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Condition Severity: Weak
Your physical and mental strength have been sapped from you.
- The first attack you make this round deals only half its normal damage. If the attack has non-damaging effects, they are still resolved normally. This applies to any action that deals damage to an enemy creature — melee attacks, ranged attacks, spells, combat maneuvers, etc.
- If you do not make any attacks, or your attacks are non-damaging, this condition has no effect this round.
Ended By
If the ability, trap, or effect description includes specific directions for how the condition is ended, then that is the primary means of ending this condition. In many cases, it is the only way to end the condition. If nothing is specifically listed for ending the condition, then the following methods can be used to end it, instead:
- Spend a move action to collect your breath, and re-center yourself, ending the condition.
- If not cleared, Weakened automatically ends at the end of the encounter.
- Alternatively, if an ally performs an Aid Another action to your benefit, instead of getting the bonus to hit, this condition ends.