Talk:Head Slot Magic Items
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Gimlet Helm
- +1 once per encounter, when struck in combat, sparks and does half the damage back to the attacker as fire damage CL 7
- +2 once per encounter, when struck in combat, sparks and does the full damage back to the attacker as fire damage CL 10
- +3 once per encounter, when struck in combat, sparks and does double the damage back to the attacker as fire and electricity damage CL 13
- +4 once per round, when struck in combat, sparks and does the full damage back to the attacker as fire and electricity damage CL 16
- +5 once per round, when struck in combat, sparks and does double the damage back to the attacker as fire and electricity damage CL 19
- +6 once per round, when struck in combat, sparks and does double the damage back to the attacker as fire and force damage, once per encounter save versus the attackers DC or suffer Humbled for one round CL 22
- +7 when struck in combat, sparks and does the full damage back to the attacker as fire and force damage. CL 25
- +8 when struck in combat, sparks and does double the damage back to the attacker as fire and force damage CL 28
- +9 when struck in combat, sparks and does double the damage back to the attacker as fire and force damage, once per round save versus attackers DC or suffer Slandered for one round. CL 31
Anathema Spell (Feat) item
Bolstering Spell (Feat) item
mask of stony demeanor = cannot use social skills (bluff, sense motive, diplomacy, etc), but gains big bonus to resist social skill use and mind-affecting, plus gains a bonus headbutt melee attack doing good damage
I love the names from below. so sad....
cap of the creeper toque of trickery mirror image 1 image, two images visage of violent attacks deadly image doing same damage as wearer, 1 image, 2 images assassins jingasa as visage, CL33 plus apparition dirus 1/encounter
crown of blasting radiance = on command, radiates searling light as the spell. ouch.
halo of menace = adds boosts to divine area of effect powers
helm of underwater action = adds water breathing, swim speeds, resistance to cold and pressure, abolths lung effect, all scaling
grapplers mask = perform combat maneuvers as swift actions, gain bonuses, do big damage with combat maneuvers