Torques of Power +2
Torques of Power +2
- Cost: 6,000 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs.
- Family: Torques of Power
This item is a pair of arm clasps, worn around the arms, filling the wrists slot. They may fit anywhere between wrists and shoulders, although they usually ride the arms below the elbow. It is even possible there is only one torque, but in such cases, nothing can be worn on the other wrist slot of a magical nature.
They can be highly decorated or plain, and often express themes of physical power, engravings of elephants or buffalo pulling huge loads, wrestlers in a clinch, or abstract designs evoking great strength. They can be made of leather, fabrics, woven cords, or various metals.
Upon donning the torques, the wearer feels an incredible sensation of lightness, thei body feeling like a feather as they can carry their own weight as if they were made of spun sugar. The wearer must be careful to meter their new-found strength, and accidentally breaking objects and doors is not uncommon. After becoming attuned, the wearer gains perfect control, and may choose to perform such feats of strength, rather than doing them by accident.
After growing accustomed to the Torques, the wearer gains many subtle but powerful benefits, so that such items are often highly prized indeed.
The enhancement bonus granted by this item does not stack with similar enhancement bonuses from other items that grant the same benefits. After all, one can only be so strong....
The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 22 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 3,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).