Orc Battle-Rager

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Orc Battle-Rager (CR 7)

Orc Battle-Ragers have committed themselves fully to the Path of Blood, choosing a path of constant battle, and drinking a vile, tar-like concoction of secret and magical herbs to dull pain, heighten their alertness and feed their aggression. Orc Battle-Ragers typically die bloody within the first few years of their apprenticeship to their tribe's Warlord. Those that survive go on to become Orc Centurions. Orc Battle-Ragers are recognizable by their ferocity but lack of martial precision.


CR 7 Hit Dice 10

XP 3,200

CE Medium Humanoid (Orc)

Init +5; Senses Low-Light Vision 120 ft., Perception +15


AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (+5 armor, +4 dex, +5 natural, +1 deflection)

hp 102

Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6

Aura: Frenzied Thrashing (enemies adjacent at the start of their turn take 5 damage; see below)

SR: -

Special Defenses: DR 3/-

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 40 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Saber +13 (1d12+10/19-20x2)

Full Melee 2x Saber +13 (1d12+10/19-20x2)

Ranged Orc Shotput +13 (1d8+10/x2), range increment 10 feet, plus Lesser Returning

Special Attacks Warrior's Surge,

Action Points 0


Str 24, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 11

Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 22

Feats Cleave (EFFECT: if you hit with an attack, make a second attack against an adjacent foe at same BAB)

Skills Sense Motive +15, Intimidate +15

Languages Common, Giant


Warrior's Surge (Su)

Once per encounter as a free action, an Orc Rager may choose to heal itself for 30 hit points. Using this ability also clears any one status condition the Orc Rager is suffering from. The Orc Rager may use this ability on his turn even if he is otherwise denied all actions by one or more status conditions.

Frenzied Thrashing (Ex)

Any enemy starting its turn adjacent to the Orc Rager takes 5 points of damage at the start of its turn, as the Rager lashes out with his spiked armor. This is an aura.


sell value of approximately 2,375 gp

Orc Ragers frequently carry an Orc Shotput +1 (with the free Lesser Returning property), having a sell value of 580gp.


Ragers will use their Orc Shotputs if they are outside of melee range. Once in melee range, they will maneuver to maximize their Cleave ability, and rely on their DR, Frenzied Thrashing aura and Warrior's Surge abilities to keep them in the fight. Ragers will nearly always fight to the death unless commanded to retreat by a mightier Orc of their tribe. Their attacks are more damaging for their level, but at the cost of some accuracy.