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Revision as of 16:25, 15 February 2019
Level 1 Paladin Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Bane | Enchantment | Std | Enemies take holy (energy, rare) damage when struck by the casters empowered allies. |
Bed of Iron | Necromancy | Std | Armor Check penalties are reduced, and you can sleep comfortably in armor without suffering fatigue. |
Bless | Enchantment | Std | Allies gain a scaling Divine Bonus on attack rolls and saves. |
Bless Weapon | Bless Weapon (Paladin Spell) | Std | Bless Weapon (Paladin Spell) |
Bowstaff | Bowstaff (Paladin Spell) | Std | Bowstaff (Paladin Spell) |
Bungle | Enchantment | Immediate | Inflict a penalty on a target's d20 roll as an immediate action. |
Cause Fear | Necromancy | Immediate | One creature gains the Cringing condition. |
Challenge Evil | Challenge Evil (Paladin Spell) | Std | Challenge Evil (Paladin Spell) |
Command | Enchantment | Std | One subject obeys selected command for 1 round. |
Compel Hostility | Enchantment | Immediate | Encourages opponents to attack you instead of your allies. |
Create Water | Conjuration | Std | Creates 2 gallons/lvl of pure water. |
Cure Light Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 2d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +10). |
Detect Poison | Universal | Std | Detects poison in a creature or object. |
Disguise Self | Illusion | Std | Changes your appearance. |
Disrupt Undead | Necromancy | Std | Ray deals Positive Energy Damage to one Undead in range. |
Divine Favor | Evocation | Std | You gain an increasing Divine Bonus on attack and damage rolls. |
Divine Trident | Evocation | Std | Holy power strikes up to three foes in a cone next to your space. |
Doom | Necromancy | Std | One subject is Shaken and risks a Synergy. |
Embrace Destiny | Universal | Std | Dice with Fate, for good or ill. |
Empower Holy Water | Transmutation | Std | You empower a flask of Holy Water to deal additional damage. |
Endure Elements | Abjuration | Std | Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions. |
Ghoul Touch | Necromancy | Std | Damages one living target you touch. |
Grace | Abjuration | Immediate | Movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. |
Hero's Defiance | Hero's Defiance (Paladin Spell) | Std | Hero's Defiance (Paladin Spell) |
Honeyed Tongue | Transmutation | Std | Roll 2 dice for some uses of Diplomacy, take higher roll. |
Horn of Pursuit | Evocation | Std | Create 3 notes that can be heard up to five miles away. |
Inflict Light Wounds | Necromancy | Std | Negative energy touch, dealing 2d8 damage +1/lvl (max +10). |
Kinetic Reverberation | Abjuration | Std | Channels the force of your actions into a ray of Force damage. |
Knight's Calling | Enchantment | Std | Forces target to move toward you and fight you. |
Know the Enemy | Universal | Std | Gain a scaling Divine Bonus on a monster Knowledge check. |
Liberating Command | Transmutation | Immediate | Restrained target may make an Escape Artist check to escape as an immediate action. |
Life Pact | Necromancy | Std | Affected creatures automatically donate hp to stabilize fallen ally. |
Linebreaker | Transmutation | Std | You gain many scaling bonuses to force your way into enemy lines. |
Litany of Sloth | Enchantment | Immediate | Single target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. |
Litany of Weakness | Necromancy | Immediate | Single target is weakened for 1 round. |
Longstrider | Transmutation | Std | Your speed with all types of movement you possess increases. |
Magic Weapon | Transmutation | Std | Transform a weapon into a similar sort of weapon that is better suited for yourself or for allies. |
Peacebond | Abjuration | Immediate | Locks a weapon in place on the target's body. |
Rally Point | Rally Point (Paladin Spell) | Std | Rally Point (Paladin Spell) |
Read Magic | Universal | Std | Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
Reinforce Armaments | Transmutation | Std | Temporarily mitigates the Fragile (Quality) in targeted weapon or armor. |
Resistance | Abjuration | Immediate | Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws. |
Restoration, Lesser | Conjuration | Immediate | Removes a weak status condition. |
Sanctify Corpse | Evocation | Std | Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead. |
Summon Monster II | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Swift Girding | Transmutation | Std | Your allies are instantly suited up. |
Tactical Acumen | Enchantment | Std | Your or your allies gain an additional bonus on attack rolls or to AC due to battlefield positioning. |
Tap Inner Beauty | Universal | Std | Gain a bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks. |
True Strike | Universal | Immediate | Gain a bonus on your next attack roll. |
Twilight Haze | Illusion | Std | Illusory fog obscures vision. |
Veil of Positive Energy | Veil of Positive Energy (Paladin Spell) | Std | Veil of Positive Energy (Paladin Spell) |
Virtue | Transmutation | Std | Subject instantly gains 1 temporary hp. |
Wave Shield | Abjuration | Immediate | Water blunts one incoming attack or fire effect as an immediate action. |
Weapons Against Evil | Transmutation | Std | Enchant weapons to bypass the DR of evil-aligned creatures. |
Word of Resolve | Word of Resolve (Paladin Spell) | Std | Word of Resolve (Paladin Spell) |
Level 2 Paladin Spells
Level 3 Paladin Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Accept Affliction | Conjuration | Std | The caster can transfer the effects of afflictions such as curses, diseases, and poisons from the target creature to himself. |
Accursed Glare | Necromancy | Std | Inflicts Cursed or Hexed on victims, and places them at risk of a Synergy. |
Adjustable Disguise | Illusion | Std | As Disguise Self (Paladin Spell), but you can change the disguise as a swift action. |
Aura of Inviolate Ownership | Aura of Inviolate Ownership (Paladin Spell) | Std | Aura of Inviolate Ownership (Paladin Spell) |
Battle Trance | Enchantment | Std | Targets gain bonus damage to attacks while under the effects of the spell. |
Bestow Auras | Bestow Auras (Paladin Spell) | Std | Bestow Auras (Paladin Spell) |
Bestow Curse | Enchantment | Immediate | Immediately inflict Cursed or Jinxed on a creature within your melee reach . |
Blade of Bright Victory | Blade of Bright Victory (Paladin Spell) | Std | Blade of Bright Victory (Paladin Spell) |
Bloody Arrows | Conjuration | Std | Conjure deadly arrows that strike unerringly. |
Burst of Speed | Transmutation | Immediate | Immediately take a move action for free, and increase Walk speed until the end of the encounter. |
Cure Moderate Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 4d8 damage +1/lvl (max. +20). |
Daybreak Arrow | Daybreak Arrow (Paladin Spell) | Std | Daybreak Arrow (Paladin Spell) |
Daylight | Evocation | Std | 60-ft. radius of bright light, or touch a creature to inflict Light damage and Blind. |
Defile Armor | Defile Armor (Paladin Spell) | Std | Defile Armor (Paladin Spell) |
Diamond Spray | Conjuration | Std | You blast a ray of diamond slivers at a target in range. |
Dispel Magic | Abjuration | Std | Cancels one magical spell or effect |
Divine Transfer | Necromancy | Std | Transfer hit points and give DR/Common to target creature. |
Final Sacrifice | Evocation | Std | You disrupt the conjuring energies within a summoned creature, causing it to violently explode. |
Fire of Judgment | Fire of Judgment (Paladin Spell) | Std | Fire of Judgment (Paladin Spell) |
Flame Strike | Evocation | Std | Smites foes with divine fire. |
Heal Mount | Heal Mount (Paladin Spell) | Std | Heal Mount (Paladin Spell) |
Heroic Fortune | Evocation | Std | The target gains 1 temporary Action Point. |
Holy Whisper | Holy Whisper (Paladin Spell) | Std | Holy Whisper (Paladin Spell) |
Hostile Juxtaposition | Conjuration | Std | You create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it. |
Inflict Moderate Wounds | Necromancy | Std | Melee touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/lvl (max +20). |
Isolate | Illusion | Std | Your ray attack causes a target to become Exiled. |
Life Bubble | Abjuration | Std | Protects creatures from some types of sustained environmental effects. |
Litany of Escape | Conjuration | Immediate | Teleports a friend out of a grapple. |
Litany of Sight | Universal | Immediate | You can see invisible creatures until the end of your next turn. |
Malediction | Necromancy | Std | Fell magic damages your foes, and gifts you their strength as an Action Point if you kill any of them. |
Marks of Forbiddance | Marks of Forbiddance (Paladin Spell) | Std | Marks of Forbiddance (Paladin Spell) |
Prayer | Enchantment | Std | Allies gain a scaling Divine Bonus on attacks and saves, and can deal Holy (energy, rare) damage. |
Remove Curse | Abjuration | Std | Frees object or person from curse. |
Resilient Reservoir | Resilient Reservoir (Paladin Spell) | Std | Resilient Reservoir (Paladin Spell) |
Resist Energy, Communal | Abjuration | Std | This spell functions like Resist Energy (Paladin Spell), except you can protect several creatures. |
Resist Uncommon Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Uncommon energy type. |
Sanctify Armor | Sanctify Armor (Paladin Spell) | Std | Sanctify Armor (Paladin Spell) |
Summon Monster VI | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Utter Contempt | Enchantment | Std | Targets suffer heavy Soul (energy, rare) damage as you deride them. |
Vampiric Touch | Vampiric Touch (Paladin Spell) | Std | Vampiric Touch (Paladin Spell) |