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This is a list of all the miscellaneous equipment available in the game, either for sale, or as craftable items.  Note that a wide variety of [[Adventuring Gear]] exists as well, which encompasses the more common gear adventurers might be interested in.
This is a list of all the miscellaneous equipment available in the game, either for sale, or as craftable items.  Note that a wide variety of [[Adventuring Gear]] exists as well, which encompasses the more common gear adventurers might be interested in.

* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
A small wooden frame with several metal rods, each containing a number of beads.  The beads represent numbers and each rod represents a different decimal place.  Abacuses are used to add, subtract, multiply or divide numbers quickly and accurately.  Using an abacus grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (Logic) when performing any mathematical calculations.
===Acrobat's Pillar===
* '''Cost:''' 50 gp
* '''Weight:''' 40 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
A large, spring-driven mechanical dummy which can allow a character to practice tumbling through threatened squares.  The arms and 'weapons' of the dummy do not move with enough force to inflict any damage, but do sting enough to drive a lesson home.  Winding up the pillar takes a minute, and the dummy will flail about madly for 10 minutes afterward. Using the pillar for 1 hour of practice grants a +2 circumstance bonus to any Acrobatics check made to avoid attacks of opportunity provoked by the character's movement through an opponent's threatened area for the next 23 hours.
===Air Bladder===
* '''Cost:''' 1 sp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Tanner)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
This simple leather bag is air-tight, and has a rubber valve at its opening, allowing the user to store air inside.  The bladder can be used underwater to draw additional breaths of air, allowing the character to stay underwater longer than normal.  A character can take a full-round action to breathe the air in the bladder, effectively resetting their CON checks against drowning. This 'reset' can only be done once before the bladder needs to be refilled, though for a high-CON character, this can add minutes to the length of time they stay underwater.  Note that while an air bladder is lightweight, it is somewhat bulky, taking up nearly a cubic foot of space.
===Alchemical Crucible===
* '''Cost:''' 20 gp
* '''Weight:''' 30 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
An alchemical crucible is a small cauldron which can be used to evenly heat alchemical compounds. The crucible can withstand very high heats, and hold up to 3 gallons of liquids at a time.
===Alchemical Filter===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
An alchemical filter is a glass funnel, often fitted with porous paper or cheesecloth to separate particulates from a liquid before putting it into a crucible or retort.  Plus, they make your chemistry set look really cool.  Now you just need some tesla coils and a hunchbacked sociopath, and you're all set.
===Alchemical Retort===
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A retort is a spherical container with a long, downward-pointing neck.  Heated materials which sublimate (turn gaseous) will condensate at the top of the neck and then the condensate will flow out the neck to another container.  This allows materials to be separated by their lighter and heavier components.  Retorts are also sometimes referred to as alembics, and can be used for distilling.
===Altar, Portable===
* '''Cost:''' 250 gp
* '''Weight:''' 40 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
A finely carved and decorated wooden box which can be unfolded into an altar for religious ceremonies or divine enchanting (item creation, via the [[Creator]] feat).  When not unfolded, there is space in the 'box' to store candles and other sacramental objects relevant to the owner's faith.  Each altar is hand-made for the individual requesting it, though sometimes portable altars can be found for sale for the most predominant gods of the region.
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 10-100 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
A steel anvil designed to allow metal smithing.  The anvil is the place a metal object is rested upon while it is shaped with a hammer (and sometimes a tetch). Anvils offer a flat surface (the face) for forming flat objects, a rounded horn used to form rounded or shaped objects, a square hole where punching and specialized shaping tools can be inserted to create a surface for even more specialized shapes (the square hole is called a hardie hole). Metals to be formed on the anvil are usually heated in a forge first, although cold-forging is also possible.  Anvils are used by blacksmiths, silversmiths and any other smith working with any kind of metal.  Anvils come in multiple sizes from very small (around fist-sized), to quite large (the size of a large dog).

===Apron, Leather===
===Apron, Leather===
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** '''Check DC:''' 5
** '''Check DC:''' 5

A leather apron is made of very thick treated leather, meant to protect the wearer from the many hazards of their work, whether that be the flying bone shards a butcher might create while butch-ing, or splatters of molten metal a smith might create during forging.  A leather apron provides the wearer DR 1/- and ER 1/-, but only for purposes of using a Profession skill or the Creator skill.  Leather aprons have no combat utility, since they only cover the torso and upper legs of the front of the wearer.  They do not protect the wearer's face, head, neck or back.
A leather apron is made of very thick treated leather, meant to protect the wearer from the many hazards of their work, whether that be the flying bone shards a butcher might create while butch-ing, or splatters of molten metal a smith might create during forging.  A leather apron provides the wearer DR 1/- and ER 1/-, but only for purposes of using a Profession skill or the Creator skill.  Leather aprons have no combat utility, since they only cover the torso and upper legs of the front of the wearer.  They do not protect the wearer's face, head, neck, or back.
===Armor Truss===
* '''Cost:''' 30 gp
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Tailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
This is a wood and cloth mannequin, shaped to allow armor to be hung off of it.  Armor trusses are useful for displaying completed armor, and can also be used to ensure the armor's measurements are accurate and that the straps and edges will not pinch, bind or cut the wearer.  Armor trusses can be made to match a specific person's measurements, or just use average measurements.  Armor trusses must always be designed with a gender, to ensure proper fit for either a male or female.

{{EquipmentPageAid|Banner Harness}}
* '''Cost:''' 1,000 gp
* '''Weight:''' 6 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 35, 20
An astrolabe is a set of metal discs which have been imprinted with local constellations.  The bottom-most disc is set to a particular latitude range, and different astrolabes must be created for different latitudes (since the constellations visible are different).  Using a locally relevant astrolabe allows a novice user to determine the calendar date (survival check, DC 5, while using the Astrolabe), while an experienced user can make a Survival check (DC 25) to determine his exact location within the latitude of the astrolabe's design.  Astrolabes are especially useful for navigation by stars while at sea, but can also be used on land as long as the stars are visible.
===Banner Harness===
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Leathersmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
This leather harness looks a little like a large leather cup with numerous straps hanging off of it.  The straps attach the cup to the wearer's back, near his hips, and the cup holds the butt-end of a banner pole.  Additional straps go around the banner pole near the wearer's shoulders to provide more stability.  A banner harness allows a banner to be "wielded" without the use of hands (effectively making the banner slotless).

===Banner, Large===
===Banner, Large===
* '''Cost:''' 20 gp
* '''Cost:''' 20 gp
* '''Weight:''' 50 lbs
* '''Weight:''' 45 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
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===Banner, Medium===
===Banner, Medium===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 20 lbs
* '''Weight:''' 15 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
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A medium banner is typically designed with the carrier's heraldry or sigil, or the local flag of the banner-carrier's allegiance. Medium banners grant nearby allies a +5 bonus to their perception checks to see the banner carrier and take his or her directions.  A person carrying a medium banner also suffers a -5 penalty to any stealth checks.  Warlords use banners to provide bonuses to their allies.  A medium banner requires one hand to wield unless a banner harness is used.
A medium banner is typically designed with the carrier's heraldry or sigil, or the local flag of the banner-carrier's allegiance. Medium banners grant nearby allies a +5 bonus to their perception checks to see the banner carrier and take his or her directions.  A person carrying a medium banner also suffers a -5 penalty to any stealth checks.  Warlords use banners to provide bonuses to their allies.  A medium banner requires one hand to wield unless a banner harness is used.

===Banner, Small===
{{EquipmentPageAid|Banner, Small}}
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A small banner is typically designed with the carrier's heraldry or sigil, or the local flag of the banner-carrier's allegiance. Small banners grant nearby allies a +2 bonus to their perception checks to see the banner carrier and take his or her directions.  A person carrying a small banner also suffers a -2 penalty to any stealth checks.  Warlords use banners to provide bonuses to their allies.  A small banner requires one hand to wield unless a banner harness is used.
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 30 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
A wooden barrel banded with iron bands.  Barrels are usually constructed to be watertight, allowing liquids and powders to be stored in them, though they are also frequently used to contain fruits, vegetables and other foodstuffs.  The lid of a barrel must be hammered down with a wooden mallet to seal it, and are usually opened with a small crowbar (though barrels of liquid are sometimes tapped, instead of opened at the top). 
* '''Cost:''' 4 sp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Weaver)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
A wicker basket is a useful, lightweight container for carrying items which won't escape through the porous wicker.  Baskets are also attractive ways of displaying the contained goods, as their openings are usually quite wide.  Baskets have lids that are also made of wicker, and simply rest on top of the basket.  Baskets do not stack well, and will not keep rain off of the contents within, though they provide adequate protection against dust and dirt.

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A small brass bell with a clapper inside, which rings if shook. A fantastic way to wake people up or accompany your retelling of your latest trip to the store. Not recommended for bards.
A small brass bell with a clapper inside, which rings if shook. A fantastic way to wake people up or accompany your retelling of your latest trip to the store. Not recommended for bards.
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 3 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Leathersmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
A bellows is a leather and wood contraption which blows air in a narrow jet to heat up a nearby fire or coals.  A bellows is about 2 feet long and has two wooden planks, roughly tear-shaped, with handles on one end and a metal nozzle on the other.  Leather is used to attach the two planks together, creating a hinge near the nozzle and an accordioned box near the handles.  When the handles are pulled apart, the leather box expands, sucking in air, and when the handles are pushed back together, the air is forced out of the nozzle.  This jet of air is very efficient at providing more ventilation for a nearby fire or bank of coals, heating them up as a result.  Bellows are commonly used in blacksmithing to ensure the forge is at the appropriate temperature when heating metal.  Bellows can also be useful for maintaining any fire, including a household fireplace.
===Block and Tackle===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Shipwright)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A block and tackle is a series of two pulleys with rope strung between them, which can be used to lift heavy loads.  The top pulley has a hook on it to allow it to be attached to a high point, while the bottom pulley is lifted up along with the object being hefted, when the rope is pulled.  The configuration of the ropes gives the user a mechanical advantage, allowing them to lift objects up to double their normal maximum lift for their Strength.  Block and tackle is only useful if there is a point above the object to be lifted where the top pulley can be securely attached. Furthermore, the objects being lifted can only be swung about 10 feet from the attachment point of the top pulley, once lifted (unless the top pulley is attached to something that can be moved laterally without weakening the pulley's attachment to it).  Block and tackle are used regularly to lift loads into or out of a ship's hold, with the ship's beams used to attach the top pulley.  The beams can be swung over the side of the boat, allowing the lifted cargo to be moved laterally, either onto or off the boat.
===Body Art, Crude===
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' -
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
This tattoo uses a simple black ink, and is injected into the skin using a bone needle.  While imminently affordable, crude body art is unlikely to impress anyone.  Crude body art is often a very simple shape or pattern, requiring little or no artistic talent. Tattooing crude body art takes about 30 minutes and will last for decades.  The richness of the black ink will fade to a bluish grey after a few years.
===Body Art, Exotic===
* '''Cost:''' 2,000 gp (or more)
* '''Weight:''' -
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 35
Exotic body art is a complex work of tattoo artistry, often using many colors of ink, and requiring a great deal of skill on the part of the tattoo artist. Tattooing exotic body art requires several days or even weeks, depending on how much of the buyer's body is being covered.  The inks used will remain vibrant for as long as the skin exists, even after the death of the buyer.
===Body Art, Fine===
* '''Cost:''' 50 gp
* '''Weight:''' -
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
Fine body art is a tattoo using a few colors of ink, and creating a good-looking piece of skin art on the wearer. Such a tattoo requires four hours of work to create, and the inks used will fade only a little over a decade or so, though the image created will last for as long as the wearer's skin remains intact.
===Book Lariat===
* '''Cost:''' 3 sp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Leathersmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
A simple leather thong attached to the spine of a book, and secured around the wrist of the owner, to keep the book from being dropped during vigorous activity such as combat.  Provides a +1 circumstance bonus to the wearer's Maneuver Defense versus disarm attempts made on the book it is attached to.
===Book, Holy Text===
* '''Cost:''' 20 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 50
A finely detailed, illustrated and illuminated text, containing the holy words and teachings of the god for which it was written.  Holy texts are highly prized items for people of faith, as they are both beautiful and spiritually uplifting.

===Book, Journal (Blank)===
===Book, Journal (Blank)===
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A watertight glass bottle, capable of storing liquids. Features a cork to stopper the top.
A watertight glass bottle, capable of storing liquids. Features a cork to stopper the top.

===Box, Scroll===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
This is a wooden box capable of holding up to 15 scrolls, which can then be stored on a bookshelf.  Scroll boxes are useful to keep dust and vermin away from scrolls, but they are not watertight. They are intended for long term storage in a climate-controlled environment, like a library.
===Bridge, Portable===
* '''Cost:''' 200 gp
* '''Weight:''' 60 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Weaver)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
When staked down on each side of the gap, this rope and slat bridge can support up to 1,500 pounds and span up to a 30-foot gap. It can be rolled up and tied into a bundle for portability. Animals are reluctant to cross gaps and ravines on such an uncertain surface, so convincing an animal to cross a portable bridge requires the come or heel trick.
* '''Cost:''' 5 sp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A wooden bucket designed to carry water or other liquids. It has a metal, hinged handle for carrying.  If a rope is tied to the handle, the bucket can be lowered into a well to retrieve water. So convenient!
===Buoy, Common===
* '''Cost:''' 5 sp
* '''Weight:''' 16 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Sailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A wooden buoy tied to a rope with a rock anchor to hold the buoy in its location.  Buoys are used to mark specific locations in a body of water, often to warn of reefs or other hazards, or as navigation markers for smugglers.  Traditionally, buoys are painted in bright colors, like white, to stand out against the water, though a smuggler's buoy may be a dull blue-grey to make it harder to spot unless you know to look for it.
===Buoy, Superior===
* '''Cost:''' 10 gp
* '''Weight:''' 30 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Sailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 30
A superior buoy uses three anchors spaced apart to more precisely maintain its location, and is usually taller, bearing a small pennant so that it is easier to spot.  A superior smuggler's buoy is similarly anchored, but painted to blend into the colors of the water unless viewed through a particular lens or under a particular light, when it is easily visible.  Magical smuggler's buoys also exist and are far more secure from casual observers, but are considerably more expensive.
===Cap, Tinker===
* '''Cost:''' 200 gp
* '''Weight:''' 4 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 30
This bizarre helmet features a number of armatures which hold numerous lenses which can be easily adjusted to interpose into the wearer's field of view, providing hands-free magnification of varying power.  The cap provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Barter and Profession checks when examining or working with very finely detailed, small or intricate objects.  However, the cap is easily broken by any sort of violent movement, gaining the Broken condition if the wearer is knocked prone or grappled (or if it is the target of a successful Sunder attempt).  Once Broken, the cap can be repaired with a Mending cantrip, a Make Whole spell or by a Glass Smith, spending an hour in his workshop to re-align the lenses in their settings.  While wearing the hat, the wearer also suffers a -5 penalty to Intimidate and Diplomacy checks, because he looks ridiculous. This cap takes up the "head" magic item slot, even though it is not a magic item.
===Cap, Vigil===
* '''Cost:''' 400 gp
* '''Weight:''' 4 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Armorsmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 30
A vigil cap looks similar to a tinker's cap, in that it is fitted with numerous armatures, but instead of holding lenses, it holds mirrors. As a full-round action which provokes attacks of opportunity, the cap can provide one of the following benefits at a time:
:* All around vision: while so configured, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to avoid being surprised.
:* Indirect observation: while so configured, the wearer's forward view is obstructed, but mirrors provide a good facsimile of the field of view indirectly, granting a good resistance to gaze attacks.  When the wearer must make a save against a gaze attack, the hat provides a 75% chance that the gaze attack doesn't affect him.  However, in this configuration, all creatures have partial concealment (20% miss chance).
:* Shades: while so configured, the cap provides a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against attacks which inflict the Blind or Dazzled status conditions.
The wearer of this cap is subject to a -2 penalty to his Maneuver Defense versus Sunder combat maneuvers, and suffers a -5 penalty to any Intimidate and Diplomacy checks while wearing the cap.  This cap takes up the "head" magic item slot, even though it is not a magic item.

===Cards, Fortune-Telling===
===Cards, Fortune-Telling===
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This is a deck of normal playing cards, used to play many popular gambling games.  Card games are preferred by the elites over dice games, though many gamblers aren't terribly picky, so long as wagers are being made.
This is a deck of normal playing cards, used to play many popular gambling games.  Card games are preferred by the elites over dice games, though many gamblers aren't terribly picky, so long as wagers are being made.

* '''Cost:''' 10 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Tailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
This is an elaborate hairnet made of silk and thread of gold, often adorned with pearls and small gemstones.  It is worn by wealthy and noble women as a means of holding their hair in place, or purely for decorative purposes.
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A heavy iron pot, rounded, with thick walls, meant to hang over a fire for cooking stews, soups and any other large volume of liquids.  The cauldron is large enough to prepare a meal for up to 6 people at once.  It can also be used to brew potions, though it is often too large for such a task.  Larger cauldrons, capable of feeding up to 25 people at a time, cost 10 gp and weigh 80 lbs.

===Chain (10 ft.)===
===Chain (10 ft.)===
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In addition, this chest has a hidden latch which allows the bottom to be lifted out, exposing small flat space, 1" deep x 1' x 1.5'. Spotting the hidden space requires a [[Perception]] check, DC 20.
In addition, this chest has a hidden latch which allows the bottom to be lifted out, exposing small flat space, 1" deep x 1' x 1.5'. Spotting the hidden space requires a [[Perception]] check, DC 20.
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
This is a small lattice of leather straps with small metal spikes poking out, which are laced over the underside of your shoes or boots to give better traction in snowy and icy conditions.  When worn, they give a +4 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks made to balance on a slippery surface.  If worn while travelling over hard surfaces, such as natural stone or cobblestone roads, they rapidly become broken.
===Clothes, Pickpocket's===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 6 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Tailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 25
Pickpocket's clothes are nearly identical to common clothes, except that they have a number of small pockets hidden around inside them, granting you a +4 circumstance bonus to a Sleight of Hand check to hide a small weapon or object on your person.  They are functional and well-made, but not fancy.  As with wearing common clothing, pickpocket's clothes let you blend in easily with the common folk (taking no penalties), but make you easy to spot in richer areas (-4 circumstance penalty to [[Stealth]], [[Bluff]] and [[Diplomacy]] when interacting with people of a [[Lifestyle#Wealthy|Wealthy lifestyle]] or greater.  Pickpocket's clothes are built to last, often surviving a year of constant wear, or more, before requiring patches, new seams or wearing out altogether.  They are designed to be worn in any season, which really just means they're too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer.
===Coffee Pot===
* '''Cost:''' 3 gp
* '''Weight:''' 4 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
A simple iron kettle with a lid and a spout meant for heating water.  Also useful for tea and other hot beverages.
* '''Cost:''' 200 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Engineer), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 25, 20
A form of star chart which attempts to plot the physical shape of the material planes in relation to each other, by being folded along seams in the chart.  There are hundreds of possible ways to fold the Cosmogram, resulting in a variety of surprising shapes, each demonstrating to a skilled reader a different means of traversing spaces between the planes.  Grants a +2 circumstance bonus to [[Knowledge (Geography)]] or [[Knowledge (Planes)]] checks when navigating in the Aethereal sea between the planes.

* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 30 lbs
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
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A cot is a low bed frame of wood with a canvas sheet stretched across the frame, providing a place to sleep which is off the ground, if only by a few inches.  The frame can be dismantled and reassembled in a few minutes, but is still fairly bulky, even when disassembled.  However, a cot is dramatically more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.
A cot is a low bed frame of wood with a canvas sheet stretched across the frame, providing a place to sleep which is off the ground, if only by a few inches.  The frame can be dismantled and reassembled in a few minutes, but is still fairly bulky, even when disassembled.  However, a cot is dramatically more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.

===Cup, False-Bottomed===
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
A leather cup with a false bottom inside it, primarily intended for use with dice games.  The false bottom allows a dishonest gamer to swap the game's dice with a set of his own, presumably weighted, dice.  The false bottom is rigged in such a way as to flip around, capturing any dice currently in the bottom and releasing the dice which were in the small concealed space.  The mechanism for flipping the false bottom is simple, typically squeezing the cup in just the right way.  Anyone examining the cup can make a Perception roll against a DC of 15 to see that something is fundamentally dishonest about it, while a DC of 20 will also reveal how to open the false bottom.  Such an examination requires a person to actually hold the cup, however.  Seen from across a gaming table, false-bottomed cups are indistinguishable from normal dice cups.
While the cup is theoretically waterproof, it was not really designed for the drinking of liquids.  The false bottomed-chamber is not waterproof, so liquids in the cup will seep into it easily, and the result is a cup which is very difficult to clean.

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In most places, getting caught playing with loaded dice will result in having all your money taken from you, a fairly savage beating, and threats against ever returning to the fine establishment you have just sullied with your filthy, dishonest tendencies.
In most places, getting caught playing with loaded dice will result in having all your money taken from you, a fairly savage beating, and threats against ever returning to the fine establishment you have just sullied with your filthy, dishonest tendencies.

* '''Cost:''' 5 sp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
A simple hand drill with a metal bit and a wooden grip. You must turn the bit yourself, and apply pressure to force the bit to bite into the surface you wish to drill.  The bit is designed for softer mediums such as wood, not stone or metal.  Drilling a hole into metal or stone will work, but it takes much longer and the drill is ruined after one such hole has been drilled.  The drill can only use a single bit, but the size of the bit can be chosen at the time of purchase.  This drill is only for holes up to 1 inch in diameter.  Larger holes require much larger (and more costly) drills.
===Ear Trumpet===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
This brass tube, flared at one end, makes it easier to hear quiet nearby sounds (such as a whispered conversation in the next booth of the bar).  A user of an ear trumpet gains  +4 circumstance bonus to hearing-based [[Perception]] checks, for sounds that are within 20 feet of the user.  However, the trumpet is around 6 inches long and looks quite absurd. Even someone unfamiliar with what an ear trumpet is used for (and most people are) would wonder why you are holding it to your ear.  As a result, it inflicts a -2 penalty to [[Sleight of Hand]] and [[Stealth]] checks made to obscure the fact that you are eavesdropping.

As an interesting historical note, ear trumpets have also been used to deliver poisons into a victim's ear, allowing a poison which traditionally requires an injury to inflict to be applied to an uninjured target.  Sleeping targets may not even notice that the poison was delivered. (You can make a [[Sleight of Hand]] check opposed by their [[Perception]] check to apply the poison without their noticing, assuming they are asleep. If they beat your check, they wake up.)

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** '''Check DC:''' 5
** '''Check DC:''' 5

Made of waxed cotton or cork, earplugs give you a +2 circumstance bonus on saves against effects that require hearing, but also cause a penalty on hearing-based Perception checks.
Made of waxed cotton or cork, earplugs give you a +2 circumstance bonus on saves against effects that require hearing, but also cause a –5 penalty on hearing-based Perception checks.

===Eye Patch===
* '''Cost:''' 1 sp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Leathersmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 5

A leather patch on a string, which can be used to cover up a damaged or missing eye.  Assuming such an injury is present, the eye patch negates any Charisma penalty caused by the injury.

While eye patches can also be used as part of a disguise, they hamper your depth perception while in use (inflicting a -4 penalty to ranged attacks and ranged touch attacks). They are also, rather unfortunately, fairly memorable, making them kind of suck for disguises, once you weigh all the pros and cons.
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 25
Heroes nearly always have perfect vision.  However, eyeglasses can be crafted to attempt to correct less-than-perfect vision.  They can also be used as a fashion accessory, and they grant a +2 circumstance bonus on [[Bluff]] checks to appear more knowledgeable than you really are.  Note that, unlike modern eye glasses, these are made from real glass.  Getting punched in the face while wearing eye glasses is a pretty good way to have your eyes carved into slivers.  Yet another reason why heroes rarely wear these things. (Heroes get punched in the face a LOT!)
* '''Cost:''' 15 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
Similar to manacles, but designed to hamper the feet.  They restrict longer strides, preventing the wearer from making double moves, or using the run or full withdrawal actions.  Fetters hamper walk, climb and swim movement types, but do not impede most flight, most burrowing, or any teleport movement types.  Creatures with flight, burrow or teleport movement speeds can, in most cases, still perform the movement types that fetters are intended to prevent.
The DC to pick the lock or escape from fetters is 15.
===Fetters, Superior ===
* '''Cost:''' 210 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 30
Similar to manacles, but designed to hamper the feet. They restrict longer strides, preventing the wearer from making double moves, or using the run or full withdrawal actions. Fetters hamper walk, climb and swim movement types, but do not impede most flight, most burrowing, or any teleport movement types. Creatures with flight, burrow or teleport movement speeds can, in most cases, still perform the move actions that fetters are intended to prevent (double move, run and withdraw).
The DC to pick the lock or escape from superior fetters is 30.
===Filter Hood===
* '''Cost:''' 10 gp
* '''Weight:''' 4 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Leathersmith), Survival
** '''Check DC:''' 20, 20
This snug leather hood has built-in goggles and a filtration tube containing sponges. A filter hood uses your helm slot and imposes a �2 penalty on hearing- and sight-based Perception checks. While the sponges are moist, the hood grants you a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against inhaled poisons and other airborne attacks that require you to breathe them. Moistening the sponges with water is a standard action. The sponges dry out after 1d4 � 10 minutes and should be thoroughly and carefully rinsed after each use.
The goggles can be replaced, if desired, since the hood does not occupy the eyes magic item slot, only the helm slot.

===Firewood (1 day)===
===Firewood (1 day)===
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** '''Check DC:''' 5
** '''Check DC:''' 5

Twenty pounds of split, seasoned fire wood, intended to keep a camp fire burning for 12 hours.  This firewood is much easier to light and burns with less smoke than firewood scavenged from a wilderness environment.
Twenty pounds of split, seasoned fire wood, intended to keep a camp fire burning for 12 hours.  This firewood is much easier to light and burns with less smoke than firewood scavenged from a wilderness environment. A camp fire occupies one square, inflicts [[Singed]] doing fire damage to anyone who enters that square, and removes cold weather [[Environmental Effects]] in a 15-foot radius (a 7x7 square space), as well as allowing the ability to cook food and providing endless hours of entertainment to anyone who cares to watch.
===Glass Cutter===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
A small metal wheel on a handle, not unlike a pizza cutter. The wheel is dusted with diamond dust.  When rolled over a thin pane of glass with some pressure, the cutter fractures the glass in a line along its path.  A skilled user can cut circular holes into the pane, allowing an arm to be reached through to access the lock (for example) of a window. One must still remove the glass from the hole you cut, which is often done with a suction cup to pull it outside, rather than pushing it inside (where it inevitably breaks and makes noise).  The edges of the glass, once cut, are still somewhat sharp, but they are not jagged, and are unlikely to cut flesh unless carelessly rubbed against.
A pane of glass that has been cut is obvious to anyone looking at it.  However, a glass cutter can allow someone who is unobserved to get through a window with very little noise, if done properly.

===Glove, Metal===
* '''Cost:''' 120 gp
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Armorsmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15

This thick iron gauntlet is more an encasing than a piece of armor. It has only a few moving joints, and the position of its fingers and wrist must be adjusted and locked into place before the wielder can properly slip it over her arm. When wearing a metal glove, it is impossible to manipulate one's digits (meaning the wearer cannot hold anything in that hand), but that hand and forearm are completely protected from injury, making it easy to reach into a trapped hole or a deadly animal's cage. Any trap or creature attempting to damage an arm wearing a metal glove must break through the glove before reaching the wearer. Heavy objects that would normally crush the wearer's hand rest harmlessly on the glove instead, likely trapping the item but allowing her to pull her hand out as normal. A metal glove has a maximum sunder DC of 30 (or the wearer's Maneuver Defense, if it is lower), 3 durability, and can withstand 2,000 pounds of pressure before crumpling. It does not protect the wearer from injury to other parts of her body.

===Goggles, Smoked===
===Goggles, Smoked===
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** '''Check DC:''' 20
** '''Check DC:''' 20

Smoked goggles are one or two panes of fairly transparent glass set in a wood and leather frame that sits snugly upon the wearer's face above the nose and covering the eyes, the entire thing then tied to the wearer's head, or, using hooked arms to attach by hooking over the ears. The intent is to protect the eyes from wind, dust, and bright light. The inside of the glass pane is coated with soot, usually from a candle or other small, sooty flame, so that light coming through is dimmed.  If smoked goggles are worn in Dim Light then the wearer is considered to be in Darkness instead. If worn in Bright light, it is considered Dim Light. Note that while wearing Smoked Goggles, all sight is limited to only 60 feet.
* '''Cost:''' 5 sp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 5

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** '''Check DC:''' 5
** '''Check DC:''' 5

===Handle Harness===
* '''Cost:''' 25 gp
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Leathersmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
===Hourglass (1 hour)===
* '''Cost:''' 25 gp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 25
===Hourglass (1 minute)===
* '''Cost:''' 20 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 25
===Hourglass (6 seconds)===
* '''Cost:''' 10 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 30
* '''Cost:''' 3 cp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb empty; 9 lbs full
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Farmer)
** '''Check DC:''' 5

Line 699: Line 253:
* '''Cost:''' 50 gp
* '''Cost:''' 50 gp
* '''Weight:''' 8 lbs
* '''Weight:''' 8 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' No
** '''Skill:''' -
** '''Check DC:''' -
===Kit, Entertainer's===
* '''Cost:''' 5 sp
* '''Weight:''' 3 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' No
** '''Skill:''' -
** '''Check DC:''' -
===Kit, Gambler's===
* '''Cost:''' 75 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' No
* '''Craftable?''' No
** '''Skill:''' -
** '''Skill:''' -
Line 728: Line 266:

===Kit, Scriviner's===
===Kit, Scrivener's===
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
Line 734: Line 272:
** '''Skill:''' -
** '''Skill:''' -
** '''Check DC:''' -
** '''Check DC:''' -
===Kit, Symptom===
* '''Cost:''' 25 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Herbalist), Heal
** '''Check DC:''' 30, 20

Line 824: Line 354:

===Net, Bell===
===Perfume/Cologne (Per Dose)===
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Fisherman), Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 5, 15
===Net, Fishing===
* '''Cost:''' 4 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Fisherman)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
===Orrery, Grand===
* '''Cost:''' 1,000 gp
* '''Weight:''' 12 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Engineer), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 50, 35
===Orrery, Standard===
* '''Cost:''' 750 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Engineer), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 40, 30
===Orrery, Tellurium===
* '''Cost:''' 100 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Engineer), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 30, 25
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Tailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
===Perfume/Cologne, Average (Per Dose)===
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
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** '''Check DC:''' 5
** '''Check DC:''' 5

===Perfume/Cologne, Rare (Per Dose)===
* '''Cost:''' 10 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Herbalist)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
===Perfume/Gologne, Exotic (Per Dose)===
* '''Cost:''' 100 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Herbalist)
** '''Check DC:''' 35
* '''Cost:''' 20 gp
* '''Weight:''' 4 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
===Pitcher, Clay===
* '''Cost:''' 2 cp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Farmer)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
===Plank, Collapsible===
* '''Cost:''' 4 sp
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Trapper)
** '''Check DC:''' 10

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A large metal pole with handles on the sides, allowing up to four people to apply a great deal of force to a door or gate's latch or hinges.  A portable ram allows three helpers to use the "aid another" action to assist the primary wielder's [[Combat Maneuvers#Sunder|Sunder attempt]] against the door or gate in question.  Furthermore, the portable ram is treated as having the [[Weapon Qualities#Sunder|Sunder weapon quality]] granting the wielder a +2 bonus to Maneuver Offense for Sunder checks, and allowing them to make Sunder checks against doors or gates made from metal or stone.  Portable rams are only useful against sized large or smaller doors or gates.  Refer to the [[Breaking Objects]] page to determine the Sunder DC and durability of the door or gate in question.
A large metal pole with handles on the sides, allowing up to four people to apply a great deal of force to a door or gate's latch or hinges.  A portable ram allows three helpers to use the "aid another" action to assist the primary wielder's [[Combat Maneuvers#Sunder|Sunder attempt]] against the door or gate in question.  Furthermore, the portable ram is treated as having the [[Weapon Qualities#Sunder|Sunder weapon quality]] granting the wielder a +2 bonus to Maneuver Offense for Sunder checks, and allowing them to make Sunder checks against doors or gates made from metal or stone.  Portable rams are only useful against sized large or smaller doors or gates.  Refer to the [[Breaking Objects]] page to determine the Sunder DC and durability of the door or gate in question.
* '''Cost:''' 4 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
===Scale, Merchant's===
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 1 lb
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith), Knowledge (Logic)
** '''Check DC:''' 30, 15
* '''Cost:''' 500 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 30, 25
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 8 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
===Skates, Ice===
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 2 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Cobbler)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 20 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 10

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** '''Skill:''' Profession (Mason)
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Mason)
** '''Check DC:''' 10
** '''Check DC:''' 10
* '''Cost:''' 1 gp
* '''Weight:''' 10 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 5
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 4 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Weaver)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
===Star Charts===
* '''Cost:''' 200 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Sailor), Knowledge (Planes)
** '''Check DC:''' 20, 20
===Surefoot Training Blocks===
* '''Cost:''' 50 gp
* '''Weight:''' 25 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
===Telescope (x10 magnification/+2)===
* '''Cost:''' 2,000 gp
* '''Weight:''' 12 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
===Telescope (x250 magnification/+6)===
* '''Cost:''' 8,000 gp
* '''Weight:''' 44 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 45
===Telescope (x50 magnification/+4)===
* '''Cost:''' 4,000 gp
* '''Weight:''' 23 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 25
* '''Cost:''' 50 gp
* '''Weight:''' 3 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Artist)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
===Tools, Artisan's===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 5 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Blacksmith)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
===Tools, Lab Equipment===
* '''Cost:''' 200 gp
* '''Weight:''' 40 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Glass Smith)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
* '''Cost:''' 2 gp
* '''Weight:''' 3 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Tailor)
** '''Check DC:''' 15
===Whistle, Silent===
* '''Cost:''' 5 gp
* '''Weight:''' 0.1 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Trapper)
** '''Check DC:''' 15

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** '''Skill:''' Profession (Weaver)
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Weaver)
** '''Check DC:''' 20
** '''Check DC:''' 20
* '''Cost:''' 10 gp
* '''Weight:''' 300 lbs
* '''Craftable?''' Yes
** '''Skill:''' Profession (Carpenter)
** '''Check DC:''' 5

Latest revision as of 19:45, 17 September 2022

This is a list of all the miscellaneous equipment available in the game, either for sale, or as craftable items. Note that a wide variety of Adventuring Gear exists as well, which encompasses the more common gear adventurers might be interested in.

Apron, Leather

  • Cost: 5 gp
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Leathersmith)
    • Check DC: 5

A leather apron is made of very thick treated leather, meant to protect the wearer from the many hazards of their work, whether that be the flying bone shards a butcher might create while butch-ing, or splatters of molten metal a smith might create during forging. A leather apron provides the wearer DR 1/- and ER 1/-, but only for purposes of using a Profession skill or the Creator skill. Leather aprons have no combat utility, since they only cover the torso and upper legs of the front of the wearer. They do not protect the wearer's face, head, neck, or back.

  • Cost: 1 gp
  • Weight: 1 lbs

This leather harness looks a little like a large leather cup with numerous straps hanging off of it. The straps attach the cup to the wearer's back, near their hips, and the cup holds the butt-end of a banner pole. Additional straps go around the banner pole near the wearer's shoulders to provide more stability. A banner harness allows a banner to be "wielded" without the use of hands (effectively making the banner slotless). A banner harness can be worn at the same time as a backpack, fitting between the wearer's back and the backpack without issue.

Banner, Large

  • Cost: 20 gp
  • Weight: 45 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Artist)
    • Check DC: 15

A large banner is typically designed with the carrier's heraldry or sigil, or the local flag of the banner-carrier's allegiance. Large banners grant nearby allies a +10 bonus to their perception checks to see the banner carrier and take his or her directions. A person carrying a large banner also suffers a -10 penalty to any stealth checks. Warlords use banners to provide bonuses to their allies. A large banner requires two hands to wield unless a banner harness is used.

Banner, Medium

  • Cost: 5 gp
  • Weight: 15 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Artist)
    • Check DC: 15

A medium banner is typically designed with the carrier's heraldry or sigil, or the local flag of the banner-carrier's allegiance. Medium banners grant nearby allies a +5 bonus to their perception checks to see the banner carrier and take his or her directions. A person carrying a medium banner also suffers a -5 penalty to any stealth checks. Warlords use banners to provide bonuses to their allies. A medium banner requires one hand to wield unless a banner harness is used.

Banner, Small   [edit]

  • Cost: 1 gp
  • Weight: 5 lbs

A small banner is typically designed with the carrier's heraldry or sigil, or the local flag of the banner-carrier's allegiance. Small banners grant nearby allies a +2 bonus to their perception checks to see the banner carrier and take their directions. A person carrying a small banner also suffers a -2 penalty to any stealth checks. Warlords use banners to provide bonuses to their allies. A small banner requires one hand to wield unless a Banner Harness is used.


  • Cost: 1 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Blacksmith)
    • Check DC: 10

A small brass bell with a clapper inside, which rings if shook. A fantastic way to wake people up or accompany your retelling of your latest trip to the store. Not recommended for bards.

Book, Journal (Blank)

  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Bookbinder)
    • Check DC: 5

A blank book bound with a leather cover. You can write down your secret thoughts and deepest feelings here. Finally, someone who understands you!


  • Cost: 2 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Glass Smith)
    • Check DC: 5

A watertight glass bottle, capable of storing liquids. Features a cork to stopper the top.

Cards, Fortune-Telling

  • Cost: 25 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Artist)
    • Check DC: 15

This deck of cards contains an unusual array of suits and face cards, and can be used to tell fortunes. Opinions vary as to whether the cards provide any actual assistance with divination attempts, but they certainly make the divination more entertaining for onlookers and participants.

Cards, Marked

  • Cost: 2 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Artist), Knowledge (Local)
    • Check DC: 10, 20

This deck of normal-appearing playing cards is actually marked in subtle ways, allowing someone familiar with the deck to easily identify a few select cards in the deck by looking at the back of the cards in question. Anyone who makes a perception check, DC 15, can detect that some of the cards are marked if they are given an opportunity to handle the cards for 1 minute or longer (including handling them through the course of playing a card game with them). More expensive versions of marked decks exist, with higher DC's to detect their illicit nature, but they cost an additional 25 gp per +1 to the perception check's DC, making them quite expensive.

Cards, Playing

  • Cost: 2 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Artist)
    • Check DC: 10

This is a deck of normal playing cards, used to play many popular gambling games. Card games are preferred by the elites over dice games, though many gamblers aren't terribly picky, so long as wagers are being made.

Chain (10 ft.)

  • Cost: 30 gp
  • Weight: 10 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Blacksmith)
    • Check DC: 15

A 10-foot long section of iron chain, each link is about 2 inches long.

Chain, Breakaway (10 ft.)

  • Cost: 65 gp
  • Weight: 10 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Blacksmith)
    • Check DC: 10

A 10-foot long section of iron chain, each link is about 2 inches long. Two adjacent links in the chain have been deliberately weakened to allow the chain to be broken when enough force is exerted against it.

Chair, Folding

  • Cost: 2 gp
  • Weight: 10 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 15

A small camp chair made of wood and canvas, which folds down into a small-ish bundle which can be tied to a backpack when not in use.

Chest, Huge

  • Cost: 37 gp
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 15

This huge wooden chest is 6' x 4' x 4' in size. It is wrapped in iron straps, and has a simple inset lock. The lock can be upgraded at an additional cost. Wooden chests are designed to be difficult to smash, requiring a weapon with the sunder quality. It has a Sunder DC of 22, with a Hardness of 4.

Chest, Large

  • Cost: 15 gp
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 15

This large wooden chest is 4' x 3' x 3' in size. It is wrapped in iron straps, and has a simple inset lock. The lock can be upgraded at an additional cost. Wooden chests are designed to be difficult to smash, requiring a weapon with the sunder quality. It has a Sunder DC of 22, with a Hardness of 4.

Chest, Medium

  • Cost: 7 gp
  • Weight: 50 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 15

This medium wooden chest 2.5' x 2' x 2.5' in size. It is wrapped in iron straps, and has a simple inset lock. The lock can be upgraded at an additional cost. Wooden chests are designed to be difficult to smash, requiring a weapon with the sunder quality. It has a Sunder DC of 22, with a Hardness of 3.

Chest, Small

  • Cost: 3 gp
  • Weight: 25 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 15

This small wooden chest is 1' x 1' x 1.5' in size. It is wrapped in iron straps, and has a simple inset lock. The lock can be upgraded at an additional cost. Wooden chests are designed to be difficult to smash, requiring a weapon with the sunder quality. It has a Sunder DC of 22, with a Hardness of 2.

Chest, Small (False-Bottomed)

  • Cost: 52 gp
  • Weight: 25 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 20

This small wooden chest that is 1' x 1' x 1.5' in size. The chest is wrapped in iron straps, and has a simple inset lock. The lock can be upgraded at an additional cost. Wooden chests are designed to be difficult to smash, requiring a weapon with the sunder quality. It has a Sunder DC of 22, with a Hardness of 4.

In addition, this chest has a hidden latch which allows the bottom to be lifted out, exposing small flat space, 1" deep x 1' x 1.5'. Spotting the hidden space requires a Perception check, DC 20.


  • Cost: 1 gp
  • Weight: 10 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 5

A cot is a low bed frame of wood with a canvas sheet stretched across the frame, providing a place to sleep which is off the ground, if only by a few inches. The frame can be dismantled and reassembled in a few minutes, but is still fairly bulky, even when disassembled. However, a cot is dramatically more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.


  • Cost: 1 sp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Butcher)
    • Check DC: 10

A set of six-sided dice carved from bone. The pips are painted on with an enamel. While not perfect, these dice roll random enough to provide no bonuses or penalties when used for determining random numbers, or playing games of chance.

Dice, Loaded (Average)

  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Butcher), Knowledge (Local)
    • Check DC: 10, 15

A set of bone six-sided dice which have been specifically carved to favor particular rolls. This does not mean they always roll the same result, but that result is more common than it should be, given traditional dice odds. Used by dishonest folks, they grant the gambler a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks and Profession (Gambler) checks to win games of chance in which they are used. Other players can make a Perception check to oppose this attempt at cheating. Note that, as with all loaded dice, they don't always roll the perfect roll. Some randomness is still present (otherwise, it would be very obvious you were cheating). You will not win every round.

In most places, getting caught playing with loaded dice will result in having all your money taken from you, a fairly savage beating, and threats against ever returning to the fine establishment you have just sullied with your filthy, dishonest tendencies.

Dice, Loaded (Superior)

  • Cost: 50 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Butcher), Knowledge (Local)
    • Check DC: 15, 20

These six-sided dice, carved from bone, have been hollowed out and had a movable lead weight inserted in their core, which when tossed in a particular way, will result in the dice favoring a specific rolled outcome. Used by cheaters, they grant a +5 circumstance bonus to Sleight of Hand and Profession (Gambler) checks. Other players may oppose these rolls with a Perception check to try to notice that the player is cheating. The biggest advantage of superior loaded dice is that they can be rolled by other players and will more often roll poor results. Only when tossed in a particular way, with a particular spin, does the weight slide to give the preferred roll. Note that, as with all loaded dice, they don't always roll the perfect roll. Some randomness is still present (otherwise, it would be very obvious you were cheating). You will not win every round.

In most places, getting caught playing with loaded dice will result in having all your money taken from you, a fairly savage beating, and threats against ever returning to the fine establishment you have just sullied with your filthy, dishonest tendencies.


  • Cost: 3 cp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Farmer)
    • Check DC: 5

Made of waxed cotton or cork, earplugs give you a +2 circumstance bonus on saves against effects that require hearing, but also cause a –5 penalty on hearing-based Perception checks.

Firewood (1 day)

  • Cost: 1 cp
  • Weight: 20 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Woodcutter)
    • Check DC: 5

Twenty pounds of split, seasoned fire wood, intended to keep a camp fire burning for 12 hours. This firewood is much easier to light and burns with less smoke than firewood scavenged from a wilderness environment. A camp fire occupies one square, inflicts Singed doing fire damage to anyone who enters that square, and removes cold weather Environmental Effects in a 15-foot radius (a 7x7 square space), as well as allowing the ability to cook food and providing endless hours of entertainment to anyone who cares to watch.

Goggles, Smoked

  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Glass Smith)
    • Check DC: 20

Smoked goggles are one or two panes of fairly transparent glass set in a wood and leather frame that sits snugly upon the wearer's face above the nose and covering the eyes, the entire thing then tied to the wearer's head, or, using hooked arms to attach by hooking over the ears. The intent is to protect the eyes from wind, dust, and bright light. The inside of the glass pane is coated with soot, usually from a candle or other small, sooty flame, so that light coming through is dimmed. If smoked goggles are worn in Dim Light then the wearer is considered to be in Darkness instead. If worn in Bright light, it is considered Dim Light. Note that while wearing Smoked Goggles, all sight is limited to only 60 feet.


  • Cost: 1 sp
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Weaver)
    • Check DC: 5

Kit, Disguise

  • Cost: 50 gp
  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Craftable? No
    • Skill: -
    • Check DC: -

Kit, Mapmaker's

  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Craftable? No
    • Skill: -
    • Check DC: -

Kit, Scrivener's

  • Cost: 2 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? No
    • Skill: -
    • Check DC: -


  • Cost: 2 sp
  • Weight: 20 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Carpenter)
    • Check DC: 10

Lock, Average

  • Cost: 40 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 10

Lock, Good

  • Cost: 80 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 15

Lock, Magical

  • Cost: 5,000 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith), Knowledge (Arcana)
    • Check DC: 35, 20

Lock, Simple

  • Cost: 20 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 5

Lock, Superior

  • Cost: 150 gp
  • Weight: 1 lb
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 35

Manacles, Common

  • Cost: 15 gp
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 15

Manacles, False

  • Cost: 65 gp
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 30

Manacles, Superior

  • Cost: 50 gp
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Locksmith)
    • Check DC: 35

Mask, Masquerade

  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Leathersmith)
    • Check DC: 20

Perfume/Cologne (Per Dose)

  • Cost: 1 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Herbalist)
    • Check DC: 5

Ram, Portable

  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Weight: 20 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Blacksmith)
    • Check DC: 5

A large metal pole with handles on the sides, allowing up to four people to apply a great deal of force to a door or gate's latch or hinges. A portable ram allows three helpers to use the "aid another" action to assist the primary wielder's Sunder attempt against the door or gate in question. Furthermore, the portable ram is treated as having the Sunder weapon quality granting the wielder a +2 bonus to Maneuver Offense for Sunder checks, and allowing them to make Sunder checks against doors or gates made from metal or stone. Portable rams are only useful against sized large or smaller doors or gates. Refer to the Breaking Objects page to determine the Sunder DC and durability of the door or gate in question.

Slate, Writing

  • Cost: 1 gp
  • Weight: 2 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Mason)
    • Check DC: 10

Wig, Noble

  • Cost: 50 gp
  • Weight: 0.5 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Weaver)
    • Check DC: 40

Wig, Simple

  • Cost: 5 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Weaver)
    • Check DC: 15

Wig, Styled

  • Cost: 20 gp
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs
  • Craftable? Yes
    • Skill: Profession (Weaver)
    • Check DC: 20