Magic Wands

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Templates For New Items

  • Weapon Base Prices - used as base price for all items unless price-nudge field is left blank

Magic Item Name Description Cost
Wand of Accessioning, Minor Affect one additional target with qualifying 1st level spells, or qualifying level 1 spell-like abilities. 2,250 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Common Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 2nd level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 3 or earlier. 7,500 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Novice's Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 3rd level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 5 or earlier. 16,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Major Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 4th level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 7 or earlier. 31,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Exceptional Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 5th level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 9 or earlier. 56,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Adept's Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 6th level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 11 or earlier. 130,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Greater Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 7th level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 13 or earlier. 425,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Singular Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 8th level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 15 or earlier. 1,300,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Sage's Affect one additional target with any qualifying spells of 9th level or less, or any qualifying spell-like abilities learned at level 18 or earlier. 4,100,000 gp
Wand of Accessioning, Perfect Affect one additional target with any of your qualifying spells, True Dweomers, spell-like abilities, or scrolls you use. 12,500,000 gp
Novice Wand of Maximization Novice Wand of Maximization Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Adept Wand of Maximization Adept Wand of Maximization Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Apprentice Wand of Maximization Apprentice Wand of Maximization Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Journeyman Wand of Maximization Journeyman Wand of Maximization Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Expert Wand of Maximization Expert Wand of Maximization Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Master Wand of Maximization Master Wand of Maximization Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Novice Wand of Reaching Novice Wand of Reaching Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Adept Wand of Reaching Adept Wand of Reaching Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Apprentice Wand of Reaching Apprentice Wand of Reaching Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Journeyman Wand of Reaching Journeyman Wand of Reaching Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Expert Wand of Reaching Expert Wand of Reaching Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Master Wand of Reaching Master Wand of Reaching Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Novice Wand of Quickening Novice Wand of Quickening Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Adept Wand of Quickening Adept Wand of Quickening Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Apprentice Wand of Quickening Apprentice Wand of Quickening Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Journeyman Wand of Quickening Journeyman Wand of Quickening Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Expert Wand of Quickening Expert Wand of Quickening Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp
Master Wand of Quickening Master Wand of Quickening Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp