Hornet Wing Cloak +4
Hornet Wing Cloak +4
- Cost: 90,000 gp
- Weight: 2 lbs.
- Family: Hornet Wing Cloak
Hornet Wing Cloaks are vastly useful items, and are frequently nice to look at, to-boot. They usually have some variation of an insect theme, such as embroidered wasp wings, wasp-wing patterns as lace inlays, or iridescent colors that are evocative of the shimmering iridescence of a hornet's wings. Aside from the insectile-themed design elements, Hornet Wing Cloaks tend to be shorter and 'sportier' than most cloaks, although that isn't a hard rule. They are made of a myriad of materials, although they are rarely heavy or bulky, being confined to lighter cloths and laces, and eschewing the heavy leather, wood inlays, or metal plates.
A Hornet Wing Cloak is wildly popular among those with a taste for excitement, or a need to travel, because they allow their wearer to fly! When they are activated by their wearer, they typically manifest a shimmering set of oval insect wings, between two and six in number, which hum softly and glow gently to indicate the item is active. These wings are obvious if the wearer is observed, but not so ostentatious that they harm the user's ability to attempt Stealth rolls.
Once activated, a Hornet Wing Cloak will remain operational until the wearer wills it to cease, they go to sleep, or they survive a battle. This means that even the least of these useful cloaks will allow the wearer to flit about all day long, as long as they stay out of trouble, and explains why they are very popular indeed. Sadly, this usefulness is reflected in the price, but this is as all things.
- This cloak can be activated twice per day, as a Swift action or as part of a Move action during combat, or with a brief concentration out of combat. Once activated, the power of the Cloak persists until the attuned wearer wills it to cease, ends a combat, or takes a full night's rest. While active, the cloak gives the wearer a Lesser Flight movement at 60 feet per round.
The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 46 (10 + double CL)), Bright (tier 3) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 45,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).