Summoning III, Incredible (Feat)
You are able to summon the mightiest creatures any summoner can bring to their aid.
Prerequisites: Caster Level 33, Cha 28, Ability to cast Summon Monster IX (Spell) as a spell you possess, Summoning II, Incredible (Feat), Summoning I, Incredible (Feat), Summoning Perfection (Feat)
Benefit: This feat grants several benefits, and may be used in different ways.
First, whenever you cast any monster summoning spell you possess, you summon one additional monster per casting of any level. This benefit is automatic, and accrues merely by possessing this feat. Note that this benefit stacks with the same ability provided by Incredible Summoning I and Incredible Summoning II, so that you now summon three additional monsters per casting.
Second, you may use Incredible Summoning III as a metamagic feat that can only be applied to the Summon MonsterIX and Gate spells. When used this way, Incredible Summoning III adds +4 spell levels and can only be used with ninth level summoning spells. When used as a metamagic feat, the player must coordinate with the GM in advance. The player, with the GM's approval, creates a new tier of monsters that can be accessed by your ninth level spells, when using an thirteenth level or higher spell slot.
To create this new tier, choose three creatures, each of whose HD is lower than your caster level plus your CHA mod. You can now summon these creatures as normal, including applying templates from other epic summoning feats.
Special: You may also use a ninth level spell with the Incredible Summoning III feat applied as a metamagic feat to summon larger numbers of monsters from lower level monster lists, as Monster Summoning IX. For example, Monster Summoning IX with Incredible Summoning III applied and using an thirteenth level spell slot may summon 1d3+3 monsters from the Incredible Summoning II tier list, or 1d4+4 creatures from the Incredible Summoning I tier list.