Bard Feats
The following feats are especially suitable for Bards. This list is by no means everything the bard could select as a feat, merely feats that are specifically good for bards. There are also quite a lot of feats that are good for everyone, including bards, that are listed on the main Feats page.
Courageous Tier (1-5)
- Arcane Strike (Feat)
- Armor Proficiency, Heavy (Feat)
- Armor Proficiency, Medium (Feat)
- Black Marketeer (Feat)
- Bolster Damage Reduction (Feat)
- Bonded Mind (Feat)
- Brutality, Improved (Feat)
- Combat Casting (Feat)
- Combat Expertise (Feat)
- Combat Reflexes (Feat)
- Compelling Performance (Feat)
- Conceal Scent (Feat)
- Coordinated Advance (Feat)
- Coordinated Shot (Feat)
- Cosmopolitan (Feat)
- Covering Fire (Feat)
- Creator (Feat)
- Deadly Aim (Feat)
- Death from Above (Feat)
- Defensive Combat Training (Feat)
- Deflect Arrows (Feat)
- Desert Dweller (Feat)
- Desperate Battler (Feat)
- Diehard (Feat)
- Dilettante (Feat)
- Distracting Charge (Feat)
- Dodge (Feat)
- Duck and Cover (Feat)
- Eagle Eyes (Feat)
- Elemental Focus (Feat)
- Endurance (Feat)
- Enforcer (Feat)
- Eschew Materials (Feat)
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat)
- Expanded Arcana (Feat)
- Extend the Bulwark (Feat)
- Feral Combat Training (Feat)
- Friendly Fire Maneuvers (Feat)
- Grudge Fighter (Feat)
- Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat)
- Initiative, Improved (Feat)
- Inspiration, Group (Feat)
- Intercept Charge (Feat)
- Iron Will (Feat)
- Large Target (Feat)
- Maneuver Opus (Feat)
- Martial Weapon Proficiency, Single (Feat)
- Martial Weapons Proficiency (Feat)
- Mobility (Feat)
- Narrow Frame (Feat)
- Nimble Moves (Feat)
- Old Selective (Feat)
- Power Attack (Feat)
- Precise Shot (Feat)
- Prone Shooter (Feat)
- Quaff (Feat)
- Quarterstaff Master (Feat)
- Quick Draw (Feat)
- Quickpick Master (Feat)
- Rent Asunder (Feat)
- Runner (Feat)
- Saboteur (Feat)
- Shake It Off (Feat)
- Shield Focus (Feat)
- Shield Proficiency (Feat)
- Shield Use: Tower Shield (Feat)
- Shield Use: War Shield (Feat)
- Shield Wall (Feat)
- Skill Expert (Feat)
- Skilled Driver (Feat)
- Spell Focus (Feat)
- Spellsong (Feat)
- Spiky Shield (Feat)
- Swap Places (Feat)
- Toughness (Feat)
- Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat)
- War Whip Finesse (Feat)
- Weapon Aficionado (Feat)
- Weapon Finesse (Feat)
- Weapon Focus (Feat)
Intrepid Tier (6-10)
- Arcane Vendetta (Feat)
- Axe Guardian (Feat)
- Babble-Peddler (Feat)
- Back to Back (Feat)
- Blind-Fight (Feat)
- Brutality, Greater (Feat)
- Combat Medic (Feat)
- Critical, Improved (Feat)
- Cypher Magic (Feat)
- Darting Viper (Feat)
- Dorn-Dergar Master (Feat)
- Eclectic (Feat)
- Fast Crawl (Feat)
- Feint Partner (Feat)
- Field Repair (Feat)
- Fire Music (Feat)
- Grasping Whip (Feat)
- Light On Your Feet (Feat)
- Lunge (Feat)
- Missile Shield (Feat)
- Notched Shield (Feat)
- Parting Shot (Feat)
- Prone Slinger (Feat)
- Rapid Reload (Feat)
- Reactive Reach (Feat)
- Rod Whisperer (Feat)
- Second Chance (Feat)
- Shield Focus, Greater (Feat)
- Shot on the Run (Feat)
- Spell Penetration (Feat)
- Spell Resistance, Improved (Feat)
- Stalwart (Feat)
- True Blood (Feat)
- Underfoot (Feat)
- Urban Forager (Feat)
- Vice Grip (Feat)
- Volley Fire (Feat)
Heroic Tier (11-15)
- Altitude Affinity (Feat)
- Arcane Shield (Feat)
- Blinding Flash (Feat)
- Bodyguard (Feat)
- Bounding Hammer (Feat)
- Concentration, Uncanny (Feat)
- Critical Focus (Feat)
- Cypher Magic (Feat)
- Deflection, Exceptional (Feat)
- Destructive Dispel (Feat)
- Dimensional Agility (Feat)
- Discordant Voice (Feat)
- Expert Driver (Feat)
- Exploit Lore (Feat)
- Low-Light Vision, Improved (Feat)
- Lunge (Feat)
- Monkey Lunge (Feat)
- Parting Shot (Feat)
- Precise Shot, Improved (Feat)
- Quick Combat Maneuvers (Feat)
- Second Chance, Improved (Feat)
- Seize the Moment (Feat)
- Skill Specialist (Feat)
- Small But Deadly (Feat)
- Spell Focus, Greater (Feat)
- Spring Attack (Feat)
- Stalwart, Improved (Feat)
- Swing About (Feat)
- Tenacious Survivor (Feat)
- Vice Grip (Feat)
- Wrecking Pick (Feat)
Undaunted Tier (16-20)
- Accuracy, Uncanny (Feat)
- Acrobatic Steps (Feat)
- Arcane Blast (Feat)
- Arcane Insight (Feat)
- Brutality, Savage (Feat)
- Compelling Performance, Improved (Feat)
- Darkvision, Improved (Feat)
- Dimensional Assault (Feat)
- Elemental Focus, Greater (Feat)
- Fearsome Barricade (Feat)
- Friendly Switch (Feat)
- Furious Focus (Feat)
- Got Your Back (Feat)
- Impaling Critical (Feat)
- Iron Grip (Feat)
- Messy Wounds (Feat)
- Paired Opportunists (Feat)
- Pinpoint Targeting (Feat)
- Ray Shield (Feat)
- Second Chance, Improved (Feat)
- Shield Focus, Greater (Feat)
- Sidestep (Feat)
- Spell Penetration, Greater (Feat)
- Stalwart, Improved (Feat)
- Stick Together (Feat)
- Storm of Throws (Feat)
- Swarm of Arrows (Feat)
- Truemagic Scribe (Feat)
- Truemagic Supplicant (Feat)
Valorous Tier (21-25)
- Arcane Savant (Feat)
- Blinding Speed (Feat)
- Creator, Epic (Feat)
- Critical, Epic (Feat)
- Damage Reduction (Feat)
- Dimensional Dervish (Feat)
- Endurance, Epic (Feat)
- Escape Route (Feat)
- Extraordinary Shot (Feat)
- Impeccable Pedigree (Feat)
- Initiative, Superior (Feat)
- Iron Grip (Feat)
- Master Staff (Feat)
- Pinpoint Targeting (Feat)
- Skill Prodigy (Feat)
- Speed, Epic (Feat)
- Spell Focus, Epic (Feat)
- Spell Knowledge (Feat)
- Spell Opportunity (Feat)
- Spell Penetration, Epic (Feat)
- Spell Resistance, Greater (Feat)
- Spell Shot (Feat)
- Toughness, Epic (Feat)
- Truemagic Ordinate (Feat)
Mythic Tier (26-30)
- Combat Casting, Improved (Feat)
- Deadly Storm (Feat)
- Deadly Swarm (Feat)
- Deafening Song (Feat)
- Dimensional Maneuvers (Feat)
- Dimensional Savant (Feat)
- Impaling Critical, Improved (Feat)
- Infinite Deflection (Feat)
- Mass Combat Maneuvers (Feat)
- Outflank (Feat)
- Reactive Countersong (Feat)
- Spell Shot (Feat)
- Void Step (Feat)
- Walk on Water (Feat)
Legendary Tier (31-35)
Metamagic Feats
Bards are arcane spellcasters, and some bards may wish to acquire one or more feats that allow them to improve the efficacy of their spells. The following is a list of metamagic feats, that augment spells as they are being cast, at the expense of increasing their spell level:
Courageous Tier (1-5)
Intrepid Tier (6-10)
- Burning Spell (Feat)
- Element Spell (Feat)
- Empower Spell (Feat)
- Enhance Spell (Feat)
- Silent Spell (Feat)
- Still Spell (Feat)
Heroic Tier (11-15)
- Coaxing Spell (Feat)
- Improved Multitarget (Feat)
- Maximize Spell (Feat)
- Quicken Spell (Feat)
- Rudiment Spell (Feat)
- Widen Spell (Feat)
Undaunted Tier (16-20)
- Collateral Spell (Feat)
- Cutting Spell (Feat)
- Fundament Spell (Feat)
- Linked Spell (Feat)
- Metamagic, Improved (Feat)
Valorous Tier (21-25)
- Greater Multitarget (Feat)
- Heighten Spell, Improved (Feat)
- Quicken Spell, Automatic (Feat)
- Silent Spell, Automatic (Feat)
- Still Spell, Automatic (Feat)
Mythic Tier (26-30)
Legendary Tier (31-35)
Summon Feats
Bards can get several spells that allow them to summon monsters, and some bards may wish to further specialize in the casting of these spells by augmenting them with on or more feats. The following feats improve the power and efficacy of summons:
Courageous Tier (1-5)
- Augment Summoning (Feat)
- Moonlight Summons (Feat)
- Nimble Natural Summons (Feat)
- Summoning Perfection (Feat)
- Sunlight Summons (Feat)
Intrepid Tier (6-10)
Heroic Tier (11-15)
- Bicephalic Summons (Feat)
- Caustic Summons (Feat)
- Draconic Summoning (Feat)
- Dripping Summons (Feat)
- Summoning I, Incredible (Feat)
Undaunted Tier (16-20)
- Agile Summons (Feat)
- Chivalric Summoning (Feat)
- Colossal Summoning (Feat)
- Ebon Summoning (Feat)
- Invisible Summons (Feat)
- Starlight Summons (Feat)
- Sylvan Summoning (Feat)