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=== Special Abilities ===
=== Special Abilities ===
<special abilities should have a save DC 22>
; Combat Casting (Ex)
Concentration check: d20 + 20.  The Consort's Spell abilities are all level 5, thus the Concentration DC is always 25 for any of the consort's spells.

<special attack damage (standard action): 7d6+1>

<special attack damage (aoe’s, swift actions or inflicting status effects): 3d6+3>

; Graceful Repose (Sp)
As a standard action, the consort may heal herself and all adjacent allies for 4d8+3 hit points.

; <ability name>
<ability description>

; <ability name>
; Terrible Rebuke (Sp)
<ability description>
As a standard action, the consort may cast Terrible Rebuke.  This affects all creatures in a thirty foot diameter area of effect within a range of 300 feet.  Terrible Rebuke affects all creatures who are working in opposition to the Strategists will, and thus usually only affects enemies, although given the byzantine nature of Drow society, damage to 'allies' is not impossible.  Terrible Rebuke inflicts 3d6+3 points of psychic damage to all affected creatures, and inflicts the [Afflicted] status condition until the beginning of the Drow's next turn.  Creatures in the area of effect are allowed a Will save versus a DC of 22 to take half damage and negate the [Afflicted] condition. 

; Darkfire (Sp)
As a standard action, the consort may hurl Darkfire at a creature within 100 feet.  This is treated like a ray attack.  She must succeed on a ranged touch attack, with a to-hit roll of +15.  If she hits, the target takes 7d6+1 points of fire and negative energy damage.  Special: If the target of her Darkfire is undead, the Strategist may instead use Darkfire to heal that creature.

=== Treasure ===
=== Treasure ===

Revision as of 20:09, 12 September 2015


Drow Strategist (CR 14) (Leader Role)

Referees should adjust the numbers presented below by small amounts to better fit the theme of the monster being converted.

<insert descriptive text here>


CR 14 Hit Dice 20

XP 76,800

LE, medium, Fey

Init +6; Senses Superior Darkvision 120 ft, Perception +25


AC 36, touch 21, flat-footed 32 (+9 armor, +4 dex, +6 natural, +7 deflection)

hp 630

Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +17

Aura Commanding Presence

SR -

Special Defenses -

Immunities -

Weaknesses Vulnerability to Cold Iron


Speed 40 ft., Climb 40 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Leader's Baton +20 (2d8+10/19-20x2) + Bull Rush

Full Melee 3x Leader's Baton +20 (2d8+10/19-20x2) + Bull Rush

Ranged None, but see Darkfire and Terrible Remorse

Special Attacks Aura of Commanding Presence, Graceful Repose, Terrible Rebuke, Darkfire

Action Points 0


Str 12, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 22, Cha 20

Base Atk +14; CMB +27; CMD 31

Feats Improved Bull Rush +4 Bull Rush, included above

Skills Bluff +21, Sense Motive +21, Diplomacy +21, Warcraft +23

Languages Common, Undercommon, Unseely,

Special Abilities

Combat Casting (Ex)

Concentration check: d20 + 20. The Consort's Spell abilities are all level 5, thus the Concentration DC is always 25 for any of the consort's spells.

Graceful Repose (Sp)

As a standard action, the consort may heal herself and all adjacent allies for 4d8+3 hit points.

Terrible Rebuke (Sp)

As a standard action, the consort may cast Terrible Rebuke. This affects all creatures in a thirty foot diameter area of effect within a range of 300 feet. Terrible Rebuke affects all creatures who are working in opposition to the Strategists will, and thus usually only affects enemies, although given the byzantine nature of Drow society, damage to 'allies' is not impossible. Terrible Rebuke inflicts 3d6+3 points of psychic damage to all affected creatures, and inflicts the [Afflicted] status condition until the beginning of the Drow's next turn. Creatures in the area of effect are allowed a Will save versus a DC of 22 to take half damage and negate the [Afflicted] condition.

Darkfire (Sp)

As a standard action, the consort may hurl Darkfire at a creature within 100 feet. This is treated like a ray attack. She must succeed on a ranged touch attack, with a to-hit roll of +15. If she hits, the target takes 7d6+1 points of fire and negative energy damage. Special: If the target of her Darkfire is undead, the Strategist may instead use Darkfire to heal that creature.


sell value of approximately 27,500 gp, Leader Role included

Combat Tactics

<describe typical actions taken during combat here>