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== Goblin (CR 1/2) ==
== Goblin (CR 1/2) ==
This creature stands barely three feet tall, its scrawny, humanoid body dwarfed by its wide, ungainly head.
Small green humanoids with oversized heads rimmed with sharp teeth, goblins are known for being aggressive, and, above all, a bit crazy.

Goblins prefer to dwell in caves, amid large and dense thickets of thistles and brambles, or in structures built and then abandoned by others. Very few goblins have the drive to build structures of their own. Coastlines are favored, as goblins are quite fond of sifting through junk and flotsam in an unending quest to find treasures among the refuse of more civilized races.
Goblins can be found nearly anywhere that food can be had, but prefer caves, ruins and abandoned areas since they prefer not to have to build stuff if they can avoid it. That is not to say that goblins are stupid, merely lazy.  In fact, goblins have been known to lay traps so elaborate that they forget how they work and fall prey to them themselves.

Goblin hatred runs deep, and few things inspire their wrath more than gnomes (who have long fought against goblins), horses (who frighten goblins tremendously), and regular dogs (whom goblins regard as pale imitations of goblin dogs).
Goblins are not welcome in civilized areas, as they behave somewhat like drug-addled children on their best days.  However, they have a fondness for elaborate, tricky things such as clocks and wagons, so they are often found around the edges of towns hoping to steal something interesting when no one is looking.  Goblins rarely make massive raids against villages, nor are they prone to large-scale warfare.  Instead, they count thievery, stealth, traps and ambushes to be the most honorable way to gain status.

Goblins are also quite superstitious, and treat magic with a fawning mixture of awe and fear. They have the habit of ascribing magic to the mundane as well, with fire and writing both taking on mystical power in goblin society. Fire is much loved by goblins for its capacity to wreak great destruction and because it doesn't require size or strength to wield, but written words are hated. Goblins believe that writing steals words out of your head, and as a result of this belief, goblins are universally illiterate.
Goblins have a love-hate relationship with fire. Goblins adore fire, but no matter how much it is worshiped, it keeps biting them.  That doesn't prevent them from trying, of course. Most goblins will take any opportunity to play with fire, and believe fire to be the greatest of all forces in the Universe (it makes food tasty AND can destroy things!).

Goblins are voracious and can eat their body weight in food daily without growing fat. Goblin lairs always have numerous storerooms and larders. While they prefer human and gnome flesh, a goblin won't turn down any food – except, perhaps, vegetables.
In addition to fire, Goblins can be quite manic about any number of things, individually, and can take these ephemeral obsessions to such extremes that they will forget to eat or sleep for days in their quest to master their new fancy.

Revision as of 21:24, 29 July 2015


Goblin (CR 1/2)

Small green humanoids with oversized heads rimmed with sharp teeth, goblins are known for being aggressive, and, above all, a bit crazy.

Goblins can be found nearly anywhere that food can be had, but prefer caves, ruins and abandoned areas since they prefer not to have to build stuff if they can avoid it. That is not to say that goblins are stupid, merely lazy. In fact, goblins have been known to lay traps so elaborate that they forget how they work and fall prey to them themselves.

Goblins are not welcome in civilized areas, as they behave somewhat like drug-addled children on their best days. However, they have a fondness for elaborate, tricky things such as clocks and wagons, so they are often found around the edges of towns hoping to steal something interesting when no one is looking. Goblins rarely make massive raids against villages, nor are they prone to large-scale warfare. Instead, they count thievery, stealth, traps and ambushes to be the most honorable way to gain status.

Goblins have a love-hate relationship with fire. Goblins adore fire, but no matter how much it is worshiped, it keeps biting them. That doesn't prevent them from trying, of course. Most goblins will take any opportunity to play with fire, and believe fire to be the greatest of all forces in the Universe (it makes food tasty AND can destroy things!).

In addition to fire, Goblins can be quite manic about any number of things, individually, and can take these ephemeral obsessions to such extremes that they will forget to eat or sleep for days in their quest to master their new fancy.


CR 1/2 Hit Dice 1

XP 200

NE Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)

Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60', Perception +3


AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 dex, +0 natural, +0 deflection)

hp 8

Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: vulnerable to Cold Iron


Speed 30 ft.

Single Melee Short Sword +3 (1d6/19-20x2)

Full Melee 2x Short Sword +3 (1d6/19-20x2)

Ranged Goblinov Cocktail +4 (1d6/x3) plus 1 pt splash damage; range increment 10 feet

Special Attacks Goblinov Cocktail

Action Points 0


Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6

Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14

Feats -

Skills Stealth +4

Languages Goblin

Special Abilities

Goblinov Cocktail (Ex)

Goblins can throw a ball of alchemical goo at nearby enemies which explodes on contact. The goblin rolls a ranged attack, and if the attack hits, the target takes 1d6 points of fire damage, and all adjacent squares take 1 point of fire damage. If the attack misses, the cocktail fails to explode and simply bounces off the target and rolls into a corner.


Sell value of approximately 106 gp.

Out of Combat

Goblins love fire-based attacks so much that they hold fire in awe and ascribe magical properties to it. Given a chance, a goblin will always go out of its way to set things on fire, use fire as a weapon, or generally cause fiery mayhem. If the goblin finds a source of fire, they can spread the fire to flammable materials more quickly than less motivated races, and putting out the fire always takes a little longer than it should. Maybe it really is magical.