Scarab-Plague Mummy: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "\| PriAtkName = (.*) <!-- name of primary attack, weapons or natural attacks \(e\.g\. "Longsword" or "Bite"\) --> \| PriAtkNotes = (.*) <!-- add any specials \(e\.g\. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever \(see below\)",...)
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<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->

| Ability-4-Name = Curse of Unceasing Despair
| Ability-4-Name = Curse of Twelve-Fold Despair

| Ability-4-Type = Su, Fear
| Ability-4-Type = Su, Fear

Revision as of 16:44, 6 March 2019

Scarab-Plague Mummy (VillainCR 17)

Lawful Evil - Medium - Undead
Lore: Know (Religion)
33 50
Basic DC Full DC
Initiative Icon 2.png
41 +31
Passive Active
on a d20


Movement Types:


Shield Icon 3.png
Man Def
Shield Icon 3.png
Monster Health
2,444 1,222 32
Hit Points Bloodied Hit Dice
Saving Throws
Fort: +19
Refl: +15
Will: +14

Strong Against:

Weak Against:

  • Vulnerable (1.5x damage): positive energy


Size: Medium
5 ft. 5 ft.
Space Reach
Sword Icon 3.png
Man Off
Sword Icon 3.png

Standard Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Caustic Touch +25 (5d10+41/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    as acid damage, plus Mummy Rot
  • 1x Crawling Infestation +25 (5d6+17/x2)
    as undefined damage type

Full Attack (Melee):

  • 2x Caustic Touch +25 (5d10+41/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    as acid damage, plus Mummy Rot
  • 4x Crawling Infestation +25 (5d6+17/x2)
    as undefined damage type

Standard Attack (Ranged):

  • 1x Abrading Acid Ray +25 (5d10+41/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    (Increment: 200 ft.; Max Range: 200 ft.)
    as acid damage, plus Collapsing Scuttle

Full Attack (Ranged):

Siege Damage: Not siege capable




Languages: Common, Thanic


  • Mobility (EFFECT: +4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement)

Special Abilities

Collapsing Scuttle (Su)

If a mummy hits with their Abrading Acid Ray ranged touch attack, they may immediately collapse into a pile of scarabs, re-forming adjacent to the target they struck. This is resolved as a free action teleport. The mummy's destination space must be unblocked and unoccupied, except by any scarab swarms which might be in the area. The mummy may use this ability no more than once per round, even with the use of action points.

Summon Scarab Swarms (Su)

Once per round as a free action, the mummy can summon a number of scarab swarm minions equal to the total number of enemies present into any space within 50 feet of the mummy's space. The swarms can be summoned into occupied spaces, but not blocked spaces. If there are already scarab swarm minions present, the mummy can only summon additional scarab swarm minions sufficient to bring the total up to the number of enemies present in the encounter. At no time may more scarab swarm minions be present than the total number of enemy creatures present. "Enemies present" does not include familiars or animal companions, but does include henchmen, mercenaries, or other NPC's that are within at least 5 levels of the player characters. This ability can never be used more than once per round, even with action points.

Scarab swarm minions are size large, but the individuals are size diminutive, meaning they have no reach and cannot threaten or make attacks of opportunity. Each swarm has 1 hit point (total, not each scarab), can move through occupied spaces without provoking attacks of opportunity. Like any swarm, they can stack with themselves, but no more than two swarms can ever attack the same target in a given round. The swarms may only attack once per round, even on a full attack, but their attacks are auto-hit, and deal 5d8+29 points of piercing (physical) damage.
Skittering Horror (Swarm -- auto-hit) (5d8+29)
Scarab swarm minions are immune to positive energy damage and acid damage. They cannot be healed, nor can they be buffed. Minions never take damage on a missed attack, but any attack made against them causes a die roll — either a to-hit roll by the attacker, or a saving throw by the minion, even if the attack doesn't normally allow a saving throw. Any successful hit, or failed save kills the minion.
All scarab swarm minions present in the encounter act on an initiative tick that is 10 ticks lower than the mummy that summoned them.
Mummy Rot (Su)

Any creature struck by the mummy's Caustic Touch melee touch attack must also make a Fort save, DC 27 or suffer 1d4+1 points of WIS damage and a -2 penalty to Will saves until the end of the encounter. Creatures that succeed on their saving throw reduce this WIS damage by half, and suffer no penalty to their Will saves. The saving throw penalty can be removed via a Remove Curse (Spell), or by allowing it to fade at the end of the encounter. Ability damage persists until healed.

Curse of Twelve-Fold Despair (Su, Fear)

As a swift action, the mummy can designate up to two enemies within 50 feet of its space and bestow a curse upon each of them. Targeted creatures must succeed on a Will save, DC 29, or become Slandered. Creatures who succeed on the save are unaffected this round. The curse lasts only until the end of the cursed character's next turn.

This is a fear effect.

Scarab-Plague's Spread (Su)

Each time the mummy is reduced to zero or fewer hit points, the mummy is not slain, but instead collapses into a mound of scarabs. As an immediate action, all creatures within 20 feet of the mummy's space, as well as any enemies currently sharing a space with one or more scarab swarm minions, suffer 5d8+29 points of slashing (physical) damage, as the scarabs lash out reflexively in response to the mummy's turmoil. Creatures may make a Reflex save, DC 27, for half damage.

Until the start of the mummy's next turn, it cannot be harmed. At the start of its next turn, each creature that is suffering from the Curse of Twelve-Fold Despair must make a Will save versus a DC of 29 (this is NOT a fear effect). If any creatures fail this save, they are immediately slain by the curse, and the mummy appears in any space within 20 feet of the space in which it was slain, or any space that contains only scarab swarm minions. When it appears, the mummy is cleared of all conditions it was afflicted with, and is restored to half its hit points (1222 hit points).
If the mummy attempts to return and no creatures are suffering under the Curse of Twelve-Fold Despair, or all cursed enemies succeed on the Will save, the mummy is destroyed.
(Optional): GM's looking for a longer-term villain may wish to bring the mummy back from this destruction after one week, unless the canoptic jars containing its organs are found and consecrated.
Cursed creatures slain by this ability will return as a Salt Zombie in 24 hours unless restored to life before then. Cursed creatures slain by this ability are immune to this mummy's curse for 24 hours (assuming they are restored to life during that time).

Two Steps Ahead (Ex; Villain Role) Auto Upon Death
The first time in an encounter that a Villain is reduced to zero or fewer hit points, three things immediately happen, granting a rare glimpse at this foe's true cunning:
  • Instead of dying, the villain is revealed to have been one of its minions in disguise THE ENTIRE TIME! To make things even worse, this minion dies in a massive explosion, dealing 5d10+44 points of fire (energy, common) to all enemy creatures within a 4 square radius (20 feet) of the villain's space. Affected creatures may make a Reflex save vs. a DC of 27 for half damage. (GMs may change this damage type to any other common Energy or Physical damage type, if it would be more thematically appropriate for the Villain in question.)
  • Immediately after the explosion is resolved, four minions are spawned, or enough to bring the total up to eight, whichever is less (as per the rules of Surrounded By Idiots).
  • The villain is removed from the encounter until the start of its next turn, immune to all damage and effects, and it cannot be targeted by any skills, talents, or abilities until then.

At the start of the Villain's next turn, the villain can appear either in any space that has at least partial cover from all enemy creatures (e.g., around a nearby corner), or in a space where one of its minions currently stands. If the latter option is chosen, the minion is killed to make room for its master. At that time, any conditions the Villain was suffering under are immediately cleared, all accumulated efforts to pierce its condition immunity are removed, and its hit points are set to half its normal maximum (1,222 hit points). Once this has occurred, the Villain's immunity to damage expires, and it may perform its turn as normal.

The Villain is killed for good the second time its hit points are reduced to zero or less.

Surrounded By Idiots (Ex; Villain Role) Free Action 1/Rnd
Up to once per round as a free action during their turn, a Villain may summon four minions, placing them in any unblocked space the Villain can perceive, as long as the space is large enough for the minion to occupy without squeezing. Any time this special ability is used and the total number of summoned minions present would exceed eight, it only summons enough minions to bring the total to eight. Of course, any minion that is killed reduces the number of minions present...

Keep Your Friends Close (Ex; Villain Role) Immediate Action
Once per round as an immediate action, the Villain may apply all of the damage of a single attack just made against them to a single ally within 30 feet of their space, instead. The Villain takes no damage from the attack, and any secondary effects of the attack (such as status conditions) are resolved against the allied creature instead. This ability may never be used more than once per round. If the Villain has no allies within 30 feet, they cannot use this ability.

Alpha Assault (Ex; Villain Role) Always On
A Villain may expend up to two action points in the same round.
Scarab-Plague Mummy

Scarab-Plague Mummy

This creature possesses the Villain role, and therefore counts as 4 monsters for purposes of encounter size, XP award, and treasure.

Mummies are undead remnants of fallen kings, lesser gods, and greater spirits, whose bodies have been preserved in such a way as to maliciously entrap their souls. This entrapment leaves the spirit in a state of eternal torment and agony. As a result, all mummies possess a rage that rivals the most abused demon or maligned dragon, as well as making them just a little bit insane.
Despite this boundless fury and dangerously-impaired sanity, mummies seek to expand their kingdoms and subjugate masses of new followers and worshipers, preferably after turning all of these followers into undead. Their need to command and rule outlives their bodies and follows them into unlife. Most mummies, in fact, commanded their mummification as their final edict in life, knowing that eternal torment would follow, but also knowing they could perpetuate their rule for all eternity.
Mummies tend to play the long game, using their immortality to their advantage. The plots and dealings of a mummy can be felt across continents, but usually after decades or centuries of planning, subtle moves, and sly inveiglements into the lives and societies of those they would corrupt.
Anyone who has tangled with a mummy, or heard legends of their terrors, has also heard of their curse. All mummies can bestow a curse upon their foes, but each mummy's curse is different, with one exception: cursed foes can be used to fuel the mummy's own health if the mummy sustains too much damage.
Scarab-plague mummies are especially foul specimens of mummies, having allowed their body to become host to a nearly-limitless swarm of scarab beetles. These beetles explode out of the mummy as it fights, attacking all who would dare challenge their master. The scarabs have a unique metabolism, in that they can lie dormant within the mummy for many years without needing to feed on anything other than the mummy itself.

Scarab-Plague Mummys are frequently associated with Jade Scarab Swarms. These creatures can often be found together.

Combat Tactics

Scarab-Plague Mummies will not shy away from combat. They will get into the middle of things, using a ranged attack combined with Collapsing Scuttle, use a swift action to curse two nearby enemies, use a free action to summon some minion scarab swarms, then then use an action point to make a full attack action.

In the following round, they will also use their action point, either to make another ranged attack with Collapsing Scuttle (to reposition themselves), or to spread their curse further.
The mummy must prioritize keeping at least one enemy cursed at all times, lest they become vulnerable to destruction. Ideally, they will keep at least two enemies cursed, since their resurrection relies on a (second) failed saving throw. Given that the curse only lasts a single round each time it is used, the mummy will sacrifice full attacks or action points as needed to ensure that enemies are cursed, if they are getting low on hit points.
Because mummies are vulnerable to positive energy damage, they are more delicate than most villains. However, the combination of Slandered, which reduces an enemy's damage output, and WIS damage inflicted by Mummy Rot, which reduces the amount of healing an enemy can receive, they are still fierce opponents, more than capable of destroying their enemies. All that said, they are quite smart, and will make use of Collapsing Scuttle to retreat, if their curses are constantly being resisted, and true destruction looks imminent.

Out of Combat

Scarab-Plague Mummies, like all mummies, are plotters, willing to suborn governments, coerce, blackmail, or threaten influential people in order to move closer to that moment when they slay everyone in the nearby lands, and bring them back as a new-born army of eternally loyal undead. Mummies often make use of death knights, skeletons, zombies and other undead, in order to provide security for their temples, tombs, or keeps.

Mummies are not bound to their tombs, though they prefer environments that are grandiose and of suitable quality to befit their majesty. They often take up residence close to population centers, lying in wait for their many plans to come to fruition.
Mummies are pseudo-divine creatures (like some dragons), and are sometimes able to bestow cleric-like spells and abilities to their most loyal followers.

Die Another Day (Villain Role)

Villains often live to fight another day. In most encounters, a villain shouldn't even be present. However, in those encounters that include villains, GM's should strive to set up the fight in a way that the PC's can achieve victory without actually needing kill the villain. This can include saving imperiled civilians from some dastardly trap, stopping a horrible ritual, or retrieving the McGuffin before the villain can, etc. GM's are cautioned that having a villain escape 'just because' is often very frustrating for players. However, if they escape because the players were busy doing something else, that's usually seen as reasonable.


XP: 409,600 (Villain role included.)

Treasure: Sellable Goods worth 205,778 gp.

Weight: 680 lbs.     Volume: 27.2 cu. ft.

Optional Treasure Rules: Roll a d20 on Table 1 below once per encounter (NOT per creature). Any items discovered are in addition to the normal treasure for the encounter.

Table 1: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 Nothing Found
6 - 10 1 Languid Remnant (tier 1)
11 - 14 1 Pale Remnant (tier 2)
15 - 17 1 Bright Remnant (tier 3)
18 - 20 Roll on Table 2
### Nothing to see here!
### Or here. Move along.
Table 2: Remnant(s) Found
1 5 Languid Remnants (tier 1)
2 - 5 5 Pale Remnants (tier 2)
6 - 10 1 Intense Remnant (tier 4)
11 - 14 1 Blazing Remnant (tier 5)
15 - 17 1 Vital Remnant (tier 6)
18 - 20 Roll on Table 3
### Or here. Move along.
Table 3: Remnant(s) Found
1 5 Bright Remnants (tier 3)
2 5 Intense Remnants (tier 4)
3 - 6 5 Blazing Remnants (tier 5)
7 - 10 5 Vital Remnants (tier 6)
11 - 14 1 Prime Remnant (tier 7)
15 - 17 1 Mythic Remnant (tier 8)
18 - 20 1 Empyrean Remnant (tier 9)