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== Fen Hydra (Shooter Role; CR 13) ==
== Fen Hydra (Shooter Role; CR 13) ==
Hydras are not dragons, nor are they even related to dragons.  Instead, they are large, multi-headed serpents with legs.  One notable difference between hydras and dragons (besides all the extra heads) is a decidedly sub-par intellect, and a kind of cautious anti-social behavior that dragons completely lack.  While it could never be said that a dragon is "social" in the congenial sense, their propensity to engage other races in dialogue and intrigues sets them widely apart from hydras.   
Hydras are not dragons, nor are they even related to dragons.  Instead, they are large, multi-headed serpents with legs.  One notable difference between hydras and dragons (besides all the extra heads) is a decidedly sub-par intellect, and a kind of cautious anti-social behavior that dragons completely lack.  While it could never be said that a dragon is "social" in the congenial sense, their propensity to engage other races in dialogue and intrigues sets them widely apart from hydras.   

Revision as of 20:29, 20 September 2015


Fen Hydra (Shooter Role; CR 13)

Hydras are not dragons, nor are they even related to dragons. Instead, they are large, multi-headed serpents with legs. One notable difference between hydras and dragons (besides all the extra heads) is a decidedly sub-par intellect, and a kind of cautious anti-social behavior that dragons completely lack. While it could never be said that a dragon is "social" in the congenial sense, their propensity to engage other races in dialogue and intrigues sets them widely apart from hydras.

Contrary to many myths about hydras, the number of heads a hydra has is no real indication of its overall martial aptitude. Hydras can have as few as four heads and often up to eight or nine. Rarely, hydras with 10 or more heads have been seen, though slaying such beasts is really no more difficult than facing off against a four-headed hydra (though it certainly improves the bragging rights). It is speculated that the multi-headedness is a mutation of some kind, and while few anatomical studies of the beasts have been published, most scholars believe the hydra's brain isn't actually in any of the heads at all.

Fen hydras are so named because they are found in deep swamplands, marshes and thickly-wooded estuaries. Fen hydras are colored in browns and greens, which provides them with exceptional camouflage in such environments. They are quite capable ambush predators, and are often the apex predators in their chosen domains. In rare cases, hydras have been known to be pets for smarter races, though their loyalty is primarily maintained through constant bribery and threats, rather than any sense of devotion on the hydra's part.


CR 13 Hit Dice 19

XP 51,200 (Shooter role included)

NE Huge Magical Beast

Init +13 (Shooter role included); Senses Perfect Darkvision 300 ft., Perception +20


AC 34, touch 20, flat-footed 30 (+8 armor, +4 dex, +6 natural, +6 deflection)

hp 590 (Shooter role included)

Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +12

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: Fast Healing 75

Immunities: Immune to Prone, Immune to Acid

Weaknesses: -


Speed 30 ft., Climb 30 ft.

Space / Reach: 15 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee 1x Bite +17 (2d8+7/x2) plus Sneak Attack (3d6)

Full Melee 3x Bite +17 (2d8+7/x2) plus Sneak Attack (3d6)

Ranged 2x Acid Spit +19 (2d8+11/x2 acid damage) plus Go For The Eyes, plus Sneak Attack (3d6); range increment 30 ft., max range 300 ft.

Full Ranged 4x Acid Spit +19 (2d8+11/x2 acid damage) plus Go For The Eyes, plus Sneak Attack (3d6); range increment 30 ft., max range 300 ft.

Special Attacks Go For The Eyes

Action Points 0 (Shooter role included; no action point)


Str 25, Dex 19, Con 30, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 13

Base Atk +13; CMB +22; CMD 30


  • Precise Shot (EFFECT: No penalty for ranged attacks into melee)
  • Mobility (EFFECT: +4 to AC (38 AC) versus attacks of opportunity provoked by the Hydra's movement)

Skills Stealth +20

Languages Boggard


Fast Healing

At the beginning of each of its turns, a Hydra heals 75 hit points of damage during any round it remains alive. This healing ceases upon being reduced to 0 or fewer hit points.

Go For The Eyes

After any successful ranged attack, the target of the attack must make a Reflex save, DC 22, or become Blind for 1d4 hours. Those who succeed on the save are unaffected (though the attack's damage is unaffected by this save).

Sneak Attack

Any time the Hydra makes a ranged attack against an opponent who is flat-footed, blind, unaware of its presence, or who hasn't yet acted in the combat, they may add 3d6 points of sneak attack damage to the attack. This is precision damage.


sell value of approximately 22,500 gp


Fen hydras are ambush predators. They will often set up kill zones in their swamps, in which they can lie in wait until prey passes through an open area (usually one with easily passable ground or very shallow water), and attack. They will employ stealth to try to make their first attack against unaware opponents, thus getting sneak attack on their first attack. Their high initiatives also makes it likely they will get sneak attack in the first round.

Fen hydras will always prefer to attack from range whenever possible, and will take 5-foot steps to back away from enemies to maintain range, even when melee would be easier. (Their melee damage is pretty terrible, comparatively). They prefer to make full attacks as often as possible, but will maneuver for better position if necessary.

Fen hydras, like all hydras, have sneak attack damage, which they can employ with their ranged attacks, if the target is flat-footed, blind, unaware of the hydra's presence, or hasn't yet acted in the current combat. Since the hydra's ranged attacks inflict the blind condition, they can do a great deal of damage to creatures they've hit previously. However, the usual tactic for hydras is to try to blind all targets, so they will always direct at least one attack per round at a creature that isn't yet blind.