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[[Category:Epic Path]]
<!-- Version 2.10 -->
[[Category:CR 9]]
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* ''Go back to the [[Bestiary]] page.''

| CR=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|CR}}}
| CR | 9
  <!-- Value: integer between 1 and 40. -->

| MonsterName = Wight
== Wight (CR 9) ==
Wights are another type of undead that resemble zombies, but like Mohrgs, Wights have the burning light of intelligence in their eyesockets.

Indeed, one way of identifying Wights is that dreadful spark of hatred that lights their sockets as they regard the living. However, being intelligent, wights can dim their baleful gaze to conceal their true nature.
| Image = wight_8.png
  <!-- Value: file name and extension only (e.g. monster_picture.jpg) -->

In many ways, Wights and Mohrgs are twisted opposites, each one dark and horrible. Where Mohrgs are Corrupting undead, and seek to lie low, build their strength, and issue forth in a terrible wave to convert the living, Wights are Eaters.  They have The Hunger, as bad as any Zombie, Ghoul or Vampire.  Wights cannot lurk and wait, Wights must hunt, because it is in their nature.
| Role=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Role}}}
| Role |
  <!-- Values: Heavy, Killer, Leader, Minion, Shooter, Sneak, Tank, Threat, Villain, or leave blank -->

In their hunts, the intelligence of the Wight serves it well.  They are skillful monsters, fiends of cunning and ability.  They will set lures, they will snatch bait and seek to draw the living into traps.  Wights are a plague of Undeath and must be rooted out wherever they appear.  
| Description = Wights are another type of undead that resemble zombies, but like Mohrgs, Wights have the burning light of intelligence in their eyesockets.

:Indeed, one way of identifying Wights is that dreadful spark of hatred that lights their sockets as they regard the living.  However, being intelligent, wights can dim their baleful gaze to conceal their true nature.

=== GENERAL ===
:In many ways, Wights and Mohrgs are twisted opposites, each one dark and horrible. Where Mohrgs are Corrupting undead, and seek to lie low, build their strength, and issue forth in a terrible wave to convert the living, Wights are Eaters.  They have The Hunger, as bad as any Zombie, Ghoul or Vampire.  Wights cannot lurk and wait, Wights must hunt, because it is in their nature.
'''CR''' 9  '''Hit Dice''' 14

'''XP''' 6,400
:In their hunts, the intelligence of the Wight serves it well.  They are skillful monsters, fiends of cunning and ability.  They will set lures, they will snatch bait and seek to draw the living into traps.  Wights can attack in daylight, or from underwater, and are known to do both, although they seem to prefer the cover of darkness.  Their gaze can draw you toward them, your body moving of its own accord, and their bites are truly terrible, eating away at both flesh...and the very essence of life.

NE, Medium, Undead
:Wights are a plague of Undeath and must be rooted out wherever they appear.

'''Init''' +4; '''Senses''' darkvision 60ft, Perception +14
| Alignment = Neutral Evil
  <!-- Values: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil -->

| Size = Medium
  <!-- Values: Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal, Titanic -->

=== DEFENSE ===
| Type=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Type}}}
'''AC''' 28, '''touch''' 18, '''flat-footed''' 22 (+5 armor, +6 dex, +5 natural, +2 deflection)
| Type | Undead
  <!-- Values: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Incorporeal, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Swarm, Troop, Undead, Vermin -->

'''hp''' 160
| Subtype=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype}}}
| Subtype |
  <!-- If second monster type (e.g. a swarm of vermin): Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Incorporeal, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Swarm, Troop, Undead, Vermin -->
  <!-- If Humanoid: Duergar, Giant, Gloom, Gnoll, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Maenad, Norker, Orc, Somber Crool, Troglodyte, Vampire Thrall -->
  <!-- If Outsider: Air, Chaotic, Demon, Devil, Earth, Elemental, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Native, Water -->
  <!-- Only one entry in this field. If multiple options exist, choose the most important/appropriate one. -->
  <!-- Add any secondary subtypes into the notes field below. -->
  <!-- Otherwise leave blank.  -->

'''Fort''' +8, '''Ref''' +10, '''Will''' +12
| Subtype-Notes =
  <!-- Add additional subtypes here; these notes do affect the template; they are purely descriptive -->

'''Aura:''' -

'''SR:''' -
| NudgeBasicLoreValue = -1
  <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the basic knowledge check for this monster -->
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

'''Special Defenses:''' Healed by negative energy.
| NudgeFullLoreValue = -2
  <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the full knowledge check for this monster -->
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| Lore-Notes =
:* all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms)
  <!-- Notes related to the monster's lore check can be put here -->
:* disease, poison, ability damage, essence damage
  <!-- Example: "identifies as a CR 5 Ghoul if lore check is failed." (no quotes) -->
:* death effects, necromancy effects, sleep effects
:* nonlethal damage
:* paralysis, stunning, fatigue, exhaustion
:* any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless)

'''Weaknesses:''' -

| NudgeInit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->

=== OFFENSE ===
| Nudge-Ambush-Chance =  
'''Speed''' 30 ft.
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  <!-- Default value is 10+ on a d20 -->

'''Space / Reach:'''  5 ft. / 5 ft.
| Ambush-Chance-Notes =
  <!-- Put any comments about ambush preferences here, or leave blank -->

'''Single Melee''' Wight's Bite +16 (2d8+8/x2) + one point of [[Essence Omission]] (Fort save DC 19 to negate)

'''Full Melee''' Wight's Bite +16 (2d8+8/x2)+ one point of [[Essence Omission]] (Fort save DC 19 to negate), 2x Claws +16 (2d6+1/x2)
| Senses = [[Standard Senses]], [[Darkvision]] 60 ft.
  <!-- List the sense type and distance (in feet). (E.g. "[[Darkvision]] 60 ft.") -->
  <!--  [[Standard Senses]], [[Blind]] to Vision, [[Blind]] to Sound, [[Blind]] to Smell  -->
  <!--  [[Low-Light Vision]], [[Darkvision]], [[Heartsight]]                              -->
  <!--  [[Keen Hearing]], [[Precise Hearing]], [[Echolocation]]                          -->
  <!--  [[Scent]], [[Keen Scent]], [[Perfect Scent]]                                      -->
  <!--  [[Tremorsense]], [[Blindsense]], [[Lifesense]]                                    -->

'''Ranged''' Wight's Sight +16 (2d8+8/x2), range increment 30 feet, as negative energy damage; see also Eyes Like Lamps
| NudgePerception = +2
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->

'''Special Attacks''' Essence Omission, Eyes Like Lamps
| NudgeAC =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

'''Action Points''' 0
| NudgeTouchAC =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeFFAC =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->

| NudgeHitPoints =  
'''Str''' 16, '''Dex''' 14, '''Con''' -, '''Int''' 14, '''Wis''' 14, '''Cha''' 16
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Added to the base HP total (after role, if any) -->

'''Base Atk''' +9; '''CMB''' +15; '''Maneuver Defense:''' 25

'''Feats''' -
<!--  SAVING THROWS  -->

'''Skills''' Stealth +14, Knowledge, Local +13
| Fort =
| Refl =
| Will = S
  <!-- Values: S (for Strong save), leave blank for Weak save
        * Most monsters have 1 strong save and 2 weak saves
        * Heavies, Tanks, Threats and Villains have 2 strong saves
        * Dragons have 3 strong saves                              -->

'''Languages''' Common, Necril, One language they knew before death
| NudgeFort = -2
| NudgeRefl =
| NudgeWill =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3                  -->

| SpecialDefenses =
  <!-- Put any DR or ER values here -->

| StrongAgainst = '''''Hardened (? damage):''''' Positive Energy
; Essence Omission (Su)
  <!-- Put any 'immunity' or 'hardened' values here;
Wights can inflict [[Essence Omission]], a terrible form of attack indeed. A Wight's bite drains the memories and life experiences from a struck victim. Roll a Fort saving throw against a DC of 19 or suffer one point of [[Essence Omission]] every time you are successfully bitten by a Wight.
        immunities based on type (e.g. Vermin) or role (e.g. Threat) are automatically added
          '''''Hardened (? damage):'''''
          '''''Immune (no effect):'''''                                                                  -->

| Hide-Role-Strong-Against-1 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for role (if any))    -->

; Eyes Like Lamps (Sp)
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-1 =
* Concentration: None, see below
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-2 =
Wights have a negative energy ranged attack with their eyes, but far more frightening is their Eyes Like Lamps ability.  Once per encounter, as a swift action, a Wight may lay a compulsion upon all nearby living creatures it can see. This ability affects a thirty foot cone, and all creatures caught in the effect are pulled three squares toward the wight.  As all forced movement, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and victims may voluntarily elect to fall prone to stop their movement at any point.  Eyes Like Lamps is a spell-like ability, so it may be resisted with spell resistance, but since it requires no somatic component, merely a look, no [[Caster Check]] to [[Concentration|concentrate]] is ever required.
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-3 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-4 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-5 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-6 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type (if any))    -->

| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-1 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-2 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-3 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-4 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-5 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-6 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for subtype (if any)) -->

=== TREASURE ===
| WeakAgainst = :Healed by Negative Energy
sell value of approximately 4,000 gp
  <!-- Put any 'vulnerable' or 'defenseless' values here;
        vulnerabilities based on type (e.g. Vermin) are automatically added
          '''''Vulnerable (1.5x damage):'''''
          '''''Defenseless (2x damage):'''''                                                              -->

| Hide-Type-Weak-Against-1 =
| Hide-Subtype-Weak-Against-1 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type and/or subtype (if any)) -->

| MoveTypes = [[Walk]] 30 ft., [[Lesser Swim]] 20 ft.
Wights are smart. But Wights are also hungryThey tend to go out and prowl for victims, and while the stereotype is that they attack at night, they are not harmed by daylight.  So they can come at any time.  Wights don't breathe, so a favorite tactic is to attack from a lake or river.  One of them will use Eyes Like Lamps to see if anybody falls in, and if they do, the feast begins. 
  <!-- List the move type and distance (in feet). (E.g. [[Jet]] 60 ft.) -->
  <!--  [[Burrowing]], [[Tunneling]], [[Earth Glide]]        -->
  <!--  [[Lesser Climb]], [[Greater Climb]], [[Brachiating]] -->
  <!--  [[Hover]], [[Lesser Flight]], [[Greater Flight]]      -->
  <!--  [[Lesser Swim]], [[Greater Swim]], [[Jet]]            -->
  <!--  [[Lesser Teleport]], [[Greater Teleport]]            -->

In all cases, Wights want to use their bite attacks to inflict essence omission to weaken their opponents quickly. But Wights want to get to the end of battles on their own terms, so they will seek flanks if they can get them, and if they can find a place to fortify, they will hide, use Eyes Like Lamps to pull their prey out of cover, and then Wight Sight them to tenderize them. Wights are more than smart enough to recognize the danger a healer or a high-powered range attacker represents, and they will aggressively target such foes with their Wight Sight if they are allowed to.
| NudgeSpace =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.                -->
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Swarm", the space will default to 10 ft.                                                                                 -->
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Troop", the space will default to 15 ft. + the normal space for the component creature size (e.g. 20 ft. for size medium) -->

Wights are also smart enough to realize that their Wight Sight can be used to heal each other, but they are so driven by the hunger for life that they rarely do so.  In a Wight's mind, it is better to attack and bite than it is to heal, but they will still heal themselves or an ally if there is nothing else for them to do.
| NudgeReach =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.      -->
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Swarm", the reach will default to 0 ft.                                                                        -->
  <!-- NOTE: If type or subtype is "Troop", the reach will default to the normal reach for the component creature size (e.g. 5 ft. for size medium) -->
| MeleeOrNatural = Natural
  <!-- REQUIRED; Values: "Melee" (has ONLY a Primary attack), or "Natural" (has Pri and Sec attacks) -->
| MultipliedDamageType =
  <!-- Roles only (leave blank if no role); Values: "Attacks" (+atks/rnd), "Damage" (+damage/rnd), or "Hybrid" (default; both +atks/+dmg) -->
| PriAtkName = Wight's Bite
  <!-- name of primary attack, weapons or natural attacks (e.g. "Longsword" or "Bite") -->
| PriAtkNotes = plus one point of Essence Omission
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
| PriAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Primary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces PriAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Pri-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Pri-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| PriAtkVSTouchAC =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| PriAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
| NudgePriToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgePriDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeFullAtk-PriDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Nudge-Pri-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| SecAtkName = Wight Smite
  <!-- name of secondary attack, natural attacks only (e.g. "Claw"); leave blank for none -->
| SecAtkNotes = bludgeoning damage
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
| SecAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Secondary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces SecAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Sec-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Sec-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| SecAtkVSTouchAC =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| SecAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
| NudgeSecToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeSecDamage = vhi
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeFullAtk-SecDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Nudge-Sec-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| TerAtkName =
  <!-- Roles only; name of tertiary attack (e.g. "Shield Bash" or "Tail Slap"); damage equal to primary attack; leave blank for none -->
| TerAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
| TerAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Tertiary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces TerAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Ter-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Ter-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| TerAtkVSTouchAC =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| TerAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
| NudgeTerToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeTerDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeFullAtk-TerDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Nudge-Ter-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| QuaAtkName =
  <!-- Roles w/natural attacks only; name of quaternary attack (e.g. "Wing Slam"); damage equal to secondary attack; leave blank for none -->
| QuaAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
| QuaAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Quaternary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces QuaAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Qua-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Qua-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| QuaAtkVSTouchAC =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| QuaAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
| NudgeQuaToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeQuaDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeFullAtk-QuaDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Nudge-Qua-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| RangedAtkName = Wight Sight
  <!-- Name of ranged attack (e.g. "Longbow" or "Hurled Rock"); if blank, monster has no ranged attack -->
| HasRangedFullAttack =
  <!-- Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| RangedAtkIncrementDistance = 50
  <!-- Range increment in feet (e.g. 20 ft.); -2 to hit per increment after first -->
| RangedAtkNumberOfIncrements = 1
  <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
| RangedAtkNotes = plus Essence Omission
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "plus filth fever (see below)", etc.) -->
| RangedAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Ranged Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces RangedAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Ranged-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD RANGED Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
| Override-Ranged-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL RANGED Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
| RangedAtkVSTouchAC = Y
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| RangedAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone" or "swarm") -->
| NudgeRangedToHit =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeRangedDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeFullAtk-RangedDamage = vlo
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Nudge-Ranged-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| Nudge-Maneuver-Offense = -1
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Maneuver-Offense-Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about specific bonuses to Maneuver Offense (e.g. "+2 on Trips") -->
| Nudge-Maneuver-Defense = -1
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Maneuver-Defense-Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about specific bonuses to Maneuver Defense (e.g. "+4 vs Grapples") -->
| SiegeDmgCapable =
  <!-- Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no); use for monsters which can destroy fortifications -->
| SiegeAtkName =
  <!-- Name of siege attack (e.g. "Bite" or "Hurled Rock") -->
| SiegeAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "vs. all targets in 20 feet of impact", etc.) -->
| Override-Siege-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for SIEGE Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| SiegeAtkIncrement =
  <!-- Only used if this field is not blank; Range increment in feet (e.g. 20); number only (i.e. don't include "ft."); max range is calculated from this -->
| SiegeAtkNumberOfIncrements =
  <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
| Nudge-Siege-Maneuver-Offense =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeSiegeDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| Str = 20
| Dex = 14
| Con = -
| Int = 14
| Wis = 14
| Cha = 16
<!--  FEATS  -->
| Feat1 =
| Feat2 =
| Feat3 =
| Feat4 =
  <!-- Just the feat name; will be autolinked, and ShortDesc added -->
<!--  SKILLS  -->
| Skill1 = Stealth
| Skill2 = Knowledge (Local)
| Skill3 = Survival
| Skill4 =
| Skill5 =
| NudgeSkill1 =
| NudgeSkill2 =
| NudgeSkill3 =
| NudgeSkill4 =
| NudgeSkill5 =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->
| Skill1Notes =
| Skill2Notes =
| Skill3Notes =
| Skill4Notes =
| Skill5Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about conditional bonuses to skill (e.g. "+4 while in tall grass") -->
<!--  LANGUAGES  -->
| Languages = Common, Necril, One language they knew before death
  <!-- Comma-separated list -->
| HideRoleReminder1 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
| HideRoleReminder2 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
| HideRoleReminder3 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
| HideRoleReminder4 =
  <!-- Roles only; Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave reminder (if any) displayed) -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 1  -->
| Ability-1-Name = Essence Omission
| Ability-1-Type = Su
  <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance" -->
| Ability-1-Concentration =
  <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will auto-detect Combat Casting and include it -->
| Ability-1-Description = Wights can inflict [[Essence Omission]], a terrible form of attack indeed.  A Wight's bite drains the memories and life experiences from a struck victim.  Roll a Fort saving throw against a DC of {{#var:Special1SaveDC}} or suffer one point of Essence Omission every time you are successfully bitten by a Wight.
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below -->
  <!-- Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special1ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special1TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special1SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special1StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special1SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special1AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special1-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special1-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special1-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special1-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special1-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special1-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility1ToHit =
  <!-- ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility1TouchAttack =
  <!-- ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility1SaveDC =
  <!-- ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility1StandardDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility1SwiftDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility1AlphaDamage =
  <!-- Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility1-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility1-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility1-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility1-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility1-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility1-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 2  -->
| Ability-2-Name = Eyes Like Lamps
| Ability-2-Type = Sp
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-2-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-2-Description = Wights have a negative energy ranged attack with their eyes, but almost as frightening is their Eyes Like Lamps ability.  Once per encounter, as a swift action, a Wight may lay a compulsion upon all nearby living creatures it can see. This ability affects a thirty foot cone, dealing {{#var:Special2StandardDmg}} points of negative energy damage to the living, healing undead for the same amount, and all enemy creatures caught in the effect are pulled three squares toward the wight.  As all forced movement, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and victims may voluntarily elect to fall prone to stop their movement at any point.  Eyes Like Lamps is a spell-like ability, so it may be resisted with spell resistance, but since it requires no somatic component, merely a look, no [[Caster Check]] to [[Concentration|concentrate]] is ever required.
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special2ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special2TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special2SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special2StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special2SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special2AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special2-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special2-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special2-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special2-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special2-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special2-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility2ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility2TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility2SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility2StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility2SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility2AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility2-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility2-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility2-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility2-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility2-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility2-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 3  -->
| Ability-3-Name =
| Ability-3-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-3-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-3-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special3ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special3TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special3SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special3StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special3SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special3AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special3-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special3-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special3-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special3-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special3-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special3-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility3ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility3TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility3SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility3StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility3SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility3AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility3-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility3-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility3-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility3-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility3-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility3-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->
| Ability-4-Name =
| Ability-4-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-4-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-4-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special4ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special4TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special4SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special4StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special4SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special4AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special4-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special4-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special4-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special4-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special4-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special4-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility4ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility4TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility4SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility4StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility4SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility4AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility4-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility4-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility4-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility4-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility4-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility4-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 5  -->
| Ability-5-Name =
| Ability-5-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-5-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-5-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special5ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special5TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special5SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special5StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special5SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special5AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special5-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special5-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special5-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special5-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special5-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special5-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility5ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility5TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility5SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility5StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility5SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility5AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility5-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility5-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility5-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility5-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility5-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility5-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 6  -->
| Ability-6-Name =
| Ability-6-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-6-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-6-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special6ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special6TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special6SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special6StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special6SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special6AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special6-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special6-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special6-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special6-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special6-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special6-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility6ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility6TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility6SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility6StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility6SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility6AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility6-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility6-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility6-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility6-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility6-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility6-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 7  -->
| Ability-7-Name =
| Ability-7-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-7-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-7-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special7ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special7TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special7SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special7StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special7SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special7AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special7-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special7-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special7-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special7-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special7-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special7-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility7ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility7TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility7SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility7StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility7SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility7AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility7-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility7-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility7-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility7-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility7-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility7-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 8  -->
| Ability-8-Name =
| Ability-8-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-8-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-8-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special8ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special8TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special8SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special8StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special8SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special8AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special8-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special8-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special8-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special8-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special8-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special8-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility8ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility8TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility8SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility8StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility8SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility8AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility8-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility8-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility8-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility8-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility8-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility8-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 9  -->
| Ability-9-Name =
| Ability-9-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-9-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-9-Description =
  <!--Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables below-->
  <!--Available Variables:
        {{#var:Special91ToHit}}          To-Hit
        {{#var:Special9TouchAttack}}    Touch To-Hit
        {{#var:Special9SaveDC}}          Save DC
        {{#var:Special9StandardDmg}}    Std Damage
        {{#var:Special9SwiftDmg}}        Swift Damage
        {{#var:Special9AlphaDmg}}        Alpha Damage
        {{#var:Special9-Ability-Dmg}}    Stat Damage
        {{#var:Special9-Hit-Points}}    Hit Points
        {{#var:Special9-Hit-Dice}}      Hit Dice
        {{#var:Special9-Maneuver-Offense}}      Maneuver Offense
        {{#var:Special9-Maneuver-Defense}}      Maneuver Defense
        {{#var:Special9-CR}}            CR
        {{#var:PriDamage-StdAtk}}        Primary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:SecDamage-StdAtk}}        Secondary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:TerDamage-StdAtk}}        Tertiary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:QuaDamage-StdAtk}}        Quaternary Attack's Damage
        {{#var:RangedDamage-StdAtk}}    Ranged Attack's Damage
    <!-- You can also adjust these variables using: {{#expr: }} to perform simple math operations, like +, -, /, *. -->
    <!-- {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}+2}} adds two to the CR.  {{#expr:{{#var:Special1-CR}}*2}} doubles the CR.    -->
| NudgeAbility9ToHit =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility9TouchAttack =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility9SaveDC =
  <!--ADDER: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3 -->
| NudgeAbility9StandardDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility9SwiftDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility9AlphaDamage =
  <!--Values: vhi (+4 CR's), hi (+2 CR's), lo (-2 CR's), vlo (-4 CR's), or leave blank -->
| NudgeAbility9-AbilityDamage =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2 -->
| NudgeAbility9-HitPoints =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit points, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility9-HitDice =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's hit dice, use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility9-CR =
  <!-- MULTIPLIER: to get 25% of the creature's challenge rating (CR), use 0.25 -->
| NudgeAbility9-ManeuverOffense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeAbility9-ManeuverDefense =
  <!-- ADDER: use any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| CombatTactics = Wights are smart.  But Wights are also hungry.  They tend to go out and prowl for victims, and while the stereotype is that they attack at night, they are not harmed by daylight.  So they can come at any time.  Wights don't breathe, so a favorite tactic is to attack from a lake or river.  One of them will use Eyes Like Lamps to see if anybody is killed outright or merely falls in, and if they do, the feast begins. 
:In all cases, Wights want to use their bite attacks or the ray attacks from their eyes to inflict essence omission to weaken their opponents quickly.  But Wights want to get to the end of battles on their own terms, so they will seek flanks if they can get them, and if they can find a place to fortify, they will hide, use Eyes Like Lamps to pull their prey out of cover, and then Wight Sight them to tenderize them.  Wights are more than smart enough to recognize the danger a healer or a high-powered range attacker represents, and they will aggressively target such foes with their Wight Sight if they are allowed to.
:Wights are also smart enough to realize that their Wight Sight and Eyes Like Lamps can be used to heal each other, but they are so driven by the hunger for life that they rarely do so.  In a Wight's mind, it is better to attack and bite than it is to heal, but they will still heal themselves or an ally if there is nothing else for them to do.
<!--  OUT OF COMBAT  -->
| OutOfCombat = Wights are highly prized minions for more powerful undead, as a properly cowed Wight is essentially the horrible, dead, monster version of a cleric.  As such, even quite powerful intelligent Undead such as Vampires, Liches, Mummies, and even greater and more terrible things, may have a few lowly Wights around, just for the utility.  Of course, Wights suffer the the Hunger, so keeping them cowed can be difficult, but such horrendous fiends usually manage quite well.
:Wights are rarely found with weaker undead, seeing them as competitors for all that delicious life-force out there. Wights are, oddly enough, very capable at wrecking Skeletons, and will usually drive any such monsters in their territory away, or leave them as moldering wreckage.
:On their own, Wights are always, endlessly, eternally hungry and thus are always on the hunt for more victims.  They are intelligent enough to know they should vary their hunting range, and as a result, it is not unusual to find bands of wights 'on the road', as they migrate to new territory, outrunning the mobs the living have raised to burn them out.
<!--  TREASURE AND XP  -->
| TreasureNotes =
| XPNotes =

Revision as of 01:55, 26 October 2017

Wight (CR 9)

Neutral Evil - Medium - Undead
Lore: Know (Religion)
17 31
Basic DC Full DC
Initiative Icon 2.png
26 +16
Passive Active
on a d20


Movement Types:


Shield Icon 3.png
Man Def
Shield Icon 3.png
Monster Health
178 89 14
Hit Points Bloodied Hit Dice
Saving Throws
Fort: +4
Refl: +6
Will: +11

Strong Against:

Weak Against:

  • :Healed by Negative Energy


Size: Medium
5 ft. 5 ft.
Space Reach
Sword Icon 3.png
Man Off
Sword Icon 3.png

Standard Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Wight's Bite +15 (2d10+12/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    plus one point of Essence Omission

Full Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Wight's Bite +15 (2d10+12/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    plus one point of Essence Omission
  • 2x Wight Smite +15 (2d6+5/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    bludgeoning damage

Standard Attack (Ranged):

  • 1x Wight Sight +15 (2d10+12/x2)
    as undefined damage type
    (Increment: 50 ft.; Max Range: 50 ft.)
    plus Essence Omission

Full Attack (Ranged):

Siege Damage: Not siege capable




Languages: Common, Necril, One language they knew before death


Special Abilities

Essence Omission (Su)

Wights can inflict Essence Omission, a terrible form of attack indeed. A Wight's bite drains the memories and life experiences from a struck victim. Roll a Fort saving throw against a DC of or suffer one point of Essence Omission every time you are successfully bitten by a Wight.

Eyes Like Lamps (Sp)

Wights have a negative energy ranged attack with their eyes, but almost as frightening is their Eyes Like Lamps ability. Once per encounter, as a swift action, a Wight may lay a compulsion upon all nearby living creatures it can see. This ability affects a thirty foot cone, dealing points of negative energy damage to the living, healing undead for the same amount, and all enemy creatures caught in the effect are pulled three squares toward the wight. As all forced movement, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and victims may voluntarily elect to fall prone to stop their movement at any point. Eyes Like Lamps is a spell-like ability, so it may be resisted with spell resistance, but since it requires no somatic component, merely a look, no Caster Check to concentrate is ever required.



Wights are another type of undead that resemble zombies, but like Mohrgs, Wights have the burning light of intelligence in their eyesockets.

Indeed, one way of identifying Wights is that dreadful spark of hatred that lights their sockets as they regard the living. However, being intelligent, wights can dim their baleful gaze to conceal their true nature.
In many ways, Wights and Mohrgs are twisted opposites, each one dark and horrible. Where Mohrgs are Corrupting undead, and seek to lie low, build their strength, and issue forth in a terrible wave to convert the living, Wights are Eaters. They have The Hunger, as bad as any Zombie, Ghoul or Vampire. Wights cannot lurk and wait, Wights must hunt, because it is in their nature.
In their hunts, the intelligence of the Wight serves it well. They are skillful monsters, fiends of cunning and ability. They will set lures, they will snatch bait and seek to draw the living into traps. Wights can attack in daylight, or from underwater, and are known to do both, although they seem to prefer the cover of darkness. Their gaze can draw you toward them, your body moving of its own accord, and their bites are truly terrible, eating away at both flesh...and the very essence of life.
Wights are a plague of Undeath and must be rooted out wherever they appear.

Combat Tactics

Wights are smart. But Wights are also hungry. They tend to go out and prowl for victims, and while the stereotype is that they attack at night, they are not harmed by daylight. So they can come at any time. Wights don't breathe, so a favorite tactic is to attack from a lake or river. One of them will use Eyes Like Lamps to see if anybody is killed outright or merely falls in, and if they do, the feast begins.

In all cases, Wights want to use their bite attacks or the ray attacks from their eyes to inflict essence omission to weaken their opponents quickly. But Wights want to get to the end of battles on their own terms, so they will seek flanks if they can get them, and if they can find a place to fortify, they will hide, use Eyes Like Lamps to pull their prey out of cover, and then Wight Sight them to tenderize them. Wights are more than smart enough to recognize the danger a healer or a high-powered range attacker represents, and they will aggressively target such foes with their Wight Sight if they are allowed to.
Wights are also smart enough to realize that their Wight Sight and Eyes Like Lamps can be used to heal each other, but they are so driven by the hunger for life that they rarely do so. In a Wight's mind, it is better to attack and bite than it is to heal, but they will still heal themselves or an ally if there is nothing else for them to do.

Out of Combat

Wights are highly prized minions for more powerful undead, as a properly cowed Wight is essentially the horrible, dead, monster version of a cleric. As such, even quite powerful intelligent Undead such as Vampires, Liches, Mummies, and even greater and more terrible things, may have a few lowly Wights around, just for the utility. Of course, Wights suffer the the Hunger, so keeping them cowed can be difficult, but such horrendous fiends usually manage quite well.

Wights are rarely found with weaker undead, seeing them as competitors for all that delicious life-force out there. Wights are, oddly enough, very capable at wrecking Skeletons, and will usually drive any such monsters in their territory away, or leave them as moldering wreckage.
On their own, Wights are always, endlessly, eternally hungry and thus are always on the hunt for more victims. They are intelligent enough to know they should vary their hunting range, and as a result, it is not unusual to find bands of wights 'on the road', as they migrate to new territory, outrunning the mobs the living have raised to burn them out.


XP: 6,400

Treasure: Sellable Goods worth 5,125 gp.

Weight: 90 lbs.     Volume: 3.6 cu. ft.

Optional Treasure Rules: Roll a d20 on Table 1 below once per encounter (NOT per creature). Any items discovered are in addition to the normal treasure for the encounter.

Table 1: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 10 Nothing Found
11 - 14 1 Languid Remnant (tier 1)
15 - 17 1 Pale Remnant (tier 2)
18 - 19 1 Bright Remnant (tier 3)
20 Roll on Table 2
### Nothing to see here!
### Or here. Move along.
Table 2: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Languid Remnants (tier 1)
6 - 10 3 Pale Remnants (tier 2)
11 - 14 1 Intense Remnant (tier 4)
15 - 17 1 Blazing Remnant (tier 5)
18 - 19 1 Vital Remnant (tier 6)
20 Roll on Table 3
### Or here. Move along.
Table 3: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Bright Remnants (tier 3)
6 - 8 3 Intense Remnants (tier 4)
9 - 11 3 Blazing Remnants (tier 5)
12 - 14 3 Vital Remnants (tier 6)
15 - 17 1 Prime Remnant (tier 7)
18 - 19 1 Mythic Remnant (tier 8)
20 1 Empyrean Remnant (tier 9)