Ability Score Used: Choose One Usable Untrained? No (Bailiwick) Armor Check Penalty Applies? No
Only Barbarians, Druids and Rangers may learn this bailiwick skill. No other class may place ranks in it unless they have an ability which specifically states they may put ranks into a bailiwick skill not normally offered by their class. A bailiwick skill is a skill that represents the core competency of a style of adventure, and has many useful applications.
The naturalism skill is an expression of your practical knowledge of the wilderness and nature. For each rank a character places in naturalism, the character receives a free rank in Knowledge (Nature). Note that no character may ever have more ranks in a skill than her character level.
Each character class gains a single bailiwick skill at character creation, and this bailiwick skill is always a natural talent for your character. When you place your first rank in this skill, you must select one of your ability modifiers, and use that ability modifier as the key ability modifier for this skill. Once selected, this ability modifier may not be changed, except through the Character Retraining rules. Natural talent skills never suffer an armor check penalty, even if you associate that skill with your STR or DEX modifier.
If you gain a second bailiwick skill (usually through a racial trait), it is not automatically a natural talent (even though you typically get to choose which of your ability score modifiers is aligned to the second bailiwick skill). Armor check penalties do apply to the second bailiwick skill if you choose to associate it with your STR or DEX modifier, and you do not gain matching ranks in the linked skill for that bailiwick skill (in the case of naturalism, Knowledge (Nature)).
As with all skills, the uses below are merely suggestions, and by no means the full gamut of possible ways a skill can be used. Players and GM's are encouraged to find additional ways to use each skill.
Identify A Spell
You can attempt to identify a spell or spell-like ability as it is being cast. This may provide useful information about how it can be resisted, or what secondary effects it might inflict.
Identifying a spell as it is being cast requires no action, but you must be able to clearly see the spell as it is being cast, and this incurs the same penalties as a Perception check due to distance, poor conditions, and other factors. | |
Action Required: |
Free action, which can be performed outside of your turn. |
DC of Check: |
10 + double the caster's level or CR |
Modifiers to Check |
Take 10? / Take 20? |
Yes |
Allows Assists? |
No |
Results of Success |
You successfully identify the spell or spell-like ability being cast. |
Consequences of Failure |
You are unable to determine what the spell or spell-like ability is. |
Retry Allowed? |
No |
Provokes AOO? |
No |
Create a Secure Campsite
You can select a location for a campsite which is difficult for enemies to approach without giving your party a good chance of spotting them. Such a shelter is often blocked on one or more sides by a natural feature, such as a cliff-side, or impassibly thick undergrowth. This skill use allows you to create a campsite which reduces the chance of a random encounter by half for one full night's rest, and grants anyone on watch a +4 circumstance bonus to their Perception checks to notice any potential threats approaching your campsite.
You must assign at least one ally to keep watch at all hours in which you are in the campsite or the benefits of this skill use are immediately lost (the chance of a random encounter returns to normal). This need not be the same character the entire night, of course. | |
Action Required: |
1 hour to set up the campsite: establish clear sight-lines, set up warning trip-lines, etc. It is assumed you also spend an hour during your travel time to actually locate an appropriate site, but this does not slow down your overland movement, so it is ignored unless your means of overland movement would prevent searching for a suitable campsite. |
DC of Check: |
Modifiers to Check |
Take 10? / Take 20? |
You can take 10, but you cannot take 20. |
Allows Assists? |
Yes (up to 5 allies). Allies must have ranks in the naturalism skill. |
Results of Success |
You cut the chance of a random encounter interrupting your next full night's rest (up to the next 12 hours) in half. In addition, allies who are on watch gain a +4 circumstance bonus to notice any potential threats approaching your campsite.
Consequences of Failure |
Your campsite provides no useful benefit against random encounters, and your allies on watch receive no circumstance bonus to Perception checks. |
Retry Allowed? |
No. The check represents your best efforts, and building up the camp site a second time doesn't let you anticipate something that you never considered in the first place. |
Provokes AOO? |
Yes. Don't try this during combat. |
Improve Overland Travel
You can use naturalism to increase your party's overland travel speed by 1 mile per hour if walking, or 2 miles per hour if hustling. This check may be made up to once per hour, at the end of each hour of travel.
While improving overland travel, your attention is fully occupied, leaving you unable to perform any other tasks, such as making Perception checks to avoid surprise, etc. | |
Action Required: |
One hour |
DC of Check: |
Challenging DC vs. the highest CR of person/creature in your party |
Modifiers to Check |
Take 10? / Take 20? |
You can take 10, but you cannot take 20. |
Allows Assists? |
Yes (up to 5 allies). Assisting allies must have ranks in naturalism. Assisting allies are, like you, fully occupied for the entire duration of the skill use, and may not perform any other tasks while assisting, such as making Perception checks to avoid surprise, etc.
Results of Success |
You increase the distance traveled by your party by 1 mile for the hour walked. If your party was hustling, you increase the distance traveled by 2 miles. |
Consequences of Failure |
Any check which is failed grants no benefits to overland speed for the previous hour of travel. |
Retry Allowed? |
No, you must travel overland for another hour before you can try again, and doing so has no effect on this most recent hour of travel. (Unless it's time travel. Huh? Get it? HUH?!? *nod* You get it.) |
Provokes AOO? |
No |
Identify Magic Item
You can use naturalism to identify the properties and command words (if any) of a magic item you are holding. This is identical to the Divinity, Reason, Spellcraft, Spycraft, and Warfare ability to identify magic items. It is also very similar to the Barter ability, except that it is faster.
Naturalism may also be used to assist another party member's attempt at determining the properties of a magic item, even if the other party member is using a different skill to make the check. | |
Action Required: |
3 rounds per item you are attempting to identify |
DC of Check: |
10 + double the caster level of the item |
Modifiers to Check |
- |
Take 10? / Take 20? |
No |
Allows Assists? |
Yes (up to 5 allies). |
Results of Success |
Item is identified, including the command words (if any) needed to trigger its magical properties. |
Consequences of Failure |
Item is not identified |
Retry Allowed? |
You must wait 24 hours before retrying on the same item. Any attempts in the meantime always fail. |
Provokes AOO? |
Yes |
Craft Magic Item
When combined with the Creator feat, naturalism can be used to create magic items.
A day of crafting a magic item is 8 uninterrupted hours of work in an appropriate work space. While you can do other things during that day, you must have 8 consecutive hours in your work space for it to count towards the number of days required to make the magic item. Working fewer than 8 hours at a time fails to reduce the number of days required to finish the work – you can't work fractions of days and then add them together to create a day of work. Days of work need not be consecutive. You can take breaks or go adventuring, then come back and keep working, and this does not harm the final product in any way, except to delay its completion date. However, if you begin working on a different magic item before the first one is finished, all work on the first one is lost, and any components used for its creation are destroyed, just as if you had failed the check. | |
Action Required: |
2 days, +1 day per caster level of the item being created. You can never reduce the time to create a magic item below 3 days, no matter how well you roll. |
DC of Check: |
Modifiers to Check |
If you are attempting to create a magic item that has more than one enchantment on it, the caster level of the item is determined by taking the highest caster level of the enchantments you wish to add, and then adding +3 caster levels to that number for each additional enchantment you are adding after the first. The maximum caster level of an item is 35, and if an item's caster level is above 21, you cannot create that item until you have at least 21 ranks in your bailiwick skill. |
Take 10? / Take 20? |
No |
Allows Assists? |
Yes, but only if each assisting ally has Cooperative Crafting (Feat). Up to 5 allies with that feat may assist. |
Results of Success |
You create the magic item after the designated number of days. |
Consequences of Failure |
Retry Allowed? |
Yes, though you must procure new components to replace the destroyed ones, and begin the process again. You gain a +5 circumstance bonus on each retry after a failure, as you incorporate your new knowledge of what not to do. |
Provokes AOO? |
Yes. Don't try this during combat. |