Sebaceous Cyst (Discovery)
Aw, C'mon! What is THAT?!? Don't tell me!
Ability Type: Su
Prerequisites: Alchemist 6, Grand Mutation
Benefit: While in mutagen form, once per round as a standard action, the alchemist may use a bomb to spew forth an oily acid spray infused with alchemical power from a gnarly, bulbous cyst somewhere on their body. This deals the bomb's full damage as acid (energy, common) to all creatures in a 15-foot cone, but all targets may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level + their STR modifier) for half damage.
The Precise Bombs (Discovery) and/or the Selective Bomb (Feat) can be used with Sebaceous Cyst. ...don't think about that too much.
If you have some means of combining this discovery with other bomb discoveries (such as the Eureka Bomb class feature), the Explosive Bomb (Discovery) increases the area of effect of Sebacious Cyst to a 20-foot cone, and the Carpet Bomber (Grand Discovery) increases the area of effect of Sebaceous Cyst to a 30-foot cone.
Note: This is a 'bomb modifier' discovery, and may not be combined with any other 'bomb modifier' discoveries, until the alchemist learns the Eureka Bombs class feature at level 17.