Arc Slinger (Feat)
You can twirl your sling in a way that maximizes its effectiveness.
Prerequisites: Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat), <proficient with sling OR slingstaff>
Benefit: When using a sling or slingstaff which you chose with your Weapon Focus feat, you reduce your penalty on ranged attack rolls due to range by 2. The penalty can never be reduced below zero (i.e. it can never become a bonus). In addition, you may 'curve' any ammunition such that the bonus your target receives from cover is reduced by 1. Lastly, up to once per encounter, you may treat any sort of normal or alchemical ammunition as if it had the 'Ricochet' ability of a Skiprock, namely, if you successfully strike your target, select a different foe within 10 feet of your first target and make a second attack. Resolve this second attack using the same attack bonuses and penalties as the first attack. On larger creatures you may choose the square you struck before determining the path to the second creature, though you must have line of effect to all squares in the path. Only roll damage once, but each target that was struck takes the full damage. Any precision damage included in the attack is only applied to the first target, but damage bonuses from Strength, feats, and magical bonuses are applied to both targets. If you are using alchemical ammo or alchemist bombs, the full normal effects apply to all struck targets.
Special: If you have Arc Slinger and also use Skiprocks as ammunition, then you may choose TWO targets within ten feet of your primary target to suffer a secondary attack once per encounter.