Skills: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "“" to """)
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Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes 20 times as long as making a single check would take (usually 2 minutes for a skill that takes 1 round or less to perform).
Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes 20 times as long as making a single check would take (usually 2 minutes for a skill that takes 1 round or less to perform).

Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task (hence why it is generally not allowed with skills that carry such penalties). Common “take 20” skills include Disable Device (when used to open locks), Escape Artist, and Perception (when attempting to find traps).
Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task (hence why it is generally not allowed with skills that carry such penalties). Common "take 20” skills include Disable Device (when used to open locks), Escape Artist, and Perception (when attempting to find traps).

Line 238: Line 238:
; Description : The skill name line is followed by a general description of what using the skill represents.
; Description : The skill name line is followed by a general description of what using the skill represents.

; Check : What a character (“you” in the skill description) can do with a successful skill check and the check's Difficulty Class (DC).
; Check : What a character ("you” in the skill description) can do with a successful skill check and the check's Difficulty Class (DC).

; Action : The type of action using the skill requires, or the amount of time required for a check.
; Action : The type of action using the skill requires, or the amount of time required for a check.
Line 248: Line 248:
; Restriction : The full utility of certain skills is restricted to characters of certain classes. This entry indicates whether any such restrictions exist for the skill.
; Restriction : The full utility of certain skills is restricted to characters of certain classes. This entry indicates whether any such restrictions exist for the skill.

; Untrained : This entry indicates what a character without at least 1 rank in the skill can do with it. If this entry doesn't appear, it means that the skill functions normally for untrained characters (if it can be used untrained) or that an untrained character can't attempt checks with this skill (for skills that are designated “Trained Only”).
; Untrained : This entry indicates what a character without at least 1 rank in the skill can do with it. If this entry doesn't appear, it means that the skill functions normally for untrained characters (if it can be used untrained) or that an untrained character can't attempt checks with this skill (for skills that are designated "Trained Only”).

Revision as of 17:33, 31 December 2015

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This is a comprehensive listing of the skills in Epic Path. Many of these skills are unchanged from Pathfinder at low levels of play.

Skills represent some of the most basic and yet most fundamental abilities your character possesses. As your character advances in level, he can gain new skills and improve his existing skills dramatically. This section describes each skill, including common uses and typical modifiers. Characters can sometimes use skills for purposes other than those noted here, at the GM's discretion.

Skill Key Ability Untrained Armor Check Penalty Alc Bbn Brd Brl Clr Dru Ftr Mnk Pal Prl Rgr Rog Src Wld Wiz
Acrobatics Dex Yes Yes - C C C - - - C - C - C - - -
Appraise Int Yes - C - C C C - - - - C - C C C C
Bluff Cha Yes - - - C C - - - - - C - C C C -
Climb Str Yes Yes - C C C - C C C - C C C - C -
Diplomacy Cha Yes - - - C - C - - - C C - C - C -
Disable Device Dex No Yes C - - - - - - - - C - C - - -
Disguise Cha Yes - - - C - - - - - - C - C - - -
Divinity Special No - - - - - C - - - C - - - - - -
Escape Artist Dex Yes Yes - - C C - - - C - C - C - - -
Fly Dex Yes Yes C - - - - C - - - C - - C - C
Handle Animal Cha No - - C - - - C C - C - C - - C -
Heal Wis Yes - C - - - C C - - C - C - - C -
Intimidate Cha Yes - - C C C - - C C C C C C C C -
Knowledge (Arcana) Int No - C - - - C - - - - - - - - - -
Knowledge (Deep History) Int No - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) Int No - - - C - - - C - - - C C - C C
Knowledge (Engineering) Int No - - - C - - - - - - - - - - - C
Knowledge (Geography) Int No - - - C - - C - - - - C - - C C
Knowledge (History) Int No - - - C - C - - C - - - - - C C
Knowledge (Local) Int No - - - - C - - - - - - - - - C C
Knowledge (Logic) Int No - - - C - - - - - - C C C - C C
Knowledge (Nature) Int No - C - C - - - - - - - - - - - C
Knowledge (Nobility) Int No - - - C - C - - - C C - - - C C
Knowledge (Planes) Int No - - - C - C - - - - - - - - - C
Knowledge (Religion) Int No - - - C - - - - C - - - - - - C
Linguistics Int No - - - C - C - - - - C - C - C C
Naturalism Special No Special - C - - - C - - - - C - - - -
Perception Wis Yes - C C C C - C - C - C C C - C -
Perform Cha Yes - - - C - - - - C - C - C - - -
Profession Wis No - C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C
Reason Special No - C - - - - - - C - - - - - - -
Ride Dex Yes Yes - C - - - C C C C - C - - C -
Sense Motive Wis Yes - - - C C C - - C C C - C - C -
Sleight of Hand Dex No Yes C - C - - - - - - C - C - - -
Spellcraft Special No Special - - C - - - - - - - - - C - C
Spycraft Special No Special - - C - - - - - - C - C - - -
Stealth Dex Yes Yes - - C - - - - C - C C C - - -
Survival Wis Yes - C C - - - C C - - - C - - C -
Swim Str Yes Yes - C - C - C C C - C C C - C -
Use Magic Device Cha No - C - C - - - - - - C - C C C -
Warcraft Special No Special - - - C - - C - - - - - - C -

Acquiring Skills

Each level, your character gains a number of skill ranks dependent upon your class plus your Intelligence modifier. Investing a rank in a skill represents a measure of training in that skill. You can never have more ranks in a skill than your total number of Hit Dice.

Table: Skill Ranks
Class Skill Ranks per Level
Alchemist 3 + Int modifier
Barbarian 6 + Int modifier
Bard 10 + Int modifier
Brawler 6 + Int modifier
Cleric 7 + Int modifier
Druid 6 + Int modifier
Fighter 6 + Int modifier
Monk 6 + Int modifier
Paladin 7 + Int modifier
Prowler 6 + Int modifier
Ranger 7 + Int modifier
Rogue 8 + Int modifier
Sorcerer 7 + Int modifier
Warlord 7 + Int modifier
Wizard 3 + Int modifier

Class Skills

In addition, each class has a number of favored skills, called class skills. It is easier for your character to become more proficient in these skills, as they represent part of his professional training and constant practice. You gain a +3 bonus on all class skills that you put ranks into. If you have more than one class and both grant you a class skill bonus, these bonuses do not stack.

The number of skill ranks you gain when taking a level in one of the base classes is shown on Table: Skill Ranks. Humans gain 1 additional skill rank per class level. Characters who take a level in a favored class have the option of gaining 1 additional skill rank or an additional hit point. If you select a level in a new class, all of its class skills are automatically added to your list of class skills, and you gain a +3 bonus on these skills if you have ranks in them.

If at some point, your character's Intelligence ability score is increased by a permanent effect, such as a headband of intellect (after the 24-hour attuning period), you gain skill points equal to the increase in your Intelligence stat modifier times your current level. That is, if your intelligence score goes up by +2, and you are 10th level, your intelligence stat modifier goes up by +1, getting you 10 skill points to spend immediately (+1 Int modifier x 10 levels).

Bailiwick Skills

Every class has access to one Bailiwick skill representing specialized knowledge gained by being a member of that class, which is not available to people outside of those classes. The six bailiwick skills are: Divinity, Naturalism, Reason, Spellcraft, Spycraft and Warcraft.

Characters may select which of their ability scores is used for the key ability of their bailiwick skill at character selection.

Characters may not place ranks in bailiwick skills which are not specifically available to them via their character class (or in some cases, from a racial trait). Characters cannot train fellow party members in their bailiwick skills, as the knowledge provided by these skills is gained by spending every hour of every day performing the actions of the classes which offer those skills. It's too specialized to teach to an outsider.

Skill Checks

When your character uses a skill, he isn't guaranteed success. In order to determine success, whenever you attempt to use a skill, you must make a skill check.

Each skill rank grants a +1 bonus on checks made using that skill. When you make a skill check, you roll 1d20 and then add your ranks and the appropriate ability score modifier to the result of this check. If the skill you're using is a class skill (and you have invested ranks into that skill), you gain a +3 bonus on the check. If you are not trained in the skill (and if the skill may be used untrained), you may still attempt the skill, but you use only the bonus (or penalty) provided by the associated ability score modifier to modify the check. Skills can be further modified by a wide variety of sources-by your race, by a class ability, by equipment, by spell effects or magic items, and so on. See Table: Skill Check Bonuses for a summary of skill check bonuses.

If the result of your skill check is equal to or greater than the difficulty class (or DC) of the task you are attempting to accomplish, you succeed. If it is less than the DC, you fail. Some tasks have varying levels of success and failure depending on how much your check is above or below the required DC. Some skill checks are opposed by the target's skill check. When making an opposed skill check, the attempt is successful if your check result exceeds the result of the target.

Taking 10 and Taking 20

A skill check represents an attempt to accomplish some goal, usually while under some sort of time pressure or distraction. Sometimes, though, a character can use a skill under more favorable conditions, increasing the odds of success.

Table: Skill Check Bonuses
Skill Skill Check is Equal To*
Untrained 1d20 + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained 1d20 + skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier
Trained Class Skill 1d20 + skill ranks + ability modifier + racial modifier + 3
* Armor check penalty (ACP) applies to all Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks.

Taking 10

When your character is not in immediate danger or distracted, you may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10. For many routine tasks, taking 10 makes them automatically successful. Distractions or threats (such as combat) make it impossible for a character to take 10. In most cases, taking 10 is purely a safety measure-you know (or expect) that an average roll will succeed but fear that a poor roll might fail, so you elect to settle for the average roll (a 10). Taking 10 is especially useful in situations where a particularly high roll wouldn't help.

Taking 20

When you have plenty of time, you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, you can take 20. In other words, if you a d20 roll enough times, eventually you will get a 20. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, just calculate your result as if you had rolled a 20.

Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes 20 times as long as making a single check would take (usually 2 minutes for a skill that takes 1 round or less to perform).

Since taking 20 assumes that your character will fail many times before succeeding, your character would automatically incur any penalties for failure before he or she could complete the task (hence why it is generally not allowed with skills that carry such penalties). Common "take 20” skills include Disable Device (when used to open locks), Escape Artist, and Perception (when attempting to find traps).

Ability Checks and Caster Level Checks

The normal take 10 and take 20 rules apply for ability checks. Neither rule applies to concentration checks or caster level checks.

Aid Another

You can help someone achieve success on a skill check by making the same kind of skill check in a cooperative effort. As a standard action, you can assist an adjacent ally on a skill check by rolling a 10 + half the campaign level (round down, minimum 1) or higher on the same skill, and if successful, the character you're helping gets a +2 circumstance bonus on his or her check. (You can't take 10 on a skill check to aid another.) In many cases, a character's help won't be beneficial, or only a limited number of characters can help at once (to a maximum of 5 characters assisting). Note that circumstance bonuses stack with all other bonuses including other circumstance bonuses.

Characters who fail the check instead inflict a -1 circumstance penalty to the check being made by the assisted character.

In cases where the skill restricts who can achieve certain results, such as trying to open a lock using Disable Device, you can't aid another to grant a bonus to a task that your character couldn't achieve alone. Aid another cannot be used when making diplomacy checks to negotiate prices with merchants, since ganging up on merchants will only result in the merchant bringing in friends of his own to assist him. The GM might impose further restrictions to aiding another on a case-by-case basis as well.

Monster Lore Checks

Characters can use certain knowledge skills to identify monsters and recall details about their special powers or vulnerabilities. In general, the DC of such a check is double the monster's CR. A successful check allows them to remember a little bit of useful information about that monster. GM's should either read, or allow the character to read, the introductory text of the monster's bestiary entry. If a player instead beats a DC of 15 + double the monster's CR, their character knows quite a lot about the monster in question, and GM's should allow that player to look over the monster's bestiary entry in its entirety.

Note that Warcraft can also be used to identify information about a monster's CR, in addition to its offensive, defensive and tactics sections. In addition, Reason may be used to determine the 'programming' of a mindless creature.

Knowledge Skill Creature Type
Arcana Constructs, dragons, magical beasts
Dungeoneering Aberrations, oozes
Local Humanoids, proteans
Nature Animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, vermin
Planes Outsiders
Religion Undead

Skill Description Format

Skill descriptions adhere to the following guidelines.

Skill Name
The skill name line includes (in addition to the name of the skill) the following information.
Key Ability
The abbreviation of the ability whose modifier applies to the skill check.
Trained Only
If this notation is included in the skill name line, you must have at least 1 rank in the skill to use it. If this notation is omitted, the skill can be used untrained (with a rank of 0). If any special notes apply to trained or untrained use, they are covered in the Untrained section (see below).
Armor Check Penalty
If this notation (ACP) is included in the skill name line, an armor check penalty applies to checks using this skill. If this entry is absent, an armor check penalty does not apply. Note: Armor check penalties apply to all Strength- and Dexterity-based Skills. Most armors as well as any shield, hurt a character's ability to use Dex- and Str-based skills. An armor check penalty applies to all Dex- and Strength-based skill checks. A character's encumbrance may also incur an armor check penalty. If a character is wearing armor and using a shield, the armor check penalties of both are added together before being applied to Dex and Str-based skills.
  • Non-Proficiency: A character who wears armor and/or uses a shield with which he is not proficient takes the worst of either a -4 non-proficiency penalty (similar to the penalty for using a non-proficient weapon), or the armor's (and/or shield's) armor check penalty on all Dex- and Str-based ability and skill checks. If a character is wearing both armor and a shield with which he is non-proficient, the non-proficiency penalties of both are added together before being applied to Dex and Str-based skills.
The skill name line is followed by a general description of what using the skill represents.
What a character ("you” in the skill description) can do with a successful skill check and the check's Difficulty Class (DC).
The type of action using the skill requires, or the amount of time required for a check.
Try Again
Any conditions that apply to successive attempts to use the skill successfully. If the skill doesn't allow you to attempt the same task more than once, or if failure carries an inherent penalty (such as with the Climb skill), you can't take 20. If this paragraph is omitted, the skill can be retried without any inherent penalty other than the additional time required.
Any extra facts that apply to the skill, such as special effects deriving from its use or bonuses that certain characters receive because of class, feat choices, or race.
The full utility of certain skills is restricted to characters of certain classes. This entry indicates whether any such restrictions exist for the skill.
This entry indicates what a character without at least 1 rank in the skill can do with it. If this entry doesn't appear, it means that the skill functions normally for untrained characters (if it can be used untrained) or that an untrained character can't attempt checks with this skill (for skills that are designated "Trained Only”).

Epic Skills

Epic skill uses require the character to have a minimum of 21 ranks in the skill to even attempt them. With skill bonus items, many of these DC's would be feasible even below Epic levels of play, but sadly, such rolls are not allowed until you are high enough level, and more importantly, have expended the skill ranks to enable this skill use.

Skill bonuses: Items with skill bonuses are capped, so that the maximum bonus allowable at levels 1-20 is equal to the character level of the character using the item. At Epic levels, these skill bonus caps are doubled.

Thus, at levels 1 to 20, the maximum bonus from a magic item ranges from +1 to +20. At levels 21 to 35, the maximum bonus from a magic item ranges from +42 to +70. After the Apotheosis, all limits are removed.