Sticky Creature

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'Sticky Creature' is a pattern that can be added to any Creature, hereafter referred to as the base creature. A Sticky Creature is exactly what it sounds like: Sticky. Attacking or touching it can cause the attacker to get stuck, which is rarely a good thing.

A Sticky Creature uses all of the base creature's statistics and abilities except as noted below.


Same as base creature +1.

Size and Type

The creature's Size and Type do not change.

Initiative Modifier

The creature's initiative modifier increases by half the amount that its CR increases, round up.


No changes.

Armor Class

Sticky Creatures gain +1 AC.

Hit Dice

No changes.

Defensive Ability

A Sticky Creature gains the following abilities, which may be added to their Bestiary entry:

Special Defenses: Sticky Flesh

Special Abilities:

Sticky Flesh
Sticky Creatures are full of or covered in thick, gluey vileness. Any creature which strikes a Sticky Creature in melee combat while in an adjacent space must make a CR appropriate Reflex save or be struck by a vile splatter of thick, ropy glue-like ichor. If the save is failed, the attacker gains the hindered condition and may not move away from the Creature's space (even with a teleport move speed), although they may still move into any space adjacent to the Creature. The Creature, likewise, may not move away from any space with a character stuck to it, but may move around within that stricture, and it does NOT gain the hindered condition. A hindered creature may roll another saving throw each round as a move action to break free of the vile glue.
If a creature that has the hindered condition chooses to attack the Creature again while hindered, and fails the saving throw a second time, they are instead given the grappled condition, although the Sticky Creature is NOT grappled. They must break the grappled condition with a roll against the Creatures Maneuver Defense.
Creatures which have targets stuck to them usually attack those targets in preference to any others.


A Sticky Creature's base speed improves by ten feet in all movement categories it has.

Melee Attacks

A Sticky Creature retains all the base creature's attacks, and its weapon and armor proficiencies. These attacks retain the same primary or secondary status they had for the base creature. A Sticky Creature adds 1d6 of bonus damage to all its melee attacks.


The base damage of all attacks does not change.

Space and Reach

No Changes.

Offensive Ability

Aside from the changes above and below, no offensive abilities.

Ability Scores

No changes.

Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense

No changes.


No changes.


No changes.