Greater Fire Elemental
Greater Fire Elemental (Killer; CR 19)
Neutral - Huge - Outsider (Elemental, Fire) |
Lore: | Know (Planes) | ||
37 | 53 | ||
Basic DC | Full DC |
Initiative |
Perception: | |
41 | +31 |
Passive | Active |
Ambush: |
12+ |
on a d20 |
- Ambush Notes: It is difficult to ambush when you're on fire, but they will still try!
Movement Types:
- Walk 90 ft.
AC |
Man Def |
Monster Health | ||
1,766 | 883 | 36 |
Hit Points | Bloodied | Hit Dice |
Saving Throws | |
Fort: | +21 |
Refl: | +21 |
Will: | +13 |
Strong Against:
- (Elemental 1) Hardened (½ damage): precision damage, critical hits
- (Elemental 2) Immune (no effect): bleeds (bruised, bleed, ruptured), poisons (tainted, poisoned, blighted).
- (Elemental 3) Immune (no effect): magical sleep (drowsy, sluggish, asleep), paralyzed, stunned
- Immune (no effect): Fire (energy, common) damage
Weak Against:
- Vulnerable (1.5x damage): Cold (energy, common) damage
- Fire Elementals take 1 hit point of cold (energy, common) damage per gallon of water they touch (this is not multiplied by their vulnerability).
- Maneuver Offense Notes: +3 on Cleaves
Standard Attack (Melee):
- 2x Lick of Flame +29 (5d8+37/19-20 x2)
as fire (energy, common)
plus Burn
Full Attack (Melee):
Standard Attack (Ranged):
- 2x Fire Blast +28 (5d8+37/19-20 x2)
as fire (energy, common)
(Increment: 150 ft.; Max Range: 150 ft.)
plus Burn
Full Attack (Ranged):
- 3x Fire Blast +28 (5d8+37/19-20 x2)
as fire (energy, common)
(Increment: 150 ft.; Max Range: 150 ft.)
plus Burn
Siege Damage: Not siege capable
20 |
22 |
14 |
5 |
13 |
17 |
Special Abilities
Scorching Flesh (Su) Automatic when struck |
Any creature which attacks the fire elemental with a melee attack takes 36 points of fire (energy, common) damage. This may only happen once per foe per round, not on each attack. |
Burn (Su) Automatic on successful attack |
When struck by the fire elemental or when effected by the Blazing Heat aura, opponents may gain the Burned condition unless they succeed on a Reflex save, DC 29. You can only be affected by one Burned condition per round. |
Backdraft (Su) Automatic 1/Rnd |
Once per round, if the Fire elemental is damaged by a ranged attack, spell, or other ability used by a foe outside its melee reach (such as a reach weapon or spell-like ability), it may immediately use its Fireblast ability to attack that attacker as a free action. The attacking creature must be within 100 feet, and the fire elemental must have line of sight and line of effect to the creature. |
Firelight (Su) Automatic |
Fire Elementals have no special senses, but they rarely feel the lack because they generate bright light in a 60 foot radius around them for as long as they exist. |
Blazing Heat (Ex, Aura; Killer Role) Automatic |
Blazing Heat is an aura which is triggered at the end of the fire elemental's movement. When the fire elemental ends its move (or, if it doesn't move, just prior to taking its first attack) all creatures adjacent to its space take 5d6+23 points of fire (energy, common) damage and must make a reflex save versus a DC of 29 or receive the Burned condition. In all cases, the Blazing Heat aura may only cause damage to an opponent once each turn and force only one saving throw to receive the Burned condition. The Burned condition does not stack with itself; if you already have an ongoing Burned condition, gaining the condition again does nothing. |
Swift As Death (Ex; Killer Role) Always On |
Killers increase their speed by +30 feet with all movement types they possess (this is already included in the numbers listed in the Movement Types section, above). |
Greater Fire Elemental
This creature possesses the Killer role, and therefore counts as 2 monsters for purposes of encounter size, XP award, and treasure.This monster frequently has the Killer role, but may be set to other roles if desired.Fire is the first tool of civilization, that thing which defeats the night.
That makes fire even more terrible when it is given deadly intent and self will. Fire elementals are terrifying masses of undying flame, needing no fuel to burn, although water is their bane. Like all fire, fire elementals cast off bright light and searing heat all around them, and on top of that, they seek to kill you in a very effective manner.
Nothing will wake you up like having a pitched battle with your campfire…
Combat Tactics
Fire elementals are the deadly berserkers of elementals. They will close in with half moves, using fire blast against creatures who attack at range. Once in melee, they will position themselves so that their Blazing Heat aura will damage as many opponents as possible and try to set up Cleave opportunities with their ten feet of reach. They will use five foot steps to open the range om melee opponents, preferring a chance to make an opportunity attack to basting things in their Blazing Heat aura.
If possible they will attack less heavily armored foes first and try to then cleave into more durable enemies. They will use every attack they can and will fight to the death without hesitation.
Out of Combat
Fire Elementals are rarely on the Prime Material plane unless summoned. In those cases, they are bound to the service of their summoner for some period of time (often until sunset or dawn of the same day, though sometimes as long as a year and a day, in the case of powerful bindings). Those who gain access to the Prime Material plane by themselves, or escape a binding rarely survive for more than a few weeks, as this plane is cold and offers only few substances which can be satisfyingly consumed in flame.
Fire elementals are often summoned to serve while bound into objects and buildings. A permanent source of heat is hugely useful to almost anyone with aspirations to industry, and it is very common to find fire elementals bound to public baths, forges, foundries, bloomeries, furnaces, and numerous other places. It is not rare to see fire elementals in ruins that have broken free of centuries of bondage that are spoiling for a fight.
In many cases, these unbound elementals achieve a kind of insanity before fading out, usually in their last few days before dying in this very inhospitable environment so far from their home.
XP: 409,600 (Killer role included.)
Treasure: Sellable Goods worth 179,778 gp.
- Weight: 380 lbs. Volume: 15.2 cu. ft.
Optional Treasure Rules: Roll a d20 on Table 1 below once per encounter (NOT per creature). Any items discovered are in addition to the normal treasure for the encounter.
Table 1: Remnant(s) Found | |
1 - 8 | Nothing Found |
9 - 12 | 1 Languid Remnant (tier 1) |
13 - 15 | 1 Pale Remnant (tier 2) |
16 - 18 | 1 Bright Remnant (tier 3) |
19 - 20 | Roll on Table 2 |
### | Nothing to see here! |
### | Or here. Move along. |
Table 2: Remnant(s) Found | |
1 - 3 | 4 Languid Remnants (tier 1) |
4 - 7 | 4 Pale Remnants (tier 2) |
8 - 11 | 1 Intense Remnant (tier 4) |
12 - 15 | 1 Blazing Remnant (tier 5) |
16 - 18 | 1 Vital Remnant (tier 6) |
19 - 20 | Roll on Table 3 |
### | Or here. Move along. |
Table 3: Remnant(s) Found | |
1 - 3 | 4 Bright Remnants (tier 3) |
4 - 5 | 4 Intense Remnants (tier 4) |
6 - 8 | 4 Blazing Remnants (tier 5) |
9 - 11 | 4 Vital Remnants (tier 6) |
12 - 15 | 1 Prime Remnant (tier 7) |
16 - 18 | 1 Mythic Remnant (tier 8) |
19 - 20 | 1 Empyrean Remnant (tier 9) |