Celegian Force Mage

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Return to Celegian Prestige Classes

Celegian Force Mage

In Celegia, there are nine Fundaments that make up the Universe. There are the four Tangible Fundaments, the four Intangible Fundaments, and the Unitary Fundament. The Unitary Fundament is Force, that Fundament which provides power and impetus to all the others.

Celegian Wizards use all of these fundaments as elements in their magical spells, much as a stone mason uses rocks to build his works. In general, the Intangible Fundaments are held to be subtle, the Tangible Fundaments are manifest, and the Unitary Fundament is the source of the power of the other eight.

Given the singular nature of the Unitary Fundament, over the millennia it has attracted a great deal of study and attention, as the secret of how it drives all the others would be enormously useful. Sadly, this quest continues.

However, this study has led to the development of a potent prestige class, one who has learned more about the Unitary and most powerful Fundament than any others, the Force Mage.

The Force Mage slowly learns to master Force more than any other, and in the process shuns the lesser Fundaments. Force Mages eventually stop using the Tangible Fundaments completely, instead shearing their spells down to the basic underlying force that drives them and using that directly for their attacks. Force mages are incredibly potent, if narrowly focused, and while they are rare, the few that exist are all worthy of being reckoned with.

Hit Die:D4

Requirements Race: Human Skills: Spellcraft 12 ranks, Knowledge - Fundaments 6 Ranks Special: Must be able to cast 5th level Arcane spells

Class Skills

Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Advancement table

Level BAB Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special 1st +0 +2 +2 +2 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, Perfect Missile+1, 1 Bonus Magic Missile Spell per day 2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, 1 Bonus Shield Spell, Cannot cast any Earth based spells 3rd +1 +3 +3 +3 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, 1 Bonus Mage Armor Spell 4th +2 +4 +4 +4 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, Perfect Missile +2, Cannot cast Water based spells 5th +2 +4 +4 +4 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, 1 Bonus Mage Sword Spell, 2 Bonus Magic Missile Spells per day 6th +3 +5 +5 +5 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, 1 Bonus Wall of Force Spell, 2 Bonus Shield Spells, Cannot cast Air spells, Greater Mage Armor 7th +3 +5 +5 +5 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, Perfect Missile +3, Bonus feat 8th +4 +6 +6 +6 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, 1 Bonus Forcecage spell, 3 bonus Magic missile spells, 2 bonus Mage Armor spells, Cannot cast Fire spells, Greater Mage Sword 9th +4 +6 +6 +6 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, Forcelance 10th +5 +7 +7 +7 +1 Level Existing Arcane Class, Perfect Missile +4, Perfect Mage Sword, Perfect Mage Armor, Bonus Feat

Class Features:

Special: Force Mages are not allowed to take Archmage levels, and vice versa. Force Mages get a +5 circumstance bonus on all skill checks made to interact with Force effects per character level. (For example, a ten Sorceror, five Force Mage gets +75 on Movement checks to climb a Forcewall.)

Perfect Missile: Every time a Force Mage casts a Magic Missile spell, or uses her magic missile spell-like ability, her Perfect Missile modifier is added to the number of magic missiles produced. This can indeed raise the number of missiles beyond the normal number allowed, and without further effects, can cause as many as nine missile per casting.

Bonus Magic Missile: This is treated as a spell like ability.

Bonus Shield Spell: This is treated as a spell like ability.

Cannot Cast Earth Spells: The Force Mage has narrowed her focus to the point that she no longer is able to use the Fundament of Stone in her spellcasting. Any spells that use Earth in the descriptor are forever lost to her. These include, but are not limited to, Glitterdust, Stoneskin, Pillar of Stone, Wall of Iron, Stone Shape, Passwall, Transmute Rock to Mud and reverse, Move Earth, Flesh to Stone and reverse, Iron Body, Statue, Imprisonment, and any others referees deem appropriate.

Bonus Mage Armor Spell: This is treated as a spell like ability.

Cannot Cast Water Spells: The Force Mage has narrowed her focus to the point that she no longer is able to use the Fundament of Water in her spellcasting. Any spells that use Water in the descriptor are forever lost to her. These include, but are not limited to, Sleet Storm, Water Breathing, Ice Storm, Pillar of Ice, All Fog spells, Control Water, most uses of Control Weather, Polar Ray, Horrid Wilting, and any others the referee deems appropriate.

Bonus Mage Sword Spell: This is treated as a spell like ability.

Bonus Wall of Force Spell: This is treated as a spell like ability.

Greater Mage Armor: The Force mage adds half her Force Mage caster level to the armor class bonus and duration of the Mage Armor created. This means that her Force Mage class level is added once for the standard duration in hours, then half of it is added again.

Cannot Cast Air Spells: The Force Mage has narrowed her focus to the point that she no longer is able to use the Fundament of Air in her spellcasting. Any spells that use Air in the descriptor are forever lost to her. These include, but are not limited to, Feather Fall, Gust of Wind, Whispering Wind, Wind Wall, Fly, Gaseous Form, Overland Flight, Guards and Wards, All uses of Control Weather and any others the referee deems appropriate.

Bonus Forcecage Spell: This is treated as a spell like ability.

Greater Mage Sword: The Force Mage adds half her Force mage caster level to the chance to hit, damage done, range in squares, and duration of the summoned Mage Sword. The duration of the Mage Sword is now measured in minutes rather than rounds, and is one minute per caster level plus one minute per two class levels of Force Mage. Directing the Mage Sword is also now only a move action.

Cannot Cast Fire Spells: The Force Mage has narrowed her focus to the point that she no longer is able to use the Fundament of Fire in her spellcasting. Any spells that use Fire in the descriptor are forever lost to her. These include, but are not limited to, Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere, Pyrotechnics, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Fire Shield, Pillar of Fire, Delayed Blast Fireball, Incendiary cloud, Meteor Swarm, and any others the Referee deems appropriate.

Forcelance: The Force Mage sacrifices the use of one ninth level spell slot. In exchange, she may convert the force component of any other spell she has memorized into a raging lance of pure force. This is a ray attack with a range of 500 feet(no range modifier applies). This forcelance does damage to animate objects and creatures struck without benefit of a saving throw. It does 1d6 of damage per Force Mage Class Level, + 1d6 per level of the spell sacrificed to power the Forcelance, and +1d6 per point of either Intelligence or Charisma modifier the Force Mage possesses, whichever is higher. If used against inanimate objects, the Force mage may choose to do the damage above, or treat the Forcelance as a Disintegrate effect, utterly destroying up to a single ten foot cube of inanimate matter. A Forcelance is powerful, but can be stopped by a Shield spell, exactly as if it were a Magic Missile effect. If a target has an item which protects against Magic missiles, that item also protects against the Forcelance, burning up uses as if each D6 of the Forcelance were a separate Missile.

Perfect Mage Sword: As Greater Mage Sword, except that the full Force Mage's class level is added to all aspects of the spell, duration is increased to hours instead of minutes, and directing the Mage Sword is now a free action. In addition, a Force Mage may have more than one Mage Sword in existence at a given time, up to a maximum of her Int or Cha modifier number at once. Multiple Mage Swords can be directed at one or multiple foes, and if more than one is directed at a single foe, they can provide flanking bonuses to each other, but not to anyone or anything else. In addition, a Force mage can assign one Mage Sword to her familiar, and that creature can then use the mage Sword as if they were the caster of the effect. A Mage Sword assigned to a familiar this way does not count against the maximum number of Mage Swords a Force mage can have active at once.

Perfect Mage Armor: As Greater Mage Armor, except that the full Class Level of the Force mage is now added instead of half.