Aspect of the Beast (Feat)
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Whether by magic or a curse of your blood, some part of you is more beast than man.
Prerequisites: Druid 1
Benefit: Your bestial nature manifests itself in one of the following ways. You choose your first manifestation when you choose the feat, and then you cannot change it.
- Night Senses (Ex): If your base race has normal vision, you gain low-light vision. If your base race has low-light vision, you gain darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. If your base race has darkvision, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet.
- Slavering Ferocity (Ex): You gain a +1 feat bonus to-hit. This bonus also applies to your Bite attacks while in Wild Shape form.
- Predator's Leap (Ex): You can make a running jump without needing to run 10 feet before you jump, in both your normal form and your Wild Shape form.
- Wild Instinct (Ex): You gain a +2 feat bonus on Initiative checks and a +1 feat bonus on Survival skill checks, in both your normal form and your Wild Shape form.
Upon gaining 11 levels in the Druid class, you may choose a second manifestation. Upon gaining 21 levels in the Druid class, you may choose a third manifestation. Upon gaining 31 levels in the Druid class, you may choose the last manifestation. No manifestation can be taken more than once.
- Special: Rangers who gain this feat as a Bonus feat may apply all the bonuses above to their normal form while using Two-Weapon Fighting.