Steadfast Rod
Steadfast Rod
- Cost: 11,250 gp
- Weight: 4 lbs.
This rod is in the shape of a double-ended hook, with a heavy chain linking them. When activated, the 'loose' hook jars toward its target, and a spectral copy flies forth with a ghostly rattle of chain to deliver the power of the rod to the victim.
Wielders of this rod can utter a command word as a standard action to cast a Force Anchor spell, using up one charge from the rod.
When you speak the command word and lash the end of the rod toward a target within 100 feet of the wielder's space, to whom there is line of sight and line of effect, you conjure an anchor of pure force that drives from the rod in a flash as a ray attack. This anchoring chain of force skewers your target on a successful ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the attack deals the target damage for its creator level as detailed in the chart below, as force (energy, uncommon) damage, and the spectral anchor becomes firmly lodged in the target's torso, the chain lashing itself firm to the space around them. The anchor has no weight, but its wide flukes prevent a corporeal target from moving through any space smaller than the creature's size, thus negating the ability to squeeze, for example. This spell does not otherwise hamper or impede a normal, corporeal creature, although the damage it inflicts is certainly inconvenient.
If the ranged touch attack misses, no damage is inflicted and no effects are levied.
Against an incorporeal target, the anchor hampers them by existing in both a material and immaterial form. This duality prevents incorporeal targets from moving through solid objects for the duration of the spell, which can be useful for hampering the ability of ghosts to flee, for example. Corporeal or incorporeal creatures also count all creatures as difficult terrain. Whenever the target moves through a square occupied by another creature, the square counts as 2 squares for the purpose of calculating movement, even if the squares occupant is the targets ally.
You can purchase this rod at a higher creator level than the minimum required to cast the spell. Doing so increases the potency of the spell as described above, but also increases the cost, as follows:
Creator Level | Cost | Save DC | Damage Dealt |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
5 | 11,250 gp | - | 5d6 |
6 | 15,000 gp | - | 6d6 |
7 | 18,750 gp | - | 7d6 |
8 | 24,000 gp | - | 8d6+8 |
9 | 30,000 gp | - | 9d6+9 |
10 | 37,500 gp | - | 10d6+10 |
11 | 46,500 gp | - | 11d6+11 |
12 | 56,250 gp | - | 12d6+12 |
13 | 68,250 gp | - | 13d6+13 |
14 | 84,000 gp | - | 14d6+14 |
15 | 106,500 gp | - | 15d6+15 |
16 | 144,750 gp | - | 16d6+32 |
17 | 195,000 gp | - | 17d6+34 |
18 | 270,000 gp | - | 18d6+36 |
19 | 360,000 gp | - | 19d6+38 |
20 | 480,000 gp | - | 20d6+40 |
Creator Level | Cost | Save DC | Damage Dealt |
21 | 637,500 gp | - | 21d6+42 |
22 | 855,000 gp | - | 22d6+44 |
23 | 1,132,500 gp | - | 23d6+46 |
24 | 1,500,000 gp | - | 24d6+72 |
25 | 1,950,000 gp | - | 25d6+75 |
26 | 2,625,000 gp | - | 26d6+78 |
27 | 3,450,000 gp | - | 27d6+81 |
28 | 4,650,000 gp | - | 28d6+84 |
29 | 6,150,000 gp | - | 29d6+87 |
30 | 8,175,000 gp | - | 30d6+90 |
31 | 10,800,000 gp | - | 31d6+93 |
32 | 14,175,000 gp | - | 32d6+128 |
33 | 18,750,000 gp | - | 33d6+132 |
34 | 24,825,000 gp | - | 34d6+136 |
35 | 33,075,000 gp | - | 35d6+140 |
This magic item does not require an attunement period, and grants its benefits immediately upon being worn or wielded.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 20 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 5,625 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).