Drunken Brawler (Feat)
You have learned how to fight effectively while drunk.
Prerequisites: Level 1, Endurance (Feat)
Benefit: When you drink a tankard of ale or other Alcohol, you take a -1 penalty on Reflex saving throws, but add your character level to the number of temporary hit points normally granted by consuming alchohol. Temporary hit points last until the end of the current encounter, the end of the next encounter, or until the temporary hit points are lost through damage, whichever occurs first. The penalty to your Reflex saves lasts for 1 hour, because hangovers suck.
Special: A character with this feat also adds a +1 circumstance bonus to-hit and damage with their unarmed melee attacks (or attacks performed with monk or brawler weapons) as long as they maintain temporary hit points by continued consumption of alcohol. This bonus goes away as soon as they lose all temporary hit points granted by alcohol (including if those temporary hit points are replaced by new temporary hit points from a non-alcoholic source, such as a Warlord).
Special: You may replace the temporary hit points gained from drinking alcohol by drinking again. However, doing so adds another hour to the duration of the -1 penalty to Reflex saves (it doesn't increase the penalty, it just makes it last longer). Intemperate use of this feat may lead to a more-or-less permanent impairment, which is awesome... if you like that sort of thing. If you wait until the penalty is removed by the expiration of the duration (sobering up), then the time cycles begin all over again.