Small But Deadly (Feat)

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Revision as of 23:33, 26 March 2016 by Tbolling (talk | contribs)
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You have learned to hit harder than seems physically possible, given your small stature.

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Feat), Small size or smaller.

Benefit: When making main hand attacks with your weapons for which you have the Weapon Focus feat, your Str bonus damage with a one-handed weapon increases to 1.5 times Str mod, and your Str bonus damage with a two-handed weapon increases to 2 times your Str mod. Str bonuses on attacks with off-hand weapons are not affected by this feat.

Normal: One hand attacks with the main hand add Str Mod to their damage, and two-hand attacks with the main hand add Str Mod time 1.5 to their damage.