Frost Giant Scout: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - " <!-- Values: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil --> }}</onlyinclude> | Size=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Size}}}" to " <!--...)
No edit summary
(79 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:

| CR=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|CR}}}
| CR=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|CR}}}
| CR | 15
| CR | 10
   <!-- Value: integer between 1 and 40. -->
   <!-- Value: integer between 1 and 40. -->
| Min-CR = 7
| Max-CR = 15

| MonsterName=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|MonsterName}}}
| MonsterName=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|MonsterName}}}
Line 23: Line 26:
| Role=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Role}}}
| Role=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Role}}}
| Role |  
| Role |  
   <!-- Values: Heavy, Killer, Leader, Minion, Shooter, Sneak, Tank, Threat, Villain, or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: Heavy, Killer, Leader, Legend, Minion, Shooter, Skirmisher, Sneak, Swarm, Tank, Threat, Villain, or leave blank -->
  <!-- Prevent this monster from being assigned certain roles in MMM -->
| Restrict-Role-No-Role =
| Restrict-Role-Heavy =
| Restrict-Role-Killer =
| Restrict-Role-Leader =
| Restrict-Role-Legend =
| Restrict-Role-Minion =
| Restrict-Role-Shooter =
| Restrict-Role-Skirmisher =
| Restrict-Role-Sneak =
| Restrict-Role-Swarm =
| Restrict-Role-Tank =
| Restrict-Role-Threat =
| Restrict-Role-Villain =
  <!-- Values: Y or leave blank -->
| Pattern1=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Pattern1}}}
| Pattern1 |
  <!-- Use to assign a Pattern to the monster, which will alter its effective CR.  Or leave blank. -->
| Pattern2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Pattern2}}}
| Pattern2 |
  <!-- Use to assign a second Pattern to the monster, which will further alter its effective CR.  Or leave blank. -->

| Description=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Description}}}
| Description=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Description}}}
| Description | In the world, there are places where summer never comes.  There are vast frozen wastelands coated in permanent ice, there are gigantic boreal forests that lie cloaked in eternal winter, there are high, bright deserts where the utter cold of the Deep Dark has settled into the world's bones permanently.
| Description | In the world, there are places where summer never comes.  There are vast frozen wastelands coated in permanent ice, there are gigantic boreal forests that lie cloaked in eternal winter, there are high, bright deserts where the utter cold of the Unterwelt has settled into the world's bones permanently.

:Many races with the Spark of Civility can tolerate the cold very well, most notably the rocky Oreads, the deep-dwelling Dwarves, and the well-furred Gata, Kitsune, Nagdyr and Tengu.  Humans, of course, live everywhere, and thrive.
Many races with the Spark of Civility can tolerate the cold very well, most notably the rocky Oreads, the deep-dwelling Dwarves, and the well-furred Gata, Kitsune, Nagdyr and Tengu.  Humans, of course, live everywhere, and thrive.

:But in the deepest and most bitter of the Cold Lands, there are no civilized races.  Not because they cannot bear the numbing cold.  But because there is something much older, much colder, much, much worse that already lives there.  
But in the deepest and most bitter of the Cold Lands, there are no civilized races.  Not because they cannot bear the numbing cold.  But because there is something much older, much colder, much, much worse that already lives there.  

:The Cold Lands are the natural home of one of the coldest, cruelest races of Giants imaginable.  They call themselves Aesir, or Frostborn, or even sometimes the Rimed Ones. To all other races they are known as the Frost Giants.
The Cold Lands are the natural home of one of the coldest, cruelest races of Giants imaginable.  They call themselves Aesir, or Frostborn, or even sometimes the Rimed Ones. To all other races they are known as the Frost Giants.

:Frost Giants control vast areas of territory, cold, hard places, inhospitable lands where food is hard to find.  Unfortunately for the world, Frost Giants have an eerie magical metabolism and they can survive, even thrive, on nothing but a diet of ice.  In places where there is plentiful ice, Frost Giants are discouragingly common.  In cold, dry places such as bright deserts, Frost Giants find ice, imported from their own territory, or stolen as water from warmer climes, is a long-lasting food store that never goes bad.   
Frost Giants control vast areas of territory, cold, hard places, inhospitable lands where food is hard to find.  Unfortunately for the world, Frost Giants have an eerie magical metabolism and they can survive, even thrive, on nothing but a diet of ice.  In places where there is plentiful ice, Frost Giants are discouragingly common.  In cold, dry places such as bright deserts, Frost Giants find ice, imported from their own territory, or stolen as water from warmer climes, is a long-lasting food store that never goes bad.   

:Frost Giants have many styles of 'civilization' in their lands.  There are roving bands of barbaric cannibals, there are vast mountaintop fortress cities of blue, bitter ice, there are vast glacier-born towns of wrackwood and tusks sprawling down the sides of mountain ranges, there are vast log fortresses in dark, cold forests, there are entire plains sculpted into lost, empty Igloo Ruins.  Frost Giants live in all these places and more, sometimes in hordes, sometimes as single wanderers and hunters.
Frost Giants have many styles of 'civilization' in their lands.  There are roving bands of barbaric cannibals, there are vast mountaintop fortress cities of blue, bitter ice, there are vast glacier-born towns of wrackwood and tusks sprawling down the sides of mountain ranges, there are vast log fortresses in dark, cold forests, there are entire plains sculpted into lost, empty Igloo Ruins.  Frost Giants live in all these places and more, sometimes in hordes, sometimes as single wanderers and hunters.

:One unifying feature of the Frost Giant 'culture' is the fact that Frost Giant hearts are as cold and unforgiving as their territory.  Frost Giants do not understand such concepts as friendship, love, mercy, or compassion.  Every Frost Giant, from the most exalted to the lowliest, truly cares about only one thing, which is themselves.  Frost Giants are capable of working together to raise mighty works, create vast fortresses and cities, and march in terrible armies, but the driving motivation behind every one of them in the masses is pure selfishness.
One unifying feature of the Frost Giant 'culture' is the fact that Frost Giant hearts are as cold and unforgiving as their territory.  Frost Giants do not understand such concepts as friendship, love, mercy, or compassion.  Every Frost Giant, from the most exalted to the lowliest, truly cares about only one thing, which is themselves.  Frost Giants are capable of working together to raise mighty works, create vast fortresses and cities, and march in terrible armies, but the driving motivation behind every one of them in the masses is pure selfishness.

:Another feature of Frost Giants is their pure, unrelenting evil. The cold that drives them and makes up so much of their mindset leaves no room for kindness or gentleness or weal.  There is no such thing as a kindly Frost Giant, they are every one as vicious, nasty, and unfeeling as the worst monster ever spawned.
Another feature of Frost Giants is their pure, unrelenting evil. The cold that drives them and makes up so much of their mindset leaves no room for kindness or gentleness or weal.  There is no such thing as a kindly Frost Giant, they are every one as vicious, nasty, and unfeeling as the worst monster ever spawned.

:Some Frost Giants are berserkers, a cold rage driving them to maddened heights of murder.  Others are cowards and connivers, seeking allies and pets to do the hard work of making them enriched.  Some Frost Giants are twisted by terrible cold magic, their bones fuming with hoarfrost, and others are as patient and unforgiving as a frozen sea.
Some Frost Giants are berserkers, a cold rage driving them to maddened heights of murder.  Others are cowards and connivers, seeking allies and pets to do the hard work of making them enriched.  Some Frost Giants are twisted by terrible cold magic, their bones fuming with hoarfrost, and others are as patient and unforgiving as a frozen sea.

:Frost Giants delight in owning slaves, and use them in every low, demeaning way possible.  They especially value Stone Giants and any of the Civilized races as slaves, both for their valuable skills and abilities as well as the way they provide a fun and easy outlet for their basest urges toward rapine, torture, murder, and cannibalism.
Frost Giants delight in owning slaves, and use them in every low, demeaning way possible.  They especially value Stone Giants and any of the Civilized races as slaves, both for their valuable skills and abilities as well as the way they provide a fun and easy outlet for their basest urges toward rapine, torture, murder, and cannibalism.

:In addition to slaves, Frost Giants count many creatures as allies and pets.  Trolls and ogres, of course, delight in Giantish company.  Remorhazes, winter wolves, yetis and even wendigoes are valuable pets, chattel, and allies.  Frost Giants also frequently have Hill Giants as serfs, the hardy creatures enduring the cold without trouble and providing a cheap source of unending labor.  Frost Giants have even been known to capture and enslave White Dragons, much to their own delight and the chagrin of such proud creatures, although anyone who crosses the Dragons must be careful indeed.
In addition to slaves, Frost Giants count many creatures as allies and pets.  Trolls and ogres, of course, delight in Giantish company.  Remorhazes, winter wolves, yetis and even wendigoes are valuable pets, chattel, and allies.  Frost Giants also frequently have Hill Giants as serfs, the hardy creatures enduring the cold without trouble and providing a cheap source of unending labor.  Frost Giants have even been known to capture and enslave White Dragons, much to their own delight and the chagrin of such proud creatures, although anyone who crosses the Dragons must be careful indeed.

:Frost Giants spend much of their time raiding, warring, and murdering among themselves, in their dark, cold fastnesses.  Unfortunately, those Giantish lands that lie close to the lands of the Civilized races are considered to be Giantish lands as well, just momentarily too hot for comfort. Frost Giants delight in raiding into civilized territory, and they have developed a type of magically chilled glacier which serves as their preferred vehicle for such depredations.  
Frost Giants spend much of their time raiding, warring, and murdering among themselves, in their dark, cold fastnesses.  Unfortunately, those Giantish lands that lie close to the lands of the Civilized races are considered to be Giantish lands as well, just momentarily too hot for comfort. Frost Giants delight in raiding into civilized territory, and they have developed a type of magically chilled glacier which serves as their preferred vehicle for such depredations.  

:A Frost Giant Glacier is a vast block of ice, easily the size of a Civilized Galleon that has been scaled up to size Huge, and each one has a full complement of Frost Giants, siege weapons, and looting/pillaging space.  Such Galleons can 'sail' across dry land for up to a year before melting, and provide the Frost Giants aboard a comfortable place from which to kill and raid to their hearts content.   
A Frost Giant Glacier is a vast block of ice, easily the size of a Civilized Galleon that has been scaled up to size Huge, and each one has a full complement of Frost Giants, siege weapons, and looting/pillaging space.  Such Galleons can 'sail' across dry land for up to a year before melting, and provide the Frost Giants aboard a comfortable place from which to kill and raid to their hearts content.   

:The Glaciers hearken back to the ages of Frost Giant glory in the past, the so called Ice Ages, when glaciers covered the world, carrying utterly victorious Frost Giant hordes to the ends of the world to crush and rule everywhere.  In a Frost Giant's mind, it is just a matter of time until the next Ice Age begins, and when it does, the world will belong to them once again.
The Glaciers hearken back to the ages of Frost Giant glory in the past, the so called Ice Ages, when glaciers covered the world, carrying utterly victorious Frost Giant hordes to the ends of the world to crush and rule everywhere.  In a Frost Giant's mind, it is just a matter of time until the next Ice Age begins, and when it does, the world will belong to them once again.

:The Frost Giants presented here are Scouts.  They are lightly equipped and fleet of foot, with skills and talents suited to the wide open spaces of the taiga and the cold, snowy halls of winterholds. Scouts are often young, out in the world seeking victims to murder and loot for their pocket.  Frost Giant Scouts may be simple raiders, out for nothing beyond a little casual murder and pillage...or they may be the vanguard of another Ice Age.
The Frost Giants presented here are Scouts.  They are lightly equipped and fleet of foot, with skills and talents suited to the wide open spaces of the taiga and the cold, snowy halls of winterholds. Scouts are often young, out in the world seeking victims to murder and loot for their pocket.  Frost Giant Scouts may be simple raiders, out for nothing beyond a little casual murder and pillage... or they may be the vanguard of another Ice Age.

Line 61: Line 92:
| Alignment=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Alignment}}}
| Alignment=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Alignment}}}
| Alignment | Chaotic Evil
| Alignment | Chaotic Evil
   <!-- Values: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil -->
   <!-- Values: Lawful Good, True Lawful, Lawful Evil, Pure Good, Neutral, Pure Evil, Chaotic Good, True Chaotic, Chaotic Evil -->

Line 71: Line 102:
| Type=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Type}}}
| Type=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Type}}}
| Type | Humanoid
| Type | Humanoid
   <!-- Values: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Swarm, Troop, Undead, Vermin -->
   <!-- Values: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Undead, Vermin -->

| Subtype=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype}}}
| Subtype=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype}}}
| Subtype | Giant, Cold
| Subtype | Giant
   <!-- If second monster type (e.g. a swarm of vermin): Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Swarm, Troop, Undead, Vermin -->
   <!-- If second monster type: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Undead, Vermin -->
   <!-- If Humanoid: Duergar, Giant, Gloom, Gnoll, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Maenad, Norker, Orc, Somber Crool, Troglodyte, Vampire Thrall -->
   <!-- If Humanoid: Duergar, Giant, Gloom, Gnoll, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Maenad, Norker, Orc, Somber Crool, Troglodyte, Vampire Thrall -->
   <!-- If Outsider: Air, Chaotic, Demon, Devil, Earth, Elemental, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Native, Water -->
   <!-- If Outsider: Air, Chaotic, Demon, Devil, Earth, Elemental, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Native, Water -->
Line 84: Line 115:

| Subtype2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype2}}}
| Subtype2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype2}}}
| Subtype2 |  
| Subtype2 | Cold

Line 99: Line 130:

| NudgeBasicLoreValue =  
| NudgeBasicLoreValue=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|NudgeBasicLoreValue}}}
| NudgeBasicLoreValue|
   <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the basic knowledge check for this monster -->
   <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the basic knowledge check for this monster -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeFullLoreValue =  
| NudgeFullLoreValue=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|NudgeFullLoreValue}}}
| NudgeFullLoreValue|
   <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the full knowledge check for this monster -->
   <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the full knowledge check for this monster -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeInit = +3
| NudgeInit = +3
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->

| Senses = [[Standard Senses]], [[Low-Light Vision]] 120 ft.
  <!-- SENSES -->
   <!-- List the sense type and distance (in feet). (E.g. "[[Darkvision]] 60 ft.") -->
   <!-- These senses have no ranges; the monster either has them (Value: "Y") or doesn't (leave blank) -->
  <!--   [[Standard Senses]], [[Blind]] to Vision, [[Blind]] to Sound, [[Blind]] to Smell -->
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Vision =
   <!--   [[Low-Light Vision]], [[Darkvision]], [[Heartsight]]                              -->
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Sound =
  <!--   [[Keen Hearing]], [[Precise Hearing]], [[Echolocation]]                          -->
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Smell =
  <!--   [[Scent]], [[Keen Scent]], [[Perfect Scent]]                                      -->
| Sense-Has-Low-Light-Vision = Y
  <!--   [[Tremorsense]], [[Blindsense]], [[Lifesense]]                                    -->
   <!-- These senses require ranges; if the monster has them, list the range in feet (just the number only),  
        or leave blank if the monster doesn't possess the sense in question.            -->
| Sense-Darkvision-Range =
| Sense-Heartsight-Range =
| Sense-Keen-Hearing-Range =
| Sense-Precise-Hearing-Range =
| Sense-Echolocation-Range =
| Sense-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Keen-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Perfect-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Airsense-Range =
| Sense-Blindsense-Range =
| Sense-Cloudsense-Range =
| Sense-Lifesense-Range =
| Sense-Mindsense-Range =
| Sense-Tremorsense-Range =
| Sense-Watersense-Range =
  <!-- If you want custom text in the 'Senses' field, use the field below, or leave blank -->
| Senses-Custom-Text =

| NudgePerception =  
| NudgePerception =  
Line 122: Line 178:

| NudgeAC =  
| NudgeAC =  
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeTouchAC =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFFAC =
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 158: Line 208:
   <!-- Put any DR or ER values here -->
   <!-- Put any DR or ER values here -->

| StrongAgainst = '''''Immune (no effect):'''''Cold
| StrongAgainst = '''''Immune (no effect):''''' {{dmg|Cold}}
   <!-- Put any 'immunity' or 'hardened' values here;
   <!-- Put any 'immunity' or 'hardened' values here;
         immunities based on type (e.g. Vermin) or role (e.g. Threat) are automatically added
         immunities based on type (e.g. Vermin) or role (e.g. Threat) are automatically added
           '''''Hardened (damage):'''''
           '''''Hardened (1/2 damage):'''''
           '''''Immune (no effect):'''''                                                                  -->
           '''''Immune (no effect):'''''                                                                  -->

Line 193: Line 243:
   <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type and/or subtype (if any)) -->
   <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type and/or subtype (if any)) -->

| MoveTypes = [[Walk]] 80 ft.
  <!-- MOVE TYPES -->
   <!-- List the move type and distance (in feet). (E.g. [[Jet]] 60 ft.) -->
   <!-- If the monster has a given movement type, list the speed, in feet (just the number only), below;
  <!--   [[Burrowing]], [[Tunneling]], [[Earth Glide]]        -->
        if they don't have that movement type, leave it blank                    -->
  <!--   [[Lesser Climb]], [[Greater Climb]], [[Brachiating]]  -->
| Move-Type-Walk-Speed = 80
  <!--   [[Hover]], [[Lesser Flight]], [[Greater Flight]]      -->
| Move-Type-Burrowing-Speed =
  <!--   [[Lesser Swim]], [[Greater Swim]], [[Jet]]            -->
| Move-Type-Tunneling-Speed =
  <!--   [[Lesser Teleport]], [[Greater Teleport]]            -->
| Move-Type-Earth-Glide-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Climb-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Climb-Speed =
| Move-Type-Brachiating-Speed =
| Move-Type-Vaulting-Speed =
| Move-Type-Hover-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Flight-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Flight-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Swim-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Swim-Speed =
| Move-Type-Jet-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Teleport-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Teleport-Speed =
  <!-- If you want custom text in the 'Move Type' field, use the field below, or leave blank -->
| Move-Type-Custom-Text =

| NudgeSpace =  
| NudgeSpace =  
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.               -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Swarm", the space will default to 10 ft.                                                                                 -->
        NOTE: If role is "Swarm", only put the space occupied by the COMPONENT CREATURE, NOT the space of the swarm, troop, or horde.
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Troop", the space will default to 15 ft. + the normal space for the component creature size (e.g. 20 ft. for size medium) -->
        NOTE: Swarms default to 10 feet. Troops default to 15 ft. + the normal space for the component creature size (e.g. 20 ft. for size medium) -->

| NudgeReach =  
| NudgeReach =  
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.     -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Swarm", the reach will default to 0 ft.                                                                         -->
        NOTE: If role is "Swarm", only put the reach of the COMPONENT CREATURE, NOT the reach of the swarm, troop, or horde.
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Troop", the reach will default to the normal reach for the component creature size (e.g. 5 ft. for size medium) -->
        NOTE: Swarms default to 0 ft. Troops default to the normal reach for the component creature size (e.g. 5 ft. for size medium) -->

Line 228: Line 294:
   <!-- name of primary attack, weapons or natural attacks (e.g. "Longsword" or "Bite") -->
   <!-- name of primary attack, weapons or natural attacks (e.g. "Longsword" or "Bite") -->

| PriAtkNotes = plus [[Torpid]] until the end of the targets next turn
| Pri-Atk-Dmg-Type = hacking
   <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| PriAtkNotes = '''plus:''' [[Torpid]] until the end of the target's next turn
   <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->

| PriAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
| PriAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
Line 242: Line 311:
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->

| PriAtkVSTouchAC =  
| Pri-Atk-Is-Touch =  
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
   <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->

| PriAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
| PriAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->

| NudgePriToHit =  
| NudgePriToHit =  
Line 252: Line 321:

| NudgePriDamage =  
| NudgePriDamage =  
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 260: Line 329:
| SecAtkName =  
| SecAtkName =  
   <!-- name of secondary attack, natural attacks only (e.g. "Claw"); leave blank for none -->
   <!-- name of secondary attack, natural attacks only (e.g. "Claw"); leave blank for none -->
| Sec-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->

| SecAtkNotes =  
| SecAtkNotes =  
   <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
   <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->

| SecAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
| SecAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
Line 275: Line 347:
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->

| SecAtkVSTouchAC =  
| Sec-Atk-Is-Touch =  
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
   <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->

| SecAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
| SecAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->

| NudgeSecToHit =  
| NudgeSecToHit =  
Line 285: Line 357:

| NudgeSecDamage =  
| NudgeSecDamage =  
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 293: Line 365:
| TerAtkName =  
| TerAtkName =  
   <!-- Roles only; name of tertiary attack (e.g. "Shield Bash" or "Tail Slap"); damage equal to primary attack; leave blank for none -->
   <!-- Roles only; name of tertiary attack (e.g. "Shield Bash" or "Tail Slap"); damage equal to primary attack; leave blank for none -->
| Ter-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->

| TerAtkNotes =  
| TerAtkNotes =  
   <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
   <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->

| TerAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
| TerAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
Line 308: Line 383:
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->

| TerAtkVSTouchAC =  
| Ter-Atk-Is-Touch =  
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
   <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->

| TerAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
| TerAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->

| NudgeTerToHit =  
| NudgeTerToHit =  
Line 318: Line 393:

| NudgeTerDamage =  
| NudgeTerDamage =  
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 326: Line 401:
| QuaAtkName =  
| QuaAtkName =  
   <!-- Roles w/natural attacks only; name of quaternary attack (e.g. "Wing Slam"); damage equal to secondary attack; leave blank for none -->
   <!-- Roles w/natural attacks only; name of quaternary attack (e.g. "Wing Slam"); damage equal to secondary attack; leave blank for none -->
| Qua-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->

| QuaAtkNotes =  
| QuaAtkNotes =  
   <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
   <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->

| QuaAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
| QuaAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
Line 341: Line 419:
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->

| QuaAtkVSTouchAC =  
| Qua-Atk-Is-Touch =  
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->

| QuaAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
| QuaAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->

| NudgeQuaToHit =  
| NudgeQuaToHit =  
Line 351: Line 429:

| NudgeQuaDamage =  
| NudgeQuaDamage =  
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 366: Line 444:
   <!-- Range increment in feet (e.g. 20 ft.); -2 to hit per increment after first -->
   <!-- Range increment in feet (e.g. 20 ft.); -2 to hit per increment after first -->

| RangedAtkNumberOfIncrements = 10
| RangedAtkNumberOfIncrements = 10
   <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
   <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->

| RangedAtkNotes = plus Iceburst (see below)
| Ranged-Atk-Dmg-Type = cold
   <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| RangedAtkNotes = '''plus:''' Iceburst (see below)
   <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->

| RangedAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
| RangedAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =  
Line 383: Line 464:
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
   <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->

| RangedAtkVSTouchAC =  
| Ranged-Atk-Is-Touch =  
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
   <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->

| RangedAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
| RangedAtkIsAuto-Hit =  
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
   <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->

| NudgeRangedToHit =  
| NudgeRangedToHit =  
Line 393: Line 474:

| NudgeRangedDamage =  
| NudgeRangedDamage =  
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 432: Line 513:

| NudgeSiegeDamage =  
| NudgeSiegeDamage =  
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

Line 485: Line 566:

| HideRoleReminder1 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
| HideRoleReminder2 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
| HideRoleReminder3 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
| HideRoleReminder4 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->

Line 508: Line 575:
| Ability-1-Type = Ex
| Ability-1-Type = Ex
   <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance" -->
   <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance" -->
| Ability-1-Action-Required = Swift Action 1/Rnd
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

| Ability-1-Concentration =  
| Ability-1-Concentration =  
   <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will auto-detect Combat Casting and include it -->
   <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will auto-detect Combat Casting and include it -->

| Ability-1-Description = Once per round, a Frost Giant may, as a Swift action, challenge a foe to mortal combat. The foe challenged must be within thirty feet of the Frost Giant to issue this challenge, and the Giant must have line of effect to the foe so they may hear them issue the challenge.  Deaf foes are immune to Bitter Challenge.  The Giant does not have to share a language with the victim.  This challenge lasts until the beginning of the Giant's next turn.  While Challenged, the victim takes a -2 to-hit penalty on any attacks, and a -2 penalty on any concentration rolls, that do not target or include the Challenging Giant. Note that it is possible for a single creature to be the target of multiple Bitter Challenges from multiple Frost Giants, but the penalty is never greater than a -2 to-hit or a -2 to concentration rolls. In such a case, that creature would suffer the penalty unless its attacks included or targeted each of the Challenging giants.
| Ability-1-Description = Once per round as a swift action, a frost giant may challenge a foe to mortal combat. The foe challenged must be within thirty feet of the Frost Giant to issue this challenge, and the Giant must have line of effect to the foe so they may hear them issue the challenge.  Deaf foes are immune to Bitter Challenge.  The Giant does not have to share a language with the victim.  This challenge lasts until the beginning of the Giant's next turn.  While Challenged, the victim takes a -2 to-hit penalty on any attacks, and a -2 penalty on any [[caster check]]s, that do not target or include the Challenging giant. Note that it is possible for a single creature to be the target of multiple Bitter Challenges from multiple Frost Giants, but the penalty is never greater than a -2 to-hit or a -2 to concentration rolls. In such a case, that creature would suffer the penalty unless its attacks included or targeted each of the Challenging giants.
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below -->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  <!-- Available Variables:  
        {{#var:Special1ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special1TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special1SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special1StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special1SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special1AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special1-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special1-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special1-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special1-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special1-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility1ToHit =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility1TouchAttack =
   <!-- ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility1SaveDC =  
  <!-- ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =  
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility1StandardDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 2   -->

| NudgeAbility1SwiftDamage =
| Ability-2-Name = Iceburst
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility1AlphaDamage =  
| Ability-2-Type = Su
   <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| NudgeAbility1-AbilityDamage =  
| Ability-2-Action-Required = Automatic after Javelin Attack
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility1-HitPoints =  
| Ability-2-Concentration =  
   <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| NudgeAbility1-HitDice =  
| Ability-2-Description = Whether the Frost Giant hits or misses with an Icicle Javelin, the javelin explodes into icy shards, dealing [[Splash Damage]] in {{dmg|cold}} damage to any creature in the squares adjacent to the target (half damage). If the icicle javelin hits its intended target, the target does not take this additional damage, but all adjacent creatures do.  If the icicle javelin misses its target, the target creature and all adjacent creatures take this splash damage damage instead. As with all splash damage, creatures hit with splash damage are treated as though they had successfully made a Reflex saving throw for half damage.  Therefore, abilities like Evasion can be used to mitigate or negate the splash damage.  Note: Icicle Javelins that are Deflected or Reflected by a special ability do not deal Iceburst damage.
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->

| NudgeAbility1-ManeuverOffense =
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility1-ManeuverDefense =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}


| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 2   -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 3   -->

| Ability-2-Name = Iceburst
| Ability-3-Name = Catch Boulders

| Ability-2-Type = Su
| Ability-3-Type = Ex
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| Ability-2-Concentration =  
| Ability-3-Action-Required = Free Action 1/Rnd
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-3-Concentration =  
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| Ability-2-Description = Whether the Frost Giant hits or misses with an Icicle Javelin, the javelin explodes into icy shards, dealing [[Splash Damage]] in cold damage to any creature in the squares adjacent to the target (the minimum that can be rolled on the dice). If the icicle javelin hits its intended target, the target does not take this additional damage, but all adjacent creatures doIf the icicle javelin misses its target, the target creature and all adjacent creatures take this splash damage damage instead. Note: Icicle Javelins that are Deflected or Reflected by a special ability do not deal Iceburst damage.
| Ability-3-Description = Once per round as a free action, a Frost Giant may roll 1d20 any time a thrown or projectile weapon is fired at them or passes anywhere within their reach.  This applies to giant thrown weapons, siege weapon projectiles, arrows,  bolts, bullets, and any other thrown weapon or ammo.  Note that catching a projectile this way is a violent action that will set off alchemical bombs and similar items. If the Giant rolls an 8 or higher on this d20 roll, it successfully catches the attack, it is interrupted and lost unless it is an alchemical bomb or similar effect, in which case it affects the giant that caught itUsing this ability on a weapon with Returning means the attack is interrupted and lost but the weapon still returns to the wielder.
   <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
   <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special2ToHit}}          To-Hit
   {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
         {{#var:Special2TouchAttack}}     Touch To-Hit
  {{Touch-Attack}}         {{Skill-DC|Average}}       {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2SaveDC}}         Save DC
  {{Save-DC}}               {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2StandardDmg}}     Std Damage
  {{Hit-Points}}           {{Skill-DC|Hard}}           {{Ability-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2SwiftDmg}}       Swift Damage
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2AlphaDmg}}       Alpha Damage
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                         {{Primary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                 {{Secondary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                 {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2-Hit-Dice}}       Hit Dice
  {{CR}}                                               {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special2-Maneuver-Offense}}       Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special2-Maneuver-Defense}}       Maneuver Defense
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->
| Ability-4-Name =
| Ability-4-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| NudgeAbility2ToHit =  
| Ability-4-Action-Required =  
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility2TouchAttack =  
| Ability-4-Concentration =  
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| NudgeAbility2SaveDC =  
| Ability-4-Description =  
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility2StandardDamage =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility2SwiftDamage =
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility2AlphaDamage =  
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =  
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 5  -->
| Ability-5-Name =

| NudgeAbility2-AbilityDamage =  
| Ability-5-Type =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| NudgeAbility2-HitPoints =  
| Ability-5-Action-Required =  
   <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility2-HitDice =  
| Ability-5-Concentration =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| NudgeAbility2-ManeuverOffense =  
| Ability-5-Description =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility2-ManeuverDefense =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}


| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 3   -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 6   -->

| Ability-3-Name = Catch Boulders
| Ability-6-Name =  

| Ability-3-Type = Ex
| Ability-6-Type =  
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| Ability-3-Concentration =  
| Ability-6-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-6-Concentration =  
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| Ability-3-Description = Once per round as a free action, a Frost Giant may roll a D20 any time a thrown or projectile weapon is fired at them or passes anywhere within their reach.  This applies to giant thrown weapons, siege weapon projectiles, arrows and bolts and bullets, and any other thrown weapon or ammo.  Note that catching a projectile this way is a violent action that will set off alchemical bombs and items.  If the Giant rolls an 8 or higher on this D20 roll, it successfully catches the attack, it is interrupted and lost unless it is an alchemical bomb or effect, in which case it effects the giant which caught it.  Using this ability on a weapon with Returning or Greater Returning means the attack is interrupted and lost but the weapon still returns to the wielder.
| Ability-6-Description =  
   <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special3ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special3TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special3SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special3StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special3SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special3AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special3-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special3-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special3-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special3-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special3-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility3ToHit =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility3TouchAttack =
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility3SaveDC =  
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =  
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility3StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 7  -->

| NudgeAbility3SwiftDamage =
| Ability-7-Name =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility3AlphaDamage =  
| Ability-7-Type =  
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| NudgeAbility3-AbilityDamage =  
| Ability-7-Action-Required =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility3-HitPoints =  
| Ability-7-Concentration =  
   <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| NudgeAbility3-HitDice =  
| Ability-7-Description =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility3-ManeuverOffense =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility3-ManeuverDefense =
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 8  -->

<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->
| Ability-8-Name =

| Ability-4-Name =  
| Ability-8-Type =  
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| Ability-4-Type =  
| Ability-8-Action-Required =  
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

| Ability-4-Concentration =  
| Ability-8-Concentration =  
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| Ability-4-Description =  
| Ability-8-Description =  
   <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
   <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special4ToHit}}          To-Hit
   {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
         {{#var:Special4TouchAttack}}     Touch To-Hit
  {{Touch-Attack}}         {{Skill-DC|Average}}       {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4SaveDC}}         Save DC
  {{Save-DC}}               {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4StandardDmg}}     Std Damage
  {{Hit-Points}}           {{Skill-DC|Hard}}           {{Ability-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4SwiftDmg}}       Swift Damage
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4AlphaDmg}}       Alpha Damage
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                         {{Primary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                 {{Secondary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                 {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4-Hit-Dice}}       Hit Dice
  {{CR}}                                               {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
        {{#var:Special4-Maneuver-Offense}}       Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special4-Maneuver-Defense}}       Maneuver Defense
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility4ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 9  -->

| NudgeAbility4TouchAttack =
| Ability-9-Name =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility4SaveDC =  
| Ability-9-Type =  
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-9-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-9-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| NudgeAbility4StandardDamage =  
| Ability-9-Description =  
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility4SwiftDamage =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility4AlphaDamage =
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility4-AbilityDamage =  
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =  
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility4-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
        This section lets you write a custom resurrection power for Heavies, Tanks,
        Threats, and Villains, replacing the rez power that they get by default.
        This ability will only appear if this monster is designated as a Heavy, Tank
        Threat, or Villain role.  All other times, it will be invisible.                   -->

| NudgeAbility4-HitDice =
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Name = Broken Ice Heart
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->

| NudgeAbility4-ManeuverOffense =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Type = Su
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| NudgeAbility4-ManeuverDefense =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Action-Required = Auto Upon Death
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Description = When a Resurrecting Frost Giant is made dead the first time in a given encounter, they do not die.  Instead, they fall to a knee, sag against a wall, clutch their chest, or otherwise signal their distress. But then, there is an audible, horrible, crunch from within their bodies, and a massive gust of utter, polar cold wafts from their bodies as they are rimed, head to toe, in bitter blue-white frost.

<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 5  -->
When Broken Ice Heart activates, their hit points are reset to equal their Bloodied Value of {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}, the Resurrecting Frost Giant has all their conditions removed at the beginning of their next turn, including the ability to stand without penalty, and they may fight on.

| Ability-5-Name =
The Resurrecting Frost Giant gains no immunity to damage from Broken Ice Heart, but the chilling breeze that blows from their super-chilled skin wafts outward, affecting all squares within 5 squares of their space (a 13x13 square area if they are the default size Huge). All creatures caught within the cold waft of their Bitter Ice Heart suffer {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}} hit points of {{dmg|cold}} damage, and are allowed a Fort save to take half damage.

| Ability-5-Type =
In addition, any creature caught in the area of effect of Broken Ice Heart which is suffering from the effects of a [[Burned]] or [[Immolated]] condition inflicting Cold damage, find that the condition activates when Broken Ice Heart activates (regardless of save) and the damage from the bonus activation of the condition is added to the damage from Broken Ice Heart for purposes of bypassing damage resistance.
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| Ability-5-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| Ability-5-Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage  
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  <!--Available Variables:  
        {{#var:Special5ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special5TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special5SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special5StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special5SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special5AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special5-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special5-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special5-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special5-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special5-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility5ToHit =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility5TouchAttack =
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility5SaveDC =  
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =  
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility5StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility5SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this
        monster is given the "Killer" role.  Any other time, this ability will be invisible.
        It does not replace any of the default powers that killers normally get.            -->

| NudgeAbility5AlphaDamage =
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Name = Cold Killer's Fury
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility5-AbilityDamage =  
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Type = Ex
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| NudgeAbility5-HitPoints =  
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Action-Required = Immediate Action 1/Rnd
   <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility5-HitDice =  
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Concentration =  
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| NudgeAbility5-ManeuverOffense =
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Description = After the Frost Giant Killer is injured in battle by an enemy, their cold anger removes all constraints on their behavior, and the Killer will begin to bite and gnash nearby foes. Once per round, at the time of their choosing, they may bite all enemies within their reach. There is no to-hit roll for this dire attack, which inflicts {{Special-Swift-Dmg}} points of {{dmg|Gnashing}} damage on all foes in their melee reach when they use their Cold Killer's Fury power.
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility5-ManeuverDefense =
If the foe is suffering from the [[Burned]] condition, inflicting {{dmg|cold}} damage, then they may make a Will-based saving throw against a DC of {{Save-DC}} when Cold Killer's Fury damages them. If they make the save, nothing further happens. if they fail this save, then that condition is escalated to [[Immolated]], instead.
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:

  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 6  -->

| Ability-6-Name =  
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =  

| Ability-6-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Leader" role. It replaces the default "Shouted Command" power, which
        lets Leaders give an ally a Standard Action once per round as a Free Action.
        Leave this blank if you want the "Shouted Command" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Leader" role.                                                  -->

| Ability-6-Concentration =
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Name =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| Ability-6-Description =
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Type =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"   -->
  <!--Available Variables:  
        {{#var:Special6ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special6TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special6SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special6StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special6SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special6AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special6-Ability-Dmg}}   Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special6-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special6-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special6-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special6-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility6ToHit =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Action-Required =  
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility6TouchAttack =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Concentration =  
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| NudgeAbility6SaveDC =
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Description =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->

| NudgeAbility6StandardDamage =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
        or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility6SwiftDamage =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility6AlphaDamage =
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility6-AbilityDamage =  
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =  
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility6-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Legend" role. It replaces the default "Lash Out" power, which
        grants Legends a bonus attack action each round, but only against a fresh target.
        Leave this blank if you want the "Lash Out" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Legend" role.                                                   -->

| NudgeAbility6-HitDice =
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Name =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->

| NudgeAbility6-ManeuverOffense =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Type =  
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| NudgeAbility6-ManeuverDefense =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Action-Required =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Description =

<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 7  -->
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:

| Ability-7-Name =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| Ability-7-Type =
   <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->

| Ability-7-Concentration =  
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =  
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| Ability-7-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special7ToHit}}          To-Hit
         This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        {{#var:Special7TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
         is given the "Minion" role. It replaces the default "Packed Like Sardines" power,
        {{#var:Special7SaveDC}}          Save DC
         which allows minions to squeeze into the same space with another minion without
        {{#var:Special7StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
         penalty. Leave this blank if you want the "Packed Like Sardines" power to appear
        {{#var:Special7SwiftDmg}}       Swift Damage
         when this monster is designated as a "Minion" role.                                -->
         {{#var:Special7AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
         {{#var:Special7-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
         {{#var:Special7-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
         {{#var:Special7-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
         {{#var:Special7-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special7-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility7ToHit =
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Name =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility7TouchAttack =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Type =  
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| NudgeAbility7SaveDC =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Action-Required =  
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.         -->

| NudgeAbility7StandardDamage =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Concentration =  
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| NudgeAbility7SwiftDamage =
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Description =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility7AlphaDamage =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
        or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility7-AbilityDamage =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility7-HitPoints =
   <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->

| NudgeAbility7-HitDice =  
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =  
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility7-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Shooter" role. It replaces the default "Deadshot" power, which allows
        shooters to use any of their other special abilities at range, even if they are
        normally melee only.  Leave this blank if you want the "Deadshot" power to appear
        when this monster is designated as a "Shooter" role.                               -->

| NudgeAbility7-ManeuverDefense =
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Name =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 8  -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| Ability-8-Name =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Description =  

| Ability-8-Type =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
        or save DC numbers with variables:

| Ability-8-Concentration =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
   {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| Ability-8-Description =
   <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special8ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special8TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special8SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special8StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special8SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special8AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special8-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special8-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special8-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special8-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special8-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility8ToHit =  
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =  
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility8TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this
        monster is given the "Skirmisher" role.  Any other time, this ability will be
        invisible. It does not replace any of the default powers that skirmishers
        normally get.                                                                       -->

| NudgeAbility8SaveDC =
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Name =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->

| NudgeAbility8StandardDamage =  
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Type =  
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| NudgeAbility8SwiftDamage =  
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Action-Required =  
   <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

| NudgeAbility8AlphaDamage =  
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Concentration =  
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| NudgeAbility8-AbilityDamage =
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Description =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->

| NudgeAbility8-HitPoints =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
        or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility8-HitDice =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
   {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility8-ManeuverOffense =
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility8-ManeuverDefense =  
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =  
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Sneak" role. It replaces the default "Flash Bomb!" power, which allows
        sneaks to initiate a stealth stance even while observed (hide in plain sight).
        Leave this blank if you want the "Flash Bomb!" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Sneak" role.                                                    -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Name =

<!--   SPECIAL ABILITY 9  -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| Ability-9-Name =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Action-Required =  
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

| Ability-9-Type =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Concentration =  
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| Ability-9-Concentration =
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Description =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->

| Ability-9-Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage  
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  <!--Available Variables:  
        {{#var:Special91ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special9TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special9SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special9StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special9SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special9AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special9-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special9-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special9-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special9-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special9-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense

| NudgeAbility9ToHit =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
   {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

| NudgeAbility9TouchAttack =
   <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeAbility9SaveDC =  
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| Name =
| Intensity =  
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

| NudgeAbility9StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Swarm" role. It replaces the default "Personal Space Issues" power
        (or the "Darken The Sky" power, if it is a Troop), which allows swarms to inflict
        the Distracted condition when they damage a foe (or it grants an area of affect
        ranged attack if it is a troop). Leave this blank if you want the "Personal Space
        Issues" or "Darken the Sky" power to appear when this monster is designated as a
        "Swarm" role.                                                                      -->

| NudgeAbility9SwiftDamage =
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Name =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->

| NudgeAbility9AlphaDamage =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Type =  
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

| NudgeAbility9-AbilityDamage =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Action-Required =  
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
   <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action,
        Free Action, Immediate Action, Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At
        Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.                                           -->

| NudgeAbility9-HitPoints =  
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Concentration =  
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| NudgeAbility9-HitDice =
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Description =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. -->

| NudgeAbility9-ManeuverOffense =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
        or save DC numbers with variables:

| NudgeAbility9-ManeuverDefense =
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
   <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
   {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}


| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =


| CombatTactics = Frost Giant Scouts like to begin fights at range and lead off with a full attack with Icicle Javelins. They will target spell casters and ranged attackers with these attacks.  If they hit, then during the second round of combat they will usually take a move action to get a good angle and then charge whoever they hit, taking the +4 bonus from their Opening Volley.  Note that Frost Giants are size Huge and can Stepover size medium and smaller foes.  If they can't get a Charge but are still able to close to melee, they will do that instead if it is advantageous.
| CombatTactics = Frost Giant Scouts like to begin fights at range and lead off with a full attack with Icicle Javelins. They will target spell casters and ranged attackers with these attacks.  If they hit, then during the second round of combat they will usually take a move action to get a good angle and then charge whoever they hit, taking the +4 bonus from their Opening Volley.  Note that Frost Giants are size Huge and can Stepover size medium and smaller foes.  If they can't get a Charge but are still able to close to melee, they will do that instead if it is advantageous.

:In melee, Frost Giants will be sure to issue their Bitter Challenge each round, but they are cagey enough to be smart about it: The Bitter Challenge works best in their twisted worldview if you Challenge somebody you're NOT already fighting.  Frost Giants know this, and will thus almost always challenge somebody else than their current melee target. They will also do such things as issue a challenge to a ranged attacker, and then move around a corner, and similar nasty tricks.
In melee, Frost Giants will be sure to issue their Bitter Challenge each round, but they are cagey enough to be smart about it: The Bitter Challenge works best in their twisted worldview if you Challenge somebody you're NOT already fighting.  Frost Giants know this, and will thus almost always challenge somebody else than their current melee target. They will also do such things as issue a challenge to a ranged attacker, and then move around a corner, and similar nasty tricks.

:Scouts that have not hit at range will continue making full attacks with their Icicle Javelins until they land a hit or are forced into melee.  They trust their Iceburst power to eventually wear down most foes, so they are content to duke it out at range.  They have no fear of firing into melee, they are skilled at such tactics, and Frost Giants are immune to the cold of their Icy Bursts. If they take casualties at range, they will promptly break off the fight and flee, their long legs making this more than viable against most foes.
Scouts that have not hit at range will continue making full attacks with their Icicle Javelins until they land a hit or are forced into melee.  They trust their Iceburst power to eventually wear down most foes, so they are content to duke it out at range.  They have no fear of firing into melee, they are skilled at such tactics, and Frost Giants are immune to the cold of their Icy Bursts. If they take casualties at range, they will promptly break off the fight and flee, their long legs making this more than viable against most foes.

:Once they are engaged in melee, most Scouts will not break off the combat as their bloodlust gets the better of them.
Once they are engaged in melee, most Scouts will not break off the combat as their bloodlust gets the better of them.

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Latest revision as of 21:37, 4 February 2023

Frost Giant Scout (CR 10)

Chaotic Evil - Huge - Humanoid (Giant, Cold)
Lore: Know (Local)
20 35
Basic DC Full DC
Initiative Icon 2.png
26 +16
Passive Active
on a d20

Movement Types:


Shield Icon 3.png
Man Def
Shield Icon 3.png
Monster Health
210 105 16
Hit Points Bloodied Hit Dice
Saving Throws
Fort: +7
Refl: +12
Will: +7

Strong Against:

  • See Catch Boulders
  • Immune (no effect): Cold (energy, common)
Weak Against:


Size: Huge
15 ft. 15 ft.
Space Reach
Sword Icon 3.png
Man Off
Sword Icon 3.png

Standard Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Bitter Axe +16 (2d8+10/19-20 x2)
    as hacking (physical, uncommon)
    plus: Torpid until the end of the target's next turn

Full Attack (Melee):

  • 3x Bitter Axe +16 (2d8+10/19-20 x2)
    as hacking (physical, uncommon)
    plus: Torpid until the end of the target's next turn

Standard Attack (Ranged):

  • 1x Icicle Javelin +16 (2d8+10/19-20 x2)
    as cold (energy, common)
    (Increment: 200 ft.; Max Range: 2000 ft.)
    plus: Iceburst (see below)

Full Attack (Ranged):

  • 3x Icicle Javelin +16 (2d8+10/19-20 x2)
    as cold (energy, common)
    (Increment: 200 ft.; Max Range: 2000 ft.)
    plus: Iceburst (see below)

Siege Damage: Not siege capable




Languages: Giant, common


  • Opening Volley (EFFECT: Successful ranged attack grants +4 on next melee attack roll)
  • Precise Shot (EFFECT: No penalty for shooting into melee at any range.)

Special Abilities

Bitter Challenge (Ex) Swift Action 1/Rnd

Once per round as a swift action, a frost giant may challenge a foe to mortal combat. The foe challenged must be within thirty feet of the Frost Giant to issue this challenge, and the Giant must have line of effect to the foe so they may hear them issue the challenge. Deaf foes are immune to Bitter Challenge. The Giant does not have to share a language with the victim. This challenge lasts until the beginning of the Giant's next turn. While Challenged, the victim takes a -2 to-hit penalty on any attacks, and a -2 penalty on any caster checks, that do not target or include the Challenging giant. Note that it is possible for a single creature to be the target of multiple Bitter Challenges from multiple Frost Giants, but the penalty is never greater than a -2 to-hit or a -2 to concentration rolls. In such a case, that creature would suffer the penalty unless its attacks included or targeted each of the Challenging giants.

Iceburst (Su) Automatic after Javelin Attack

Whether the Frost Giant hits or misses with an Icicle Javelin, the javelin explodes into icy shards, dealing Splash Damage in cold (energy, common) damage to any creature in the squares adjacent to the target (half damage). If the icicle javelin hits its intended target, the target does not take this additional damage, but all adjacent creatures do. If the icicle javelin misses its target, the target creature and all adjacent creatures take this splash damage damage instead. As with all splash damage, creatures hit with splash damage are treated as though they had successfully made a Reflex saving throw for half damage. Therefore, abilities like Evasion can be used to mitigate or negate the splash damage. Note: Icicle Javelins that are Deflected or Reflected by a special ability do not deal Iceburst damage.

Catch Boulders (Ex) Free Action 1/Rnd

Once per round as a free action, a Frost Giant may roll 1d20 any time a thrown or projectile weapon is fired at them or passes anywhere within their reach. This applies to giant thrown weapons, siege weapon projectiles, arrows, bolts, bullets, and any other thrown weapon or ammo. Note that catching a projectile this way is a violent action that will set off alchemical bombs and similar items. If the Giant rolls an 8 or higher on this d20 roll, it successfully catches the attack, it is interrupted and lost unless it is an alchemical bomb or similar effect, in which case it affects the giant that caught it. Using this ability on a weapon with Returning means the attack is interrupted and lost but the weapon still returns to the wielder.

Frost Giant Scout

Frost Giant Scout

In the world, there are places where summer never comes. There are vast frozen wastelands coated in permanent ice, there are gigantic boreal forests that lie cloaked in eternal winter, there are high, bright deserts where the utter cold of the Unterwelt has settled into the world's bones permanently.

Many races with the Spark of Civility can tolerate the cold very well, most notably the rocky Oreads, the deep-dwelling Dwarves, and the well-furred Gata, Kitsune, Nagdyr and Tengu. Humans, of course, live everywhere, and thrive.

But in the deepest and most bitter of the Cold Lands, there are no civilized races. Not because they cannot bear the numbing cold. But because there is something much older, much colder, much, much worse that already lives there.

The Cold Lands are the natural home of one of the coldest, cruelest races of Giants imaginable. They call themselves Aesir, or Frostborn, or even sometimes the Rimed Ones. To all other races they are known as the Frost Giants.

Frost Giants control vast areas of territory, cold, hard places, inhospitable lands where food is hard to find. Unfortunately for the world, Frost Giants have an eerie magical metabolism and they can survive, even thrive, on nothing but a diet of ice. In places where there is plentiful ice, Frost Giants are discouragingly common. In cold, dry places such as bright deserts, Frost Giants find ice, imported from their own territory, or stolen as water from warmer climes, is a long-lasting food store that never goes bad.

Frost Giants have many styles of 'civilization' in their lands. There are roving bands of barbaric cannibals, there are vast mountaintop fortress cities of blue, bitter ice, there are vast glacier-born towns of wrackwood and tusks sprawling down the sides of mountain ranges, there are vast log fortresses in dark, cold forests, there are entire plains sculpted into lost, empty Igloo Ruins. Frost Giants live in all these places and more, sometimes in hordes, sometimes as single wanderers and hunters.

One unifying feature of the Frost Giant 'culture' is the fact that Frost Giant hearts are as cold and unforgiving as their territory. Frost Giants do not understand such concepts as friendship, love, mercy, or compassion. Every Frost Giant, from the most exalted to the lowliest, truly cares about only one thing, which is themselves. Frost Giants are capable of working together to raise mighty works, create vast fortresses and cities, and march in terrible armies, but the driving motivation behind every one of them in the masses is pure selfishness.

Another feature of Frost Giants is their pure, unrelenting evil. The cold that drives them and makes up so much of their mindset leaves no room for kindness or gentleness or weal. There is no such thing as a kindly Frost Giant, they are every one as vicious, nasty, and unfeeling as the worst monster ever spawned.

Some Frost Giants are berserkers, a cold rage driving them to maddened heights of murder. Others are cowards and connivers, seeking allies and pets to do the hard work of making them enriched. Some Frost Giants are twisted by terrible cold magic, their bones fuming with hoarfrost, and others are as patient and unforgiving as a frozen sea.

Frost Giants delight in owning slaves, and use them in every low, demeaning way possible. They especially value Stone Giants and any of the Civilized races as slaves, both for their valuable skills and abilities as well as the way they provide a fun and easy outlet for their basest urges toward rapine, torture, murder, and cannibalism.

In addition to slaves, Frost Giants count many creatures as allies and pets. Trolls and ogres, of course, delight in Giantish company. Remorhazes, winter wolves, yetis and even wendigoes are valuable pets, chattel, and allies. Frost Giants also frequently have Hill Giants as serfs, the hardy creatures enduring the cold without trouble and providing a cheap source of unending labor. Frost Giants have even been known to capture and enslave White Dragons, much to their own delight and the chagrin of such proud creatures, although anyone who crosses the Dragons must be careful indeed.

Frost Giants spend much of their time raiding, warring, and murdering among themselves, in their dark, cold fastnesses. Unfortunately, those Giantish lands that lie close to the lands of the Civilized races are considered to be Giantish lands as well, just momentarily too hot for comfort. Frost Giants delight in raiding into civilized territory, and they have developed a type of magically chilled glacier which serves as their preferred vehicle for such depredations.

A Frost Giant Glacier is a vast block of ice, easily the size of a Civilized Galleon that has been scaled up to size Huge, and each one has a full complement of Frost Giants, siege weapons, and looting/pillaging space. Such Galleons can 'sail' across dry land for up to a year before melting, and provide the Frost Giants aboard a comfortable place from which to kill and raid to their hearts content.

The Glaciers hearken back to the ages of Frost Giant glory in the past, the so called Ice Ages, when glaciers covered the world, carrying utterly victorious Frost Giant hordes to the ends of the world to crush and rule everywhere. In a Frost Giant's mind, it is just a matter of time until the next Ice Age begins, and when it does, the world will belong to them once again.

The Frost Giants presented here are Scouts. They are lightly equipped and fleet of foot, with skills and talents suited to the wide open spaces of the taiga and the cold, snowy halls of winterholds. Scouts are often young, out in the world seeking victims to murder and loot for their pocket. Frost Giant Scouts may be simple raiders, out for nothing beyond a little casual murder and pillage... or they may be the vanguard of another Ice Age.

Combat Tactics

Frost Giant Scouts like to begin fights at range and lead off with a full attack with Icicle Javelins. They will target spell casters and ranged attackers with these attacks. If they hit, then during the second round of combat they will usually take a move action to get a good angle and then charge whoever they hit, taking the +4 bonus from their Opening Volley. Note that Frost Giants are size Huge and can Stepover size medium and smaller foes. If they can't get a Charge but are still able to close to melee, they will do that instead if it is advantageous.

In melee, Frost Giants will be sure to issue their Bitter Challenge each round, but they are cagey enough to be smart about it: The Bitter Challenge works best in their twisted worldview if you Challenge somebody you're NOT already fighting. Frost Giants know this, and will thus almost always challenge somebody else than their current melee target. They will also do such things as issue a challenge to a ranged attacker, and then move around a corner, and similar nasty tricks.

Scouts that have not hit at range will continue making full attacks with their Icicle Javelins until they land a hit or are forced into melee. They trust their Iceburst power to eventually wear down most foes, so they are content to duke it out at range. They have no fear of firing into melee, they are skilled at such tactics, and Frost Giants are immune to the cold of their Icy Bursts. If they take casualties at range, they will promptly break off the fight and flee, their long legs making this more than viable against most foes.

Once they are engaged in melee, most Scouts will not break off the combat as their bloodlust gets the better of them.

Out of Combat


XP: 9,600

Treasure: Sellable Goods worth 6,875 gp.

Weight: 100 lbs.     Volume: 4 cu. ft.

Optional Treasure Rules: Roll a d20 on Table 1 below once per encounter (NOT per creature). Any items discovered are in addition to the normal treasure for the encounter.

Table 1: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 10 Nothing Found
11 - 14 1 Languid Remnant (tier 1)
15 - 17 1 Pale Remnant (tier 2)
18 - 19 1 Bright Remnant (tier 3)
20 Roll on Table 2
### Nothing to see here!
### Or here. Move along.
Table 2: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Languid Remnants (tier 1)
6 - 10 3 Pale Remnants (tier 2)
11 - 14 1 Intense Remnant (tier 4)
15 - 17 1 Blazing Remnant (tier 5)
18 - 19 1 Vital Remnant (tier 6)
20 Roll on Table 3
### Or here. Move along.
Table 3: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Bright Remnants (tier 3)
6 - 8 3 Intense Remnants (tier 4)
9 - 11 3 Blazing Remnants (tier 5)
12 - 14 3 Vital Remnants (tier 6)
15 - 17 1 Prime Remnant (tier 7)
18 - 19 1 Mythic Remnant (tier 8)
20 1 Empyrean Remnant (tier 9)