Selective (Feat)
You can leave targets out of your Area of Effect Spells
Prerequisites: Caster Level 1
Benefit: A selective spell can leave one or more targets out of the area of effect of an AOE spell, as if they were not in the area at all. This is very useful for not damaging your allies when there is a messy melee occurring. The number of targets you leave out of the spell is determined when the spell is memorized, or when a spontaneous caster chooses the spell slot to use for casting. The number of targets left out is determined as below:
- Selective 2: Uses a spell slot no levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude up to two targets or squares.
- Selective 3: Uses a spell slot two levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude up to three targets or squares.
- Selective 4: Uses a spell slot three levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude up to four targets or squares.
- Selective 5: Uses a spell slot four levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude up to five targets or squares.
- Selective 6: Uses a spell slot five levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude up to six targets or squares.
- Selective 7: Uses a spell slot six levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude up to seven targets or squares.
- Perfectly Selective: Uses a spell slot eight levels higher than the base spell, and may exclude any number of targets or squares.
Note: If Spell Research is used, the version of this feat (such as Selective 5, or Perfectly Selective) must be chosen for each researched version of each spell at the beginning of the downtime, so that the difficulty and cost in days may be calculated properly.
Level Increase: +0 to +8