Spell Penetration, Greater (Feat)
Your spells break through spell resistance much more easily than most.
Prerequisites: Spell Penetration (Feat)
Benefit: You get a +2 insight bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature's spell resistance.
Special: In most cases, insight bonuses to caster level checks do not stack, except for other Spell Penetration feats (Spell Penetration (Feat) and Epic Spell Penetration (Feat)) which do stack with the insight bonus provided by this feat. If an item, ability or spell effect grants an insight bonus to your caster level checks, it does not stack with the bonus provided by this or any other Spell Penetration feats. Instead, only the highest available bonus is used.
If an item, ability or spell effect provides a bonus to your caster level checks that is not an insight bonus (such as the Elf major racial trait "Invasive Magic" which is a racial bonus), it stacks with this feat.