Cleric Spells
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Level 0 Cleric Spells
Level 0 cleric spells are also referred to as "Orisons".
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Bleed | Necromancy | Std | Cause bludgeoning damage and a Bruised condition. |
Create Water | Conjuration | Std | Creates 2 gallons/lvl of pure water. |
Detect Magic | Universal | Std | Detects all spells and magic items within a 60 ft cone. |
Detect Poison | Universal | Std | Detects poison in a creature or object. |
Disrupt Undead | Necromancy | Std | Ray deals Positive Energy Damage to one Undead in range. |
Enhanced Diplomacy | Universal | Std | Touched creature gains +2 Divine bonus on one Diplomacy or Intimidate check. |
Guidance | Universal | Std | +1 Divine Bonus on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. |
Light | Evocation | Std | Object shines like a torch. |
Mending | Transmutation | Std | Makes minor repairs on a non-magical object that is damaged or Broken. |
Purify Food and Drink | Transmutation | Std | Purifies 1 cu. ft./lvl of food or water. |
Read Magic | Universal | Std | Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
Resistance | Abjuration | Immediate | Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws. |
Spark | Abjuration | Std | Dangerous spark injures your attacker. |
Stabilize | Conjuration | Std | Cause a dying creature to stabilize, or a Bleed to stop. |
Virtue | Transmutation | Std | Subject instantly gains 1 temporary hp. |
Level 1 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Air Bubble | Conjuration | Std | Creates a small pocket of air around your head or an object, which may burst as an attack. |
Ant Haul | Transmutation | Std | Increases the carrying capacity of a creature by 10 pounds per caster level. |
Bane | Enchantment | Std | Enemies take holy (energy, rare) damage when struck by the casters empowered allies. |
Bless | Enchantment | Std | Allies gain a scaling Divine Bonus on attack rolls and saves. |
Burning Disarm | Transmutation | Std | A metal object instantly becomes red hot possibly causing the wielder to drop it or take Fire Damage. |
Cause Fear | Necromancy | Immediate | One creature gains the Cringing condition. |
Command | Enchantment | Std | One subject obeys selected command for 1 round. |
Cure Light Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 2d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +10). |
Dancing Lantern | Enchantment | Std | Animates a lantern-flame that follows you and can be used as a ray attack. |
Divine Favor | Evocation | Std | You gain an increasing Divine Bonus on attack and damage rolls. |
Doom | Necromancy | Std | One subject is Shaken and risks a Synergy. |
Embrace Destiny | Universal | Std | Dice with Fate, for good or ill. |
Endure Elements | Abjuration | Std | Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions. |
Firebelly | Firebelly (Cleric Spell) | Std | Firebelly (Cleric Spell) |
Forbid Action | Enchantment | Std | Target obeys a command to not do something. |
Inflict Light Wounds | Necromancy | Std | Negative energy touch, dealing 2d8 damage +1/lvl (max +10). |
Karmic Blessing | Universal | Std | The target treats one skill as a natural talent. |
Know the Enemy | Universal | Std | Gain a scaling Divine Bonus on a monster Knowledge check. |
Liberating Command | Transmutation | Immediate | Restrained target may make an Escape Artist check to escape as an immediate action. |
Magic Weapon | Transmutation | Std | Transform a weapon into a similar sort of weapon that is better suited for yourself or for allies. |
Mighty Fist of the Earth | Conjuration | Std | Make an earthy ray attack at a distance. |
Poisoned Egg | Transmutation | Std | Transform the contents of a normal egg into a single dose of Simple Venom. |
Ray of Sickening | Ray of Sickening (Cleric Spell) | Std | Ray of Sickening (Cleric Spell) |
Read Weather | Read Weather (Cleric Spell) | Std | Read Weather (Cleric Spell) |
Reinforce Armaments | Transmutation | Std | Temporarily mitigates the Fragile (Quality) in targeted weapon or armor. |
Remove Fear | Abjuration | Std | Suppresses fear or gives +4 bonus on saves against fear |
Remove Sickness | Conjuration | Std | Grant a bonus save against any of the Sickened, Afflicted, or Nauseated conditions. |
Sanctify Corpse | Evocation | Std | Prevent a corpse from becoming an undead. |
Sanctuary | Abjuration | Std | Inflict Exiled upon a willing or unwilling creature, to widely varied effects. |
Stone Shield | Conjuration | Immediate | A 1-inch-thick slab of stone springs up from the ground, interposing itself between you and an opponent of your choice. |
Summon Monster I | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Tap Inner Beauty | Universal | Std | Gain a bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks. |
Touch of Bloodletting | Necromancy | Std | This spell causes any existing wounds that the target possesses to bleed profusely. |
Weapons Against Evil | Transmutation | Std | Enchant weapons to bypass the DR of evil-aligned creatures.
Level 2 Cleric Spells
Level 3 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Accept Affliction | Conjuration | Std | The caster can transfer the effects of afflictions such as curses, diseases, and poisons from the target creature to himself. |
Agonizing Rebuke | Illusion | Std | Cause rapturous distress and pain to a target if it attacks you. |
Aura of Inviolate Ownership | Aura of Inviolate Ownership (Cleric Spell) | Std | Aura of Inviolate Ownership (Cleric Spell) |
Barrow Haze | Necromancy | Std | Fog obscures vision and inflicts negative energy. |
Bestow Curse | Enchantment | Immediate | Immediately inflict Cursed or Jinxed on a creature within your melee reach. |
Blindness/Deafness | Necromancy | Std | Makes subject blind to sight or sound, dazzled if they make their save, and at risk of a Synergy. |
Blood Scent | Blood Scent (Cleric Spell) | Std | Blood Scent (Cleric Spell) |
Blot | Illusion | Std | Ruins writings and wipes creatures out of existence. |
Chain of Perdition | Enchantment | Std | Creates a floating chain of force that damages your foes most terribly. |
Continual Flame | Evocation | Std | Makes a permanent, heatless light. |
Create Food and Water | Conjuration | Ritual | Feeds the hungry |
Cure Serious Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 6d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +30). |
Daybreak Arrow | Daybreak Arrow (Cleric Spell) | Std | Daybreak Arrow (Cleric Spell) |
Daylight | Evocation | Std | 60-ft. radius of bright light, or touch a creature to inflict Light damage and Blind. |
Deeper Darkness | Deeper Darkness (Cleric Spell) | Std | Deeper Darkness (Cleric Spell) |
Dispel Magic | Abjuration | Std | Cancels one magical spell or effect |
Final Sacrifice | Evocation | Std | You disrupt the conjuring energies within a summoned creature, causing it to violently explode. |
Glyph of Warding | Abjuration | Ritual | Inscription harms those who trigger it. |
Guiding Star | Universal | Ritual | Know where you cast this spell. |
Helping Hand | Helping Hand (Cleric Spell) | Std | Helping Hand (Cleric Spell) |
Inflict Serious Wounds | Necromancy | Std | Touch attack, 6d8 damage +1/lvl (max +30). |
Invisibility Purge | Evocation | Std | Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./lvl. |
Magic Vestment | Magic Vestment (Cleric Spell) | Std | Magic Vestment (Cleric Spell) |
Nap Stack | Necromancy | Ritual | Subjects only need 2 hours for a night's sleep. |
Prayer | Enchantment | Std | Allies gain a scaling Divine Bonus on attacks and saves, and can deal Holy (energy, rare) damage. |
Protection from Energy | Enchantment | Std | Grants 3 temp hit points/lvl, only against one kind of common energy. |
Reaper's Coterie | Reaper's Coterie (Cleric Spell) | Std | Reaper's Coterie (Cleric Spell) |
Remove Curse | Abjuration | Std | Frees object or person from curse. |
Remove Disease | Conjuration | Std | Attempts to remove a disease from the target. |
Resist Energy, Communal | Abjuration | Std | This spell functions like Resist Energy (Cleric Spell), except you can protect several creatures. |
Resist Uncommon Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Uncommon energy type. |
Searing Light | Evocation | Std | Inflict punishing damage and status conditions with Light. |
Severed Fate | Enchantment | Std | Remove an action point from a monster with a role. |
Sky Swim | Transmutation | Std | This spell grants the target the ability to swim through the air. |
Speak with Dead | Necromancy | Ritual | Corpse answers one questions. |
Summon Monster III | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Trial of Fire and Acid | Transmutation | Std | The target creatures suffer damage and the Singed condition. |
Unravel Destiny | Universal | Std | A target suffers if it has Action Points. |
Water Breathing | Transmutation | Std | Subjects can breathe underwater. |
Water Walk, Communal | Transmutation | Std | As Water Walk (Cleric Spell), but you may affect multiple creatures. |
Wind Wall | Abjuration | Std | Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. |
Level 4 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Air Walk | Transmutation | Std | Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle). |
Ardor's Onslaught | Enchantment | Std | Targets gain bonus damage to attacks while under the effects of the spell. |
Battle Trance | Enchantment | Std | Targets gain bonus damage to attacks while under the effects of the spell. |
Blessing of Fervor | Blessing of Fervor (Cleric Spell) | Std | Blessing of Fervor (Cleric Spell) |
Chaos Hammer | Evocation | Std | Divine weapon attacks on its own. |
Crusader's Edge | Crusader's Edge (Cleric Spell) | Std | Crusader's Edge (Cleric Spell) |
Cure Critical Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 8d8 damage + 2/lvl (max +40). |
Death Ward | Death Ward (Cleric Spell) | Std | Death Ward (Cleric Spell) |
Debilitating Portent | Debilitating Portent (Cleric Spell) | Std | Debilitating Portent (Cleric Spell) |
Dimensional Anchor | Abjuration | Std | Bars extradimensional movement. |
Dismissal | Enchantment | Std | Your scorn hurts. Make a ray attack with dire consequences. |
Divine Power | Evocation | Std | Targets gain attack bonuses, temporary hit points, and a bonus attack action during a full attack. |
Forceful Strike | Forceful Strike (Cleric Spell) | Std | Forceful Strike (Cleric Spell) |
Freedom of Movement | Abjuration | Std | Subject moves, despite impediments to restrict movement. |
Inflict Critical Wounds | Necromancy | Std | Touch deals 8d8 damage +2/lvl (max +40). |
Make Whole, Greater | Transmutation | Std | This spell repairs 1d8+1 points of siege damage to a vehicle or fortification. |
Master's Escape | Conjuration | Immediate | Switch places with one summoned creature you control. |
Neutralize Poison | Conjuration | Std | Immunizes subject against poison, or detoxifies poison in or on subject. |
Path of Glory, Greater | Path of Glory, Greater (Cleric Spell) | Std | Path of Glory, Greater (Cleric Spell) |
Persistent Vigor | Transmutation | Std | Gain fast healing, and become much harder to affect with diseases or poisons. |
Planar Adaptation | Transmutation | Std | Resist harmful effects of environmental damage of another plane. |
Protection from Energy, Communal | Abjuration | Std | As Protection from Energy (Cleric Spell), but you may affect several creatures. |
Recentering Drone | Recentering Drone (Cleric Spell) | Std | Recentering Drone (Cleric Spell) |
Rest Eternal | Necromancy | Ritual | Dead or undead creature cannot be revived. |
Restoration | Conjuration | Std | Removes a weak or moderate status condition. |
Ride the Waves | Transmutation | Std | Target can breathe water and swim. |
Sending | Evocation | Std | Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. |
Shadow Barbs | Illusion | Std | When you cast this spell, you create a shadowy portal from which a tidal wave of razor-sharp barbs dismember your foes most horribly...or perhaps not. |
Summon Monster IV | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Unholy Blight | Unholy Blight (Cleric Spell) | Std | Unholy Blight (Cleric Spell) |
Virulence | Virulence (Cleric Spell) | Std | Virulence (Cleric Spell) |
Level 5 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Air Walk, Communal | Transmutation | Std | As Air Walk (Cleric Spell), but you may affect multiple creatures. |
Astral Projection, Lesser | Necromancy | Std | Limited astral travel. |
Atonement | Atonement (Cleric Spell) | Std | Atonement (Cleric Spell) |
Boneshatter | Transmutation | Std | A crackling ray deals heavy damage and inflicts wobbly. |
Break Enchantment | Break Enchantment (Cleric Spell) | Std | Break Enchantment (Cleric Spell) |
Breath of Life | Conjuration | Std | Cures damage and may restore life to recently slain creatures. |
Caustic Blood | Transmutation | Std | You imbue your blood with corrosive acid. |
Command, Greater | Enchantment | Std | As Command (Cleric Spell), but affects several creatures. |
Commune | Commune (Cleric Spell) | Std | Commune (Cleric Spell) |
Cure Light Wounds, Mass | Conjuration | Std | Cures 1d8 damage + 1/lvl, maximum +15. |
Daywalker | Necromancy | Std | Turns an ally into a pseudo-undead, with potent benefits. |
Disrupting Weapon | Disrupting Weapon (Cleric Spell) | Std | Disrupting Weapon (Cleric Spell) |
Flame Strike | Evocation | Std | Smites foes with divine fire. |
Forbid Action, Greater | Enchantment | Std | This spell functions as Forbid Action (Cleric Spell), except several creatures may be affected. |
Hallow | Hallow (Cleric Spell) | Std | Hallow (Cleric Spell) |
Heroic Fortune, Mass | Evocation | Std | Multiple targets receive an Action Point. |
Holy Ice | Transmutation | Std | Create pillars...of Holy Water! |
Hymn of Mercy | Enchantment | Std | The target creatures gain the Secured condition. |
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass | Necromancy | Std | Negative energy spreads out in all directions from the point of origin, dealing 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15) to nearby living enemies. |
Life Bubble | Abjuration | Std | Protects creatures from some types of sustained environmental effects. |
Pillar of Life | Pillar of Life (Cleric Spell) | Std | Pillar of Life (Cleric Spell) |
Pillar of Stone | Conjuration | Std | Creates durable stone pillars. |
Plane Shift | Conjuration | Ritual | You and your allies can travel to another plane. |
Raise Dead | Conjuration | Ritual | Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/lvl ago. |
Reprobation | Transmutation | Std | Marked target is shunned. |
Resist Rare Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Rare energy type. |
Righteous Might | Transmutation | Std | Your or allies size increases. |
Serenity | Enchantment | Std | Peaceful feelings harm those attempting violence. |
Slay Living | Slay Living (Cleric Spell) | Std | Slay Living (Cleric Spell) |
Spell Resistance | Spell Resistance (Cleric Spell) | Std | Spell Resistance (Cleric Spell) |
Summon Monster V | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
True Seeing | Universal | Std | Lets you see things as they really are. |
Unhallow | Unhallow (Cleric Spell) | Std | Unhallow (Cleric Spell) |
Unholy Ice | Transmutation | Std | Create pillars...of Holy Water! |
Wall of Blindness | Illusion | Std | Creatures that pass through a translucent wall suffer fictive damage and an assault on their senses. |
Level 6 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Animate Objects | Animate Objects (Cleric Spell) | Std | Animate Objects (Cleric Spell) |
Antilife Shell | Antilife Shell (Cleric Spell) | Std | Antilife Shell (Cleric Spell) |
Banishment | Abjuration | Std | Your scorn hurts. Make several ray attacks with dire consequences. |
Blade Barrier | Evocation | Std | Wall of blades deals Force damage. |
Bloodsworn Retribution | Bloodsworn Retribution (Cleric Spell) | Std | Bloodsworn Retribution (Cleric Spell) |
Chains of Light | Conjuration | Std | Target is held immobile by glowing golden chains composed of pure light. |
Cold Ice Strike | Abjuration | Std | Blast of ice slivers deals cold damage and slows. |
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass | Conjuration | Std | Cures 3d8 damage + 1/lvl, maximum +20. |
Dispel Magic, Greater | Abjuration | Std | Cancels multiple magical spells or effects |
Dust Form | Transmutation | Std | You become an incorporeal creature of dust for a short period of time. |
Eaglesoul | Eaglesoul (Cleric Spell) | Std | Eaglesoul (Cleric Spell) |
Elemental Assessor | Transmutation | Std | Elemental ray transforms parts of the victim into a damaging canker. |
Find the Path | Find the Path (Cleric Spell) | Std | Find the Path (Cleric Spell) |
Forbiddance | Forbiddance (Cleric Spell) | Std | Forbiddance (Cleric Spell) |
Glyph of Warding, Greater | Abjuration | Ritual | Enhanced Glyph of Warding (Cleric Spell). |
Harm | Necromancy | Std | Inflict massive negative energy damage on a target. |
Heal | Conjuration | Std | Cures 10 points/lvl damage, all diseases and mental conditions. |
Hellfire Ray | Evocation | Std | A blast of hellfire deals damage, and if it kills the victim, then things get...interesting. |
Heroes' Feast | Conjuration | Ritual | Food for several creatures, cures, and grants combat bonuses. |
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass | Necromancy | Std | Negative energy spreads out in all directions from the point of origin, dealing 3d8 damage +1/lvl (max +20) to creatures you choose. |
Music of the Spheres | Conjuration | Std | Grant Fast Healing, ER, and a bonus to saves to targets. |
Oasis | Transmutation | Std | Create a comfortable and secured place in the wilderness. |
Plague Storm | Necromancy | Std | Cloud inflicts Necrotic damage |
Planar Adaptation, Mass | Transmutation | Std | This spell functions like Planar Adaptation (Cleric Spell), except affecting multiple targets. |
Summon Monster VI | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Undeath to Death | Necromancy | Std | Inflicts heavy light (energy, uncommon) damage to the unliving in your sight. |
Word of Recall | Conjuration | Ritual | Teleports you back to designated place. |
Level 7 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Archon's Trumpet | Enchantment | Std | Inflicts heavy thundercrash damage to all targets in a 30 foot cone. |
Bestow Curse, Greater | Enchantment | Std | Inflicts Cursed or Hexed upon multiple creatures you choose. |
Blasphemy | Evocation | Std | Slanders or Disgraces your target. |
Constricting Coils | Conjuration | Std | Eldritch muscular coils deal crushing damage to the target while holding it still. |
Create Demiplane, Lesser | Conjuration | Ritual | Create your own Demiplane, nice and cozy. |
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass | Conjuration | Std | Cures 5d8 damage + 1/lvl, maximum +30. |
Destruction | Destruction (Cleric Spell) | Std | Destruction (Cleric Spell) |
Dictum | Evocation | Std | Slanders or disgraces multiple targets |
Ethereal Jaunt | Transmutation | Std | You become ethereal until your next combat ends. |
Holy Word | Enchantment | Std | Ray which deals massive holy damage with no saving throw allowed. |
Hymn of Peace | Hymn of Peace (Cleric Spell) | Std | Hymn of Peace (Cleric Spell) |
Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass | Necromancy | Std | Deal negative energy to targets you choose, 3d8 damage +1/lvl (max +35). |
Jolting Portent | Jolting Portent (Cleric Spell) | Std | Jolting Portent (Cleric Spell) |
Lunar Veil | Lunar Veil (Cleric Spell) | Std | Lunar Veil (Cleric Spell) |
Memory of Function | Memory of Function (Cleric Spell) | Std | Memory of Function (Cleric Spell) |
Planar Refuge | Conjuration | Std | Enforces the rules of the Material Plane on other planes of existence. |
Refuge | Conjuration | Std | Alters item to transport its possessor to a safe place. |
Regenerate | Conjuration | Ritual | Subject's severed limbs grow back, tiredness is removed, and they regrow hit points. |
Resist All Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from All energy types. |
Restoration, Greater | Conjuration | Std | Ends all status conditions on the target. |
Resurrection | Conjuration | Ritual | Fully restore dead subject. |
Summon Monster VII | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Vision of Doom | Illusion | Std | Sends vision dealing heavy psychic damage and fatigue. |
Word of Chaos | Word of Chaos (Cleric Spell) | Std | Word of Chaos (Cleric Spell) |
Level 8 Cleric Spells
Level 9 Cleric Spells
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Astral Projection | Necromancy | Ritual | Projects you and others onto Astral Plane. |
Canopic Conversion | Necromancy | Std | Turns your allies into pseudo-undead, with potent benefits. |
Create Demiplane, Greater | Conjuration | Ritual | As Create Demiplane (Cleric Spell), but much larger. |
Deadly Juxtaposition | Conjuration | Std | You swap places with an enemy creature, dealing heavy interstice damage to it, and its allies. |
Energy Drain | Necromancy | Std | Subject gains 2d4 points of Essence Omission and is at risk of a synergy. |
Etherealness | Transmutation | Std | Travel to an Ethereal Plane with companions. |
Gate | Conjuration | Std | Connects two planes for travel by any creatures, in either direction. |
Heal, Mass | Conjuration | Std | As Heal (Cleric Spell), but affects multiple creatures you choose. |
Implosion | Necromancy | Std | Inflict massive negative energy damage on multiple targets. |
Miracle | Evocation | Std | Requests a deity's intercession. |
Overwhelming Presence | Enchantment | Std | Creatures prostrate themselves before you as if you were divine and are at risk of a Synergy. |
Polar Midnight | Transmutation | Std | Polar cold immobilizes and deals damage. |
Soul Bind | Necromancy | Std | Bind your enemies and allies together, granting bonus AC and damage. |
Spear of Purity | Evocation | Std | Spears of holy energy blast your foes. |
Spell Immunity, Greater Communal | Spell Immunity, Greater Communal (Cleric Spell) | Std | Spell Immunity, Greater Communal (Cleric Spell) |
Storm of Vengeance | Storm of Vengeance (Cleric Spell) | Std | Storm of Vengeance (Cleric Spell) |
Summon Monster IX | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
True Resurrection | Conjuration | Ritual | As Resurrection (Cleric Spell), plus remains aren't needed. |
Winds of Vengeance | Evocation | Std | Gives you the ability to fly and attack with wind. |