Corrupted Zombie: Difference between revisions

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'''SR:''' -  
'''SR:''' -  

'''Special Defenses:''' Undead traits
'''Special Defenses:''' Undead traits, Immortal

'''Immunities:''' -
'''Immunities:''' -
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; Offal Splatter
; Offal Splatter
When a Corrupted Zombie uses its Hurl Offal ranged attack and successfully hits, all creatures adjacent to the space of the targeted enemy are subject to Offal Splatter.  This is similar to splash damage in that it does a flat 4 points of damage and allows a Reflex save vs a DC of 13 to take half damage.  Note that this is negative energy damage, and as such, will heal undead and other creatures healed by negative energy.
When a Corrupted Zombie uses its Hurl Offal ranged attack and successfully hits, all creatures adjacent to the space of the targeted enemy are subject to Offal Splatter.  This is similar to splash damage in that it does a flat 4 points of damage and allows a Reflex save vs a DC of 13 to take half damage.  Note that this is negative energy damage, and as such, will heal undead and other creatures healed by negative energy.
; Immortal
Corrupted Zombies cannot be killed through normal means. However, zombies may lie shattered and dormant after being defeated for months or even years before their bodies recompose and they once again rise to seek and consume the flesh of the living.  A [ sanctify corpse], [ consecrate] or [ gentle repose] spell will add a year and a day to the time it takes for a zombie to re-compose.  A [ resurrection] spell will bring the person associated with the zombie's corpse back to life, destroying the necromantic bond on its corpse.

=== TREASURE ===
=== TREASURE ===

Revision as of 22:40, 25 May 2014


Corrupted Zombie (CR 4)

Most zombies are shambling undead horrors which mindlessly seek the flesh of the living. But a large minority of zombies develop into far worse things, their undead flesh warping and corrupting with negative power and stinking corruption.

Of these greater types of zombies, one of the most common is the Corrupted Zombie. The hideous contagion seething in its flesh lends it much greater vigor than lesser zombies, and the bulging, oozing tissue that seeps from the wounds upon its form provide a ready supply of ammunition for its disgusting attacks.


CR 4 Hit Dice 5

XP 1,200

CE, Medium Undead

Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +6


AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+3 dex, +7 armor)

hp 40

Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: Undead traits, Immortal

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 20 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Bite +8 (1d8+1/x2)

Full Melee 2x Claws +8 (1d6+1/x2)

Ranged Hurl Offal +8 (1d8+3/x2 Negative energy damage)

Special Attacks Offal Splatter

Action Points 0


Str 16, Dex 13, Con -, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 14

Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 20

Feats -

Skills Stealth +6

Languages none


Hurl Offal

A Corrupted Zombie seethes with vile negative energy, causing its flesh to swell and weep from rents within its skin. This flesh is torn loose by the Corrupted Zombie and hot, wet clumps are hurled, dripping and vile, in combat. Using Hurl Offal never provokes attacks of opportunity, even if the Corrupted Zombie is in melee. Note that the Corrupted Zombie may not use Hurl Offal as an opportunity attack: instead it uses it's Bite attack for threatening, flanks, and attacks of opportunity.

Offal Splatter

When a Corrupted Zombie uses its Hurl Offal ranged attack and successfully hits, all creatures adjacent to the space of the targeted enemy are subject to Offal Splatter. This is similar to splash damage in that it does a flat 4 points of damage and allows a Reflex save vs a DC of 13 to take half damage. Note that this is negative energy damage, and as such, will heal undead and other creatures healed by negative energy.


Corrupted Zombies cannot be killed through normal means. However, zombies may lie shattered and dormant after being defeated for months or even years before their bodies recompose and they once again rise to seek and consume the flesh of the living. A sanctify corpse, consecrate or gentle repose spell will add a year and a day to the time it takes for a zombie to re-compose. A resurrection spell will bring the person associated with the zombie's corpse back to life, destroying the necromantic bond on its corpse.


sell value of approximately 1,125 gp


Corrupted zombies are simple creatures. They always use Hurl Offal, even in melee, pulling out and throwing disgusting lumpy wads of their own vile tissue. This simple tactic serves them well, as they are deadly against the living at range, and in melee their Offal Splatter helps heal them and keep them in the fight. Corrupted Zombies are not quite perfectly mindless, and if they encounter a foe who is immune to or helped by their negative energy attacks they will switch to biting or clawing attacks.