Jungle Renkir

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Jungle Renkir (CR 16)

Renkirs are huge monsters with rigid, tough leathery skin. They are hairless, and have elongated arms, allowing them to move on all fours when they want to move quickly, though they primarily walk on their hind legs. They are not at all similar to humanoids in appearance, however, and have no relation to giants.

Renkirs are pack animals, and while no one could accuse them of being smart, they are not without cunning. They are frequently hostile to creatures that cross their path, and seem to enjoy killing, even when they have recently fed. Renkirs tend to roam, rather than holding particular territory, menacing the lands they travel through.


CR 16 Hit Dice 24

XP 76,800

NE Huge Magical Beast

Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Perception +24


AC 39, touch 28, flat-footed 33 (+10 armor, +6 dex, +6 natural, +7 deflection)

hp 374

Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +15

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: DR 15/-, ER 15/-

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 50 ft.

Space / Reach: 15 ft. / 15 ft.

Single Melee Claws +26 (3d6+5/x2) plus Grab

Full Melee 2x Claws +26 (3d6+5/x2) plus Grab

Ranged None, but see Meat Chucker (see below)

Special Attacks Grab, Swallow Whole, Meat Chucker

Action Points 0


Str 31, Dex 15, Con 26, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 13

Base Atk +16; CMB +26 (+28 Grapple); Maneuver Defense: 34 (36 Grapple)


  • Improved Grab (EFFECT: May initiate a grapple attack as a free action after a successful Claw attack, does not provoke AOO's)
  • Combat Reflexes (EFFECT: May make up to 3 attacks of opportunity per round)

Skills Stealth +24

Languages Boggard



After any successful claw attack, the Renkir may make a free Grapple attack, rolling its CMB (d20 + 28) versus the target's CMD. If successful, the target is Grappled in the Renkir's claw. Note that the Renkir is never treated as being grappled while grappling an enemy in its claw, though grappled opponents suffer the normal penalties for being Grappled.

A Renkir can sustain up to two grapples, one in each claw, at a time, though it is never considered Grappled while doing so.

Swallow Whole

If the Renkir begins its turn with an opponent in one of its claws (see Grab), it may choose to either Swallow the opponent whole, or use Meat Chucker (see below). If the Renkir has a creature grabbed in each of its claws, it may make this decision with each creature it is grabbing. If it chooses to swallow one or both of the creatures whole, it may use a free action (each time) to make a new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to Pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage (3d8+17). In order to swallow it, the grabbed creature must be size large or smaller.

Being swallowed causes a creature to take 3d8+17 Acid damage each round after the first. A swallowed creature keeps the Grappled condition, while the Renkir remains un-grappled. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing, light piercing or close weapon. It requires 75 points of damage to successfully cut free of the Renkir's belly, and this damage is NOT applied against the Renkir's hit points, instead coming from a separate pool. The Armor Class of the interior of the Renkir is equal to its Touch AC (AC 23), and does not benefit from the Renkir's DR 15/- or ER 15/-. If a swallowed creature cuts its way out, the Renkir cannot use swallow whole again until the damage is healed.

Alternatively, a swallowed creature can just try to escape the grapple, with success putting it back in the Renkir's mouth (where it may be bitten or swallowed again, though this would require the Renkir to make a new Grapple check on its turn, and prevent any other Swallow Whole actions until its mouth is cleared, one way or another).

A creature which cuts its way free of the Renkir is deposited on an interior square of the Renkir's space, allowing it to set up Interior Flanks for his allies. Assuming the escaped creature is size Medium or smaller, he is not considered squeezing while occupying this interior space (and neither is the Renkir).

Meat Chucker

If the Renkir begins its turn with an opponent in one of its claws (see Grab), it may choose to either Swallow the opponent whole (see above), or use Meat Chucker. If the Renkir has a creature grabbed in each of its claws, it may make this decision with each creature it is grabbing. If it chooses to use Meat Chucker on one or both of the creatures grabbed, it may use a free action (each time) to make a ranged touch attack against a non-grapped opponent within 50 feet of the Renkir. The Renkir's attack roll is +20 for this attack. Whether this hits or not, the grabbed creature is thrown at the targeted opponent, and is no longer grappled. If the ranged touch attack hits, both the (formerly) grabbed creature and the target creature take 8d6+1 points of bludgeoning damage and are knocked Prone. Each creature may make a Reflex save, DC 24, to reduce this damage by half and avoid the Prone condition.


sell value of approximately 23,750 gp


Renkirs are savage and brutal fighters, who savor the opportunity to abuse their prey before eating it (or casting its corpse aside, if the Renkir isn't hungry). They will sometimes try to sneak up on their prey, or even set up primitive ambushes. Other times, they will simply wade into battle, focusing on getting as many of their foes grabbed as possible (to prevent their escape, obviously). Once grabbed, the Renkir's REAL damage becomes available to them.

They must choose whether to swallow a grabbed foe, or throw it at a non-grabbed foe instead. If they've gotten lucky enough to grab an opponent in each claw, they will usually do one of each of these actions. Meat Chucker, while wasteful of food, is useful for picking off critters that are trying to get away.

And because Renkirs are so focused on keeping their foes from running away from a fight, it rarely occurs to them that they should run away from some fights. Usually Renkirs will keep fighting long past the point where it would be obvious to a normal intellect that they can't win, but it's not unheard of for the last Renkir standing to try to make an escape. While not genetically adapted to fleeing, Renkirs will try to use stealth and other tricks to lose pursuers, if driven to flee.