Cruel Ogre

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Cruel Ogre (CR 11)

Ogres, along with trolls, are the 'least' of the giantkin tribes, although 'least' is a subjective term for creatures that easily reach ten feet in height and weigh close to a ton. They are thick of feature, massively fanged, and naturally inclined to be horrendously evil, delighting in tormenting the weak and exploiting the timid.

Ogres are notable for their horrible tastes. If it is vile or grotesque to other humanoids, then Ogre's probably love it. Ogre's are remarkably stupid, but still display an uncomfortable level of low, mean cunning. Ogres come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but are uniformly large, thick, and sturdy. Ogres tend to be more muscular and broad than trolls, and usually lack claws on their fingers.

Ogres use weapons, wear clothes, and generally enjoy the trappings of 'civilization', but everything about them is awful. They get along poorly with all civilized races smaller than them, have an uneasy competition with trolls over who is more nasty, and tend to get along swimmingly with larger giants, whom they tend to regard with respect that can border upon fawning the more powerful the giants become. Ogres tend to be good at crafts, believe it or not, and will frequently make and use various items and equipment.

Cruel Ogres are ones which, even among the terrible ranks of Ogre-kind, stand out for sheer horrible cruelty. They fight with spiked clubs, which they liberally coat with their own vile filth, just to make sure victims have a hard time recovering even if they escape. They will seek out even other ogres for their monstrous sport, and their cruelty knows no bounds or reason with those weaker than they. Every spiteful, cruel, petty thing you can imagine, is meat and drink to the low, evil spirit of a cruel ogre. In combat, this vicious streak manifests itself in the way cruel ogres will use salt, that most essential of life-giving elements, as an implement to inflict incredible agonies upon their enemies.

Even worse, Cruel Ogres lead such lives of savage degeneracy, they are nearly inured to pain themselves, making fights with them nasty and unpleasant affairs.

Cruel ogres are among the worst of the worst, and even their putative allies are hard-pressed to find a good use for them.


CR 11 Hit Dice 16

XP 12,800

CE, Large, Monstrous Humanoid

Init +5; Senses Keen Scent, Perception +17


AC 31, touch 19, flat-footed 26 (+7 armor, +5 dex, +5 natural, +4 deflection)

hp 229

Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: DR 10/piercing

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 40 ft.

Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee Filthy Spiked Club +16 (2d8+6/special x2) + Savage Strength + Filth Fever

Full Melee 3x Filthy Spiked Club +16 (2d8+6/special x2) + Savage Strength + Filth Fever

Ranged Salt the Wounds +16 (6d6), 30' cone, see below for details

Special Attacks Salt the Wounds, Savage Strength, Filth Fever

Action Points 0


Str 26, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 4

Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 27

Feats Cleave, EFFECT: As a standard action, on successful hit, roll a bonus attack on any creature adjacent to the creature you first struck.

Skills Stealth +22

Languages Common, Giant


Savage Strength (Ex)

Any time an ogre makes a melee attack, he rolls 2d20 for his to-hit roll. If either of the rolls is a hit, the attack hits. If both rolls indicate a hit, it is a critical hit. Ogres do not need to roll to confirm (the second die is the confirmation roll).

Filth Fever (Ex, Disease)

Injury; save Fort DC 20; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage plus 3d6 non-lethal damage which bypasses DR and cannot be healed until the disease is cured; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Salt the Wounds (Ex)

Once per encounter as a standard action, a Cruel Ogre will hurl rock salt at his foes. The Cruel Ogre makes a ranged attack roll (+16 to hit vs. AC) against all enemies in a thirty foot cone, and inflicts 6d6 slashing physical damage. Even worse, if a struck creature has taken any hit point damage prior to being struck by Salt the Wounds, they receive the Afflicted condition due to the tearing agony of the salt in their wounds. There is no save against this condition, but it only lasts for one round unless removed first.


sell value of approximately 6,500 gp


Cruel Ogres are raging behemoths in a fight, their Savage Strength, Filthy Clubs, and Cleave feat combining to make them seriously nasty. They will try to close in as fast as possible, using charge maneuvers if they have to in order to reach their foes quickly. Note: They cannot use Cleave in the round when they charge, so they will close and attack with only a move action whenever they can manage it.

Cruel Ogres like to use their Salt The Wounds power on the second round or later, and they like to spread their attacks around, so that as many of their enemies suffer as possible. Their natural Cleave ability is a great help in this quest.

When one Cruel Ogre uses Salt The Wounds, it is quite common for any other Cruel Ogres in the same fight to also use it on the same area, looking to affect the same victims. The ogres know that the damage inflicted by a fellow's cone attack will allow them to lay down the Afflicted status condition.

Cruel Ogres will typically laugh heartily, seeing their enemies in pain, and they will spread their melee attacks as wide as possible, to maximize the screaming spectacle of their helpless victims. Once their cruel streak has manifested, Cruel Ogres will never break off a battle, fighting to the death with savage joy in their hearts.