Grating Creature
Grating Creature Pattern (+2 CR)
- Subtype: add Grating to subtypes
Grating Creature is a pattern that represents a creature that has some kind of a sonic-based damaging aura. Perhaps they are actually MADE of sound, creatures from some weird Plane of Sound. Perhaps they are under a curse from a Muse, so their voices are cracking shrieks, or maybe they are wearing an alchemical bagpipe. Clockworks, Constructs, Golems, all can have this pattern to represent the awful grating squeals of their poorly-maintained operation. Perhaps a Devil purses their lips and emits a sweet whistle, that bursts eyes and eardrums all around it, or, of course, the denizens of the Deep Dark are well known for their terrible piping, and this pattern can make it even worse....
Regardless of the cause of this pattern, it provides intrepid GM's with all kinds of uses, to indicate tribes of goblins who looted a magical drummers band, or a boreal sorcerer who imbues his summoned Air Elementals with the screaming of the wind. The possibilities are many indeed, and more 'artistic' stories can really take wing with this Pattern!
This creature is making the most awful sounds, surely that indicates some dangerous ability is at work!
- Init: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Ambush Chance: +2 (worse at ambushes)
- Senses:
- Movement Types:
- Strong Against:
- Weak Against:
- Space / Reach: - / -
- To-Hits: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Damage: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Save DC's: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Str: Dex: Con: Int: Wis: Cha:
- Feats:
- Skills:
- Languages: