Companion Polymorph (Ranger Poultice)
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- Level: Ranger 2
- School: Transmutation
- Casting Time: Standard Action, or the first attack of a Full Attack Action
- Components: V, S
- Range: Touch
- Target or Area: one willing Animal Companion, Mount, or Familiar
- Duration: Until the end of your next full night's rest
- Saving Throw: Harmless (Fortitude negates)
Save DC: 10 + caster stat modifier + spell level - Spell Resistance: Yes
- Imagine you are riding alone in the midst of hostile country and are waylaid by a pack of Hobgoblins. Then, with a word, your docile-seeming horse suddenly transforms into your pet T-Rex! This is the sort of thing Companion Polymorph was meant to enable.
- You transform the target into a harmless-looking Animal of the same approximate body type. The form assumed must be one considered unobtrusive by local communities, such as a cat, a dog, a hunting hawk, a horse, or a rat. This transformation can reduce the target by up to two size categories, but cannot make an animal smaller than Tiny even if the original creature was smaller than Tiny.
- The spell functions as Summon Monster I (Ranger Poultice), except that the Companion Polymorph never has additional powers and may apply size modifiers as below:
- Tiny Size: Does not have to Squeeze to fit into a Tiny space (20 inches or greater, 1/3rd of a square), adds a +2 size bonus to AC, and Stealth checks, and suffers a -2 penalty to their Might skill and Maneuver Defense, and their Walk speed is reduced by -10 feet. Can share a 5-foot-square with up to one other sized-tiny creature without squeezing.
- Small Size: Does not have to Squeeze to fit into a Small space (30 inches or greater, 1/2 of a square), adds a +1 size bonus to AC, and Stealth checks, and suffers a -1 penalty to their Might skill and Maneuver Defense, and their Walk speed is reduced by -10 feet. Cannot share a 5-foot-square with another sized-small creature, unless squeezing.
- Medium Size: Does not have to Squeeze to fit into a normal space (60 inches or greater, 1 square), no size bonuses or penalties to AC, Stealth, Might, Maneuver Defense, or Walk speed.
- Large Size: Does not have to Squeeze to fit into a Large space (greater than 120 inches, greater than 2 squares), suffers a -1 size penalty to AC, and Stealth checks, and gains a +1 size bonus to their Might skill and Maneuver Defense, and their Walk speed is increased by +10 feet.
- Huge Size: Does not have to Squeeze to fit into a Huge space (greater than 180 inches, greater than 3 squares), suffers a -2 size penalty to AC, and Stealth checks, and gains a +2 size bonus to their Might skill and Maneuver Defense, and their Walk speed is increased by +10 feet.