Alchemist Feats
The following feats are especially suitable for Alchemists. This list is by no means everything the alchemist could select as a feat, merely feats that are specifically good for alchemists. There are also quite a lot of feats that are good for everyone, including alchemists, that are listed on the main Feats page.
Courageous Tier (1-5)
- Ammo Drop (Feat)
- Arcane Talent (Feat)
- Armor Proficiency, Heavy (Feat)
- Armor Proficiency, Medium (Feat)
- Big Game Hunter (Feat)
- Black Marketeer (Feat)
- Bolster Damage Reduction (Feat)
- Bonded Mind (Feat)
- Catch Off-Guard (Feat)
- Combat Expertise (Feat)
- Combat Reflexes (Feat)
- Conceal Scent (Feat)
- Coordinated Advance (Feat)
- Coordinated Shot (Feat)
- Cosmopolitan (Feat)
- Covering Fire (Feat)
- Creator (Feat)
- Deadly Aim (Feat)
- Death from Above (Feat)
- Defensive Combat Training (Feat)
- Deflect Arrows (Feat)
- Desert Dweller (Feat)
- Diehard (Feat)
- Dilettante (Feat)
- Distance Thrower (Feat)
- Distracting Charge (Feat)
- Dodge (Feat)
- Duck and Cover (Feat)
- Eagle Eyes (Feat)
- Endurance (Feat)
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat)
- Extend the Bulwark (Feat)
- Friendly Fire Maneuvers (Feat)
- Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat)
- Initiative, Improved (Feat)
- Intercept Charge (Feat)
- Iron Will (Feat)
- Large Target (Feat)
- Maneuver Opus (Feat)
- Martial Weapon Proficiency, Single (Feat)
- Martial Weapons Proficiency (Feat)
- Mobility (Feat)
- Narrow Frame (Feat)
- Net Adept (Feat)
- Nimble Moves (Feat)
- Old Selective (Feat)
- Power Attack (Feat)
- Precise Shot (Feat)
- Prone Shooter (Feat)
- Quaff (Feat)
- Quarterstaff Master (Feat)
- Quick Draw (Feat)
- Quickpick Master (Feat)
- Runner (Feat)
- Saboteur (Feat)
- Shake It Off (Feat)
- Shield Proficiency (Feat)
- Shield Use: Tower Shield (Feat)
- Shield Use: War Shield (Feat)
- Shield Wall (Feat)
- Skill Expert (Feat)
- Skilled Driver (Feat)
- Spiky Shield (Feat)
- Splash Weapon Mastery (Feat)
- Swap Places (Feat)
- Throw Anything (Feat)
- Toughness (Feat)
- Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat)
- Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat)
- War Whip Finesse (Feat)
- Weapon Aficionado (Feat)
- Weapon Finesse (Feat)
- Weapon Focus (Feat)
Intrepid Tier (6-10)
- Arc Slinger (Feat)
- Arcane Armor Training (Feat)
- Babble-Peddler (Feat)
- Back to Back (Feat)
- Blind-Fight (Feat)
- Close-Quarters Thrower (Feat)
- Combat Medic (Feat)
- Critical, Improved (Feat)
- Darting Viper (Feat)
- Dorn-Dergar Master (Feat)
- Double Slice (Feat)
- Eclectic (Feat)
- Fast Crawl (Feat)
- Feint Partner (Feat)
- Field Repair (Feat)
- Grasping Whip (Feat)
- Improvised Weapon Mastery (Feat)
- Lunge (Feat)
- Parting Shot (Feat)
- Prone Slinger (Feat)
- Rapid Reload (Feat)
- Rod Whisperer (Feat)
- Second Chance (Feat)
- Shot on the Run (Feat)
- True Blood (Feat)
- Two-Weapon Defense (Feat)
- Underfoot (Feat)
- Urban Forager (Feat)
- Volley Fire (Feat)
Heroic Tier (11-15)
- Altitude Affinity (Feat)
- Bomb, Improved (Feat)
- Bounding Hammer (Feat)
- Deflection, Exceptional (Feat)
- Destructive Dispel (Feat)
- Dimensional Agility (Feat)
- Expert Driver (Feat)
- Exploit Lore (Feat)
- Impact Critical Shot (Feat)
- Low-Light Vision, Improved (Feat)
- Lunge (Feat)
- Monkey Lunge (Feat)
- Net and Trident (Feat)
- Parting Shot (Feat)
- Precise Shot, Improved (Feat)
- Quick Combat Maneuvers (Feat)
- Second Chance, Improved (Feat)
- Seize the Moment (Feat)
- Skill Specialist (Feat)
- Small But Deadly (Feat)
- Snap Shot (Feat)
- Spring Attack (Feat)
- Swing About (Feat)
Undaunted Tier (16-20)
- Accuracy, Uncanny (Feat)
- Acrobatic Steps (Feat)
- Darkvision, Improved (Feat)
- Dimensional Assault (Feat)
- Far Shot (Feat)
- Friendly Switch (Feat)
- Got Your Back (Feat)
- Impact Critical Shot (Feat)
- In Harm's Way (Feat)
- Meta-Extract (Feat)
- Near and Far (Feat)
- Paired Opportunists (Feat)
- Pinpoint Targeting (Feat)
- Second Chance, Improved (Feat)
- Sidestep (Feat)
- Stick Together (Feat)
- Storm of Throws (Feat)
Valorous Tier (21-25)
- Augmented Alchemy (Feat)
- Bomb, Mighty (Feat)
- Creator, Epic (Feat)
- Critical, Epic (Feat)
- Damage Reduction (Feat)
- Dimensional Dervish (Feat)
- Endurance, Epic (Feat)
- Escape Route (Feat)
- Impact Critical Shot (Feat)
- Impeccable Pedigree (Feat)
- Initiative, Superior (Feat)
- Pinpoint Targeting (Feat)
- Skill Prodigy (Feat)
- Snap Shot, Improved (Feat)
- Toughness, Epic (Feat)
Mythic Tier (26-30)
- Deadly Storm (Feat)
- Dimensional Maneuvers (Feat)
- Dimensional Savant (Feat)
- Distant Shot (Feat)
- Empowering Bomb (Feat)
- Infinite Deflection (Feat)
- Mass Combat Maneuvers (Feat)
- Mutagen, Epic (Feat)
- Opening Volley (Feat)
- Outflank (Feat)
Legendary Tier (31-35)
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