer to the pantheon, Lurain. This is known as the Great Betrayal among the annals of Karena's history, and the Contrivers are tasked to win back the affections of the Powerful One at any cost. In the past, Karena has opposed Lurain directly and wound up driving Domana into a rage in her defense. Karena suspects Teb and Lyreth had a hand in that whole affair, but even she is unable to ferret out the truth of the matter with both the Wise and the Sly opposing her. This particular conflict has evolved into one of the longest running and tense feuds in Imperial history.

The largest sect of the church of Karena is that of the Plotters. These worshippers are the schemers and planners of the world, and many politicians, nobles, soldiers, and merchants are devout lay members of the Plotters sect. Without a doubt the largest concentration of Plotters is within the Imperial Palace in Celegia, and their plottings are Byzantine and bewildering in their intensity. Without Contrivers the machinery of the Empire would grind to a halt, as the filing system is somewhat haphazard.

The next sect of Contrivers is a small and secretive one, that of the Slayers. The evil aspect of Karena gains full expression in this aspect. Slayers are just as much plotters and schemers as are the Plotters, but they also delight in murder, and most of their efforts are bent toward carefully elaborate schemes to do just that. The more convoluted and intricate the plan is, and the more insulated the Slayer is from reprisal, the better it is liked. Slayers manuever enemies into duels against one another, fix accidents, manipulate simpletons into murder, use elaborate two and three part poisons, trump up charges, and generally fight using every dirty and underhanded trick there is. Slayers are often assassins, and any Temple of Karena has a Slayer sect, usually engaged in one or more vendettas against enemies of the Church.

The Keepers Sect of Karena is one of the largest and most popular, since they are involved in the distribution and safeguarding of knowledge. Wisdoms of Teb dismiss the Keepers as "amateur gossips", but in truth they are amazingly well informed about most events. The main problem with the Keepers is the fact that they feel as if information shouldn't be shared, and getting them to divulge a useful tidbit can be a real chore. Many wealthy merchants actively cultivate favor with the Keepers, and they provide the majority of the usable income the Church has access to. The Keepers are also one of the least liked sects inside the Church, as they are always snooping in others affairs, although the Slayers sect is most often left alone.

The Whisperer Sect is another small but public sect, and most are glad they are not more numerous. The weapons of the Whisperers are words, and they are demonically effective with them. Whisperers craft a careful web of truth, partial truth, divulged secrets, and lies to ensnare their victims and advance their cause. Rumors, gossip, false accusations, and public excoriation has brought down some of the most powerful people in the Empire, and the whisperes are by far the most politically active sect in Celegia, and are astoundingly influential. Many cooperate with them due to clever blackmail, or to avoid disclosure, or to simply keep them at bay.

Karena does not allow splinter sects or heresies. That would be untidy and hazardous. Karena is surprisingly popular among the masses, and her cathedrals are well patronized. Most of these worshippers are ordinary people who are petitioning the Keeper of Secrets for aid with various problems. Karena demands her worshippers aid all those who come in this way, and even though it galls them, Contrivers provide healing upon request when it is available. Of course, being wealthy and making an appointment increases the odds of that. . . . Karena is known for the fact that her healing is often of higher quality than that available from other temples, a fiction which the Contrivers are careful to maintain. In truth, the presentation and showmanship of the Contrivers is superb, but the actual healing powers they possess are no better or worse than any of the Gods, and the Philiates of Lurain are actually more able. This fact merely adds to Karena's rage, but she is far too cold and calculating to allow it to affect her activities in resuming her place as Domana's consort. Karena realizes she must become more popular, since the Philiates of Lurain outnumber her followers tremendously.

The leader of the Church is the Ideal Paradigm of Contrivance, Madame Elaine Perea Calstare.

Duties: Contrivers are required to be actively involved in manipulating the populace in which they reside. Contrivers are expected to achieve positions of power and use them to further the aims of Karena. Contrivers should work through intermediaries, blackmail, etc. whenever possible, although direct action is certainly not disallowed. The ideal position is to be the "power behind the throne".

Other Limitations: Contrivers are required to never present their true selves to anyone if they can possibly avoid it. Their lives are lived from behind masks of deception and so they often have entirely separate professions and even identities. From behind these masks Contrivers further their plots but are never allowed close human contact.

Karena's Colors: The raiment of Karena is Dark Blue, Orange, Black, and Grey.

Hit Dice: d8


Alignment: True Lawful, Lawful Evil, or Pure Evil Skills: 1 rank Knowledge:Karena Spells: Able to cast 1st level Cleric spells. Special: Must have Karena as patron deity.

Class Skills

The Contrivers' class skills (and key ability for each skill) are

Skill Points: 2 per level + Int Modifier

Advancement Table

Level BAB Fort Refl Will Special Spells per Day

Class Features Weapons and Armor: Contrivers may use no metallic armor and may not use shields. For weapons they may use a garrote, dagger, knife, club, or sap, in addition to any miscellaneous magic item usable by either a Priest or Rogue.

Divine Domains: Charm, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Nobility, Rune, Summoner

Contrivers are immune to all Charms and Charm-like powers, always making their saves. As well, Contrivers are granted permanent invulnerability to all forms of mind reading, whether by spell, psionics, power, skill, or device, equal to the protection offered by the Mage spell Mind Blank. At third level they are granted the power of Clairvoyance, as the spell, 3 times per day. At 5th level they gain the power to conceal a lie 3 times per day. This power does not make the lie any more believable, it merely renders it undetectable. At 7th level they gain the power of Clairaudience, as the spell, 3 times per day. At 9th level Contrivers gain their most feared power, the slaying touch. Once per day they may attempt to kill merely by touching a targets skin. The touch inflicts 2 points of damage per level of the Contriver, with no saving throw allowed. If used in combat, the Contriver does need to score a hit with the bare hand. At 15th level the slaying touch may be delayed so that it acts after the Contriver has left the victim. It may be delayed up to 1 round per 5 levels of the Contriver. At llth level, Contrivers gain complete immunity to poisons. At 13th level, they gain their final power, the honeyed words ability. This ability allows the contriver to Charm Person as the spell three times per day, merely by talking to the victim. There is a saving throw allowed, but this power is undetectable unless magical means are employed.