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* '''Decanted Clemency (Su):''' Once per day, an Undine with this racial trait may declare that she is taking half the damage of an attack made against one adjacent ally as an immediate action.  The ally suffers only half the damage of the attack (rounded down) and the Undine takes the other half (rounded up).  If either the Undine or the ally can further reduce the damage taken with items or abilities (e.g. DR, ER, etc.), these abilities are applied after the damage is split.  At 10th level, this ability becomes usable once per encounter.  At 20th level, the ability may be used on an ally up to 10 feet from the Undine.  At 30th level, the Undine may choose to take all of the damage targeting her ally, instead of merely half.  This trait assists a single ally in range against a single damage roll's worth of damage.  It may be used even if the Undine is also the target of the attack (as with an area of effect attack), in which case, the Undine takes the damage targeting her first, then the damage from her ally.  In such a case, the Undine's damage mitigating abilities, if any, would be applied separately against each damage effect.  The Undine must be aware of the attack in order to use this trait.
* '''Decanted Clemency (Su):''' Once per day, an Undine with this racial trait may declare that she is taking half the damage of an attack made against one adjacent ally as an immediate action.  The ally suffers only half the damage of the attack (rounded down) and the Undine takes the other half (rounded up).  If either the Undine or the ally can further reduce the damage taken with items or abilities (e.g. DR, ER, etc.), these abilities are applied after the damage is split.  At 10th level, this ability becomes usable once per encounter.  At 20th level, the ability may be used on an ally up to 10 feet from the Undine.  At 30th level, the Undine may choose to take all of the damage targeting her ally, instead of merely half.  This trait assists a single ally in range against a single damage roll's worth of damage.  It may be used even if the Undine is also the target of the attack (as with an area of effect attack), in which case, the Undine takes the damage targeting her first, then the damage from her ally.  In such a case, the Undine's damage mitigating abilities, if any, would be applied separately against each damage effect.  The Undine must be aware of the attack in order to use this trait.

* '''Mercurial Sprint (Su):''' Once per encounter, you may move as though your speed is 15 higher than normal for one roundAt 10th level, you may move as though your speed is 30 higher than normal for one round, and at 30th level, you may move as though your speed is 60 higher than normal for one round.  This trait can be applied to any movement type you possess during the round it is activeUsing this ability costs no action, but requires move actions to gain its benefit.  It has no effect on 5-foot steps.
* '''Rivulet (Su):''' Once per encounter as a swift action, an Undine with this racial trait can increase her melee reach by 5 feet until the start of her next turnThis is regular reach, not inclusive reach, meaning that she can no longer threaten or attack creatures adjacent to her until her next turnAt 25th level, this becomes inclusive reach.

===Minor Racial Traits===
===Minor Racial Traits===

Revision as of 01:39, 19 April 2015



Still, Deep, Water, is where wisdom and strength are found.



Growing Up Undine



Lifespan and Burial

Relations with Others

Starting Height and Weight

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Weight Weight Modifier
Male 4 ft. 9 in. +2d4 in. (4 ft. 11 in. - 5 ft. 5 in.) 80 lbs. +(2d8×5 lbs.) (90 - 120 lbs.)
Female 4 ft. 7 in. +2d4 in. (4 ft. 9 in. - 5 ft. 3 in.) 70 lbs. +(2d8×3 lbs.) (76 - 94 lbs.)

Starting Ages

Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
20 years +2d6 years (22 - 32 years) +3d6 years (23 - 38 years) +4d6 years (24 - 44 years)


Undines have no class or alignment restrictions.

Standard Racial Traits

All Undines have the following Standard Racial Advantages:

  • Attributes: Undines may choose to gain one of the following ability score bonus sets when creating their character. No ability score may ever be modified above a 20 or below a 7.
    • +2 to two different stats, -2 to one stat
    • +2 to one stat, +1 to three different stats, -2 to one stat
    • +4 to one stat, -2 to two different stats
  • Size: Undines are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Type: Undines have the Humanoid type, with the Undine subtype.
  • Base Speed: Undines have a base speed of 30 feet, and have a swim speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Undines begin play speaking Common and Aquan. Undines with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Sylvan, Beaughti, Illithid, Goblin, Nagaji, Orc, Umbral, and Urbleburblelou. See the Languages skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Water Attuned Vision (Ex): Undines require bright light to see normally on land, but can see twice as far (low-light) when underwater.
  • Cold Resistance (Su): Undines gain Energy Resistance (ER) versus Cold equal to 5 + their character level.
  • Drench (Sp): As a standard action, an Undine can douse an adjacent ally or a fire smaller than a campfire with water, as though she used the Drench cantrip. This ability can be used at will, but unlike the actual cantrip, it only has a range of 5 feet. Against unwilling targets, a Reflex save is allowed, with a save DC equal to 10 + the Undine's character level + the highest of her mental ability modifiers (Int, Wis or Cha, chosen at the time this trait is taken).

Major Racial Traits

Choose one of the following Major Racial Traits:

  • Elemental Affinity (Su): An Undine with this racial trait may add 1 point of cold damage per two Character levels (round down, minimum 1), to any effect they produce from any source (spells, items, class abilities, etc) which already has the cold keyword. This extra damage may only be applied once per creature per round. Conversely, when using a weapon that deals cold damage, this racial trait instead adds 1 point of additional cold damage to the weapon's base damage (meaning it increases with the weapon's damage at 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th levels, is multiplied on a crit, and is neither bonus nor precision damage). This damage is applied once per attack. Rays are considered 'effects' for purposes of this trait, not weapons. Weapons or spells which do not already deal cold damage gain no benefit from this trait.
  • Sublimate (Su): Once per day as a swift action, an Undine with this racial trait can become more liquid and less solid for 1 round. During this time, she takes half damage from all attacks, spells and effects, however she also deals only 50% damage to corporeal creatures. Incorporeal creatures and force effects deal full damage to an Undine using this trait, and similarly, she deals full damage to incorporeal creatures or with force effects she employs. At 10th level, this ability can be used once per encounter, at 20th level, it lasts for up to 2 rounds when used (the Undine may dismiss it early if she wishes), and at 30th level, it lasts for up to 3 rounds when used. This is not true incorporeality, and does not allow the Undine to pass through solid objects or squeeze better than a creature of her size.
  • Jet (Su): Once per encounter, an Undine with this racial trait can push a foe 5 feet (as forced movement) after she successfully hits them as a free action. At 10th level, the target is pushed up to 10 feet. At 20th level, the target is pushed up to 15 feet, and at 30th level, the target is pushed up to 20 feet. Each square of forced movement must be further away from the Undine than the square the creature previously occupied. As with any forced movement, the target may choose to fall prone to end the movement at any point. This ability can only affect a single target, even if the triggering attack included multiple targets.
  • Decanted Clemency (Su): Once per day, an Undine with this racial trait may declare that she is taking half the damage of an attack made against one adjacent ally as an immediate action. The ally suffers only half the damage of the attack (rounded down) and the Undine takes the other half (rounded up). If either the Undine or the ally can further reduce the damage taken with items or abilities (e.g. DR, ER, etc.), these abilities are applied after the damage is split. At 10th level, this ability becomes usable once per encounter. At 20th level, the ability may be used on an ally up to 10 feet from the Undine. At 30th level, the Undine may choose to take all of the damage targeting her ally, instead of merely half. This trait assists a single ally in range against a single damage roll's worth of damage. It may be used even if the Undine is also the target of the attack (as with an area of effect attack), in which case, the Undine takes the damage targeting her first, then the damage from her ally. In such a case, the Undine's damage mitigating abilities, if any, would be applied separately against each damage effect. The Undine must be aware of the attack in order to use this trait.
  • Rivulet (Su): Once per encounter as a swift action, an Undine with this racial trait can increase her melee reach by 5 feet until the start of her next turn. This is regular reach, not inclusive reach, meaning that she can no longer threaten or attack creatures adjacent to her until her next turn. At 25th level, this becomes inclusive reach.

Minor Racial Traits

Choose one of the following Minor Racial Traits:

  • Water's Caress (Ex): An Undine with this racial trait gains the Heal skill as a class skill, and a +2 racial bonus to Heal checks. This bonus improves to +4 if she has at least 10 ranks in the skill, +6 if she as at least 20 ranks in the skill, and +8 if she has at least 30 ranks in the skill. In addition, when this Undine successfully uses the aid another action in combat to grant an ally a bonus on their next attack roll, the bonus she grants increases by 1.
  • Like a Fish (Su): You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.
  • Fluid Grace (Ex): When fighting with two weapons, an Undine with this racial trait reduces the penalty imposed on her primary weapon by 1. At 10th level, she can reduce the penalty imposed on her off-hand weapon by 1 as well. This reduction stacks with any feats or abilities which also reduce the two-weapon fighting penalties, but in no case may the penalty be improved beyond zero.
  • Clarity of Thought (Su): An Undine with this racial trait gains a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks. This bonus improves to +3 at 10th level, +4 at 20th level, and +5 at 30th level.
  • Deep Mysteries (Ex): An Undine with this racial trait gains Knowledge (Arcana) and Use Magic Device as class skills if they are not already. She gains a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (Arcana) if she has at least 1 rank in it. This racial bonus improves to +3 if she has 10 or more ranks in the skill, +4 if she has 20 or more ranks, and +5 if she has 30 or more ranks. At 10th level, she gains a +2 racial bonus to Use Magic Device if she has at least 1 rank in it. This racial bonus improves to +3 if she has 10 or more ranks in the skill, +4 if she has 20 or more ranks, and +5 if she has 30 or more ranks.