Deadhead Headband +6
Deadhead Headband +6
- Cost: 910,000 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs.
- Family: Deadhead Headband
A Deadhead Headband is a necromantic item worn tied around the head, but unfortunately, it is very difficult to describe. One of the immediate effects of a Deadhead Headband is the transformation of the wearer's head into the semblance of a skull. As part of this transformation, the headband "disappears" into the transformation, and when the item is removed, the headband often looks...different.
This transformation is of no use for Disguises, since the wearer has no control over the effect, and it changes nothing else about them. That being said, the transformation of the head does add a +5 circumstance bonus against Sunder and Steal combat maneuvers against items in the Head, Eyes, and Headband slot, although such effects are typically rare.
The transformation of the Headband is widely varied, and seems to depend both upon the nature of the item and the nature of the wearer. A tough, no-nonsense martial warrior may manifest as a clean, ivory skull, harsh and dignified. A conniving, stealthy no-good may manifest as a gory skinned skull. A necromancer might appear as a hideous rotting thing. A fine, upstanding leader or healer may manifest as a fanciful and quite lovely "sugar skull". The possibilities are nearly endless.
The headband, besides making your head look dead, has quite a few potent and useful abilities. Perhaps the most sought after is the fact that this item affiliates the attuned wearer with death. This has the effect of making every damaging effect they produce, from any source, more difficult to resist. This is a bonus to all Save difficulty classes, whether from a class ability, racial ability, magic item, or any other effect. If it does damage and has a DC, this item improves that DC.
In addition, the wearer's affiliation with death lends them unnatural vitality against incoming damage, as well. This effect can range from fairly minor additions of temporary hit points, up to quite powerful effects. If this item is triggered by a successful attack, in all cases any new temporary hit points gifted are laid after the incoming damage has occurred, and if the wearer's hit points are reduced below zero, they fall unconscious as normal and the temporary hit points have little effect. If a single blow triggers this item twice, by inflicting the first hit points in an encounter and reducing the wearer below their bloodied value, then the amount of temporary hit points is doubled, even though temporary hit points do not normally stack. This item cannot automatically gift more temporary hit points if an attack does not inflict actual damage, even if an attack removes all of the temporary hit points.
In all cases, this item is useful indeed, as long as the strange effect on appearance can be tolerated.
In addition, once per encounter, the attuned wearer may add double their highest total BAB number as temporary hit points after the first time they take real hit point damage from an enemy. (Attacks that only remove temp hit points do not trigger additional temp hit points.) Note that this counts as a source of instantaneous temporary hit points for effects that may be triggered by such things, and that temporary hit points do not stack, although a single very powerful attack may trigger a larger response as noted above.
This item also triggers again any time the wearer takes actual damage that reduces them to equal to or below their Bloodied value. Note that, as mentioned above, it is possible for a single attack to be both the first damage they take, and also reduce them to below their bloodied value in one heavy hit. In such a case, the item triggers once, but the number of temp hit points is doubled.
Lastly, the attuned wearer may choose to trigger the deathly power of this item voluntarily once per day. This makes the skull manifestation more apparent, and adds twice (x2) their current highest BAB as temporary hit points. This may be done out of combat with a minute of concentration, or in combat as a standard action. If this effect is desired, it is usually used upon waking. Obviously, association with Death like this is completely safe and has no possibility of side effects....The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 60 (10 + double CL)), Intense (tier 4) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 455,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).