Gifting Mantle +2

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Gifting Mantle +2

CL 7 Shoulders Slot Item • Weak Abjuration
Cost: 25,000 gp
Weight: 10 lbs.
Family: Gifting Mantle

A Gifting Mantle is an oddly altruistic sort of item for many users of magic to have and use. One of the core requirements of many, if not most, spellcasters is a desire for power. A Gifting Mantle can be used to increase the attuned wearers power, it is true, but it can also be used to grant boons to allies and acquaintances of the caster as well.

Like most items with spellcasters in mind, Mantles are usually nice to look at and comfortable to wear, although they are always heavy and luxurious. Aside from that, they usually hang richly, being lush in cut, construction, and choice of material.

These Mantles allow the caster to lay one spell upon their person, and one or more spells upon their allies. This granting requires the attuned wearer to touch themselves and all allies, and requires the normal casting time. It is not possible to gift a spell with a casting time longer than a full round action, so Rituals are right out. These spells may be cast from the attuned owners personal spells, or cast from a Rod or a Scroll. (Yes, technically, anyone can wear and use a Gifting Mantle and power it with consumables.) If the gifted spells are cast from your personal spells, and the item is powerful enough to hold the gift past your next full nights rest, the slots you used can be filled with new spells for the following days.

Rather than taking effect immediately, the gifted spells lie dormant (although they do lay a charge, if they have one). This time of dormancy can be from the end of the next encounter, up to a full year for extremely powerful items. During this dormancy period, the spell may discharge whenever a defined condition occurs.

  • NOTE: This defined condition must be something that is explicitly defined in the game rules. Having a spell go off "after an hour" or "when the King speaks" is an invalid condition, because the game rules have no way of telling you when an hour has elapsed in game time, or whom is speaking at any given moment. Having a spell go off when an encounter begins is valid, because encounters begin when an ambush roll or an initiative roll is made.
  • Some examples of valid triggers: Trigger when a creature enters a designated square (door, etc), threatens me, attacks me, hits me, threatens, attacks, or hits target "x", uses a supernatural ability, uses a spell-like ability, uses an extraordinary ability, takes a move action, leaves their square, is struck in combat, is attacked in combat, falls a damaging distance, is affected by an environmental effect, is affected by a collision, rolls a saving throw, rolls an attack roll, rolls any skill roll, rolls a specified skill roll, and other effects as allowed by the GM.

The above list is not exhaustive, and GMs are encouraged to allow or disallow any and all triggers they feel are disruptive. Generally, all triggering conditions require line of sight and line of effect between the recipient of the spell and the trigger, at a minimum. In addition, the triggering activity must be within the spell's range, or the spell is lost to no effect. Any conditions which cause a spell to trigger when the spell cannot perform its function will discharge the spell to no effect, and it is lost.

Be wary of any triggers combined with a Skill Challenge. GM's are encouraged to disallow any disruptive activities by fiat if they wish. Gifting Mantles are notoriously finicky things...

Once triggered, the spell will act upon any conditions specified when it was cast. An example would be a fireball cast on the party's Tank, set to go off on a square in a doorway when they make any ranged attack roll. Metamagic feats and mana burning can be applied to the spell as-cast, but again, all specifics must be defined at the time of casting. The Tank from above could be excluded from damage by the Selective feat, and the fireball set to go off in their own square when they make any melee attack roll, for example. Note that this can be very, very dangerous, and players are encouraged to be cautious. GM's are encouraged to be either merciful or diabolical, as the whim strikes.

A Gifting Mantle +2 allows the attuned wearer to cast one spell of 1st through 4th level on themselves, and on one ally they choose. This spell must be used according to properly defined trigger conditions before the end of the next encounter, or the gifted spells dissipate and are lost.

The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 24 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 12,500 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).