Ogre Brute

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Ogre Brute (CR 13)

Ogres, along with trolls, are the 'least' of the giantkin tribes, although 'least' is a subjective term for creatures that easily reach ten feet in height and weigh close to a ton. They are thick of feature, massively fanged, and naturally inclined to be horrendously evil, delighting in tormenting the weak and exploiting the timid.

Ogres are notable for their horrible tastes. If it is vile or grotesque to other humanoids, then Ogre's probably love it. Ogre's are remarkably stupid, but still display an uncomfortable level of low, mean cunning. Ogres come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but are uniformly large, thick, and sturdy. Ogres tend to be more muscular and broad than trolls, and usually lack claws on their fingers.

Ogres use weapons, wear clothes, and generally enjoy the trappings of 'civilization', but everything about them is awful. They get along poorly with all civilized races smaller than them, have an uneasy competition with trolls over who is more nasty, and tend to get along swimmingly with larger giants, whom they tend to regard with respect that can border upon fawning, the more powerful the giants become. Ogres tend to be good at crafts, believe it or not, and will frequently make and use various items and equipment.

Ogre Brutes are quintessential Ogres. They are big, mean, and horrible, arrogant to a fault and deplorably disgusting in every way. Their personal habits are as terrible as any ogre could wish for, and their arrogant cruelty in battle is expressed by the way they bully their way around the battlefield and the speed with which they will lay down a contemptuous backhand upon foes in their way.

Ogre Brutes are the horrible monsters that spring to mind first when ogres are discussed, and despite their awfulness, they are widely employed by other sorts of monsters. Orcs and hobgoblins will hire them as muscle and guards and enforcers, while many giants keep ogres around as gophers and guards and servants. it is possible to bump into Pgre Brutes in all sorts of unexpected places, where they are making a bit of coin or engaged in some other noisome exchange for their services.

It is rarely a pleasant encounter.


CR 13 Hit Dice 19

XP 25,600

CE, Large, Humanoid (Giant)

Init +6; Senses Standard Darkvision 60 ft, Standard Low-light 120 ft, Perception +20


AC 35, touch 20, flat-footed 30 (+9 armor, +4 dex, +6 natural, +6 deflection)

hp 295

Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +12

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 40 ft.

Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee Ogre Hook +19 (2d8+9/Special x2) + Savage Strength

Full Melee 3x Ogre Hook +19 (2d8+9/Special x2) + Savage Strength

Ranged Ogre Chains +19 (2d8+9/x2) Range Increment 20 feet, max range 100 feet, Roll CMB vs CMD to Trip

Special Attacks Brutish Surge, Savage Strength

Action Points 0


Str 28, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6

Base Atk +13; CMB +22 (+26 for Trip); CMD 30

Feats Combat Reflexes, EFFECT: Four attacks of opportunity per round, Mobility, EFFECT: +4 AC (AC39) against attacks of opportunity caused by own movement

Skills Survival +20, Intimidate +22, Climb +20

Languages Common, Giant


Savage Strength (Ex)

Any time an ogre makes a melee attack, he rolls 2d20 for his to-hit roll. If either of the rolls is a hit, the attack hits. If both rolls indicate a hit, it is a critical hit. Ogres do not need to roll to confirm (the second die is the confirmation roll).

Brutish Surge

Once per round as a move action, an Ogre may make a five foot step and Push any creatures of size Medium or smaller out of its way. To resolve Brutish Surge, declare where the Ogre Brute is moving with its five foot step. Any and all creatures of size medium and smaller whose spaces are impinged by this five foot step are Pushed back one square, to give the Ogre room to move in. If any affected creatures can fully resist the Push, or have no legal space to which they can move, the Brutish Surge is lost, the Ogre does not move, and the round is resolved with the Ogre in its current space. If the ogre can legally push all affected creatures, they move and must make a Reflex save versus a DC of 22. If they fail the save, they take 3d6+2 points of bludgeoning damage, and are knocked Prone in their new space. if the reflex save is successful, they take half damage and are not prone, but still are moved.

Ogre Slap

Once per encounter, as a swift action, an Ogre can lay down a massive backhand upon a foe in their reach. This Ogre Slap inflicts 3d6+2 points of bludgeoning damage and inflicts the Dazed condition upon the victim until the beginning of the Ogre's next round.

Ogre Slap +19 (3d6+2/Cannot Crit) + Dazed


sell value of approximately 11,250 gp


<describe typical actions taken during combat here>