Magic Rods
A magic rod is a sturdy magical device, with all the qualities of a Light Mace. While each rod varies greatly in design and appearance, they are all built solidly enough to whap things upside the head with them, without any fear of damaging the rod. As a result, when wielding a rod, in addition to being able to use it to cast a spell, you also threaten enemies within 5 feet, can provide flanks for your allies, and you can make melee attacks with the rod using the stats for a light mace, including attacks of opportunity.
Each magic rod is also enchanted to cast a single spell, of spell level 4 or less. Casting the spell from the rod is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, just as with casting a spell. You may make a Bailiwick check to cast the spell defensively, even if you are not a caster. The DC of this check is 10 + (Spell Level x 4). If you succeed, you cast the spell without provoking an attack of opportunity. If you fail, you still cast the spell, but you also provoke attacks of opportunity from each enemy that is threatening you.
Rods have 50 charges in them when they are new, and they can never hold more than 50 charges. Each time you cast a spell from the rod, it permanently uses up one of those charges. Once all 50 charges are expended, the rod becomes inert until it is recharged. Rods can be recharged by purchasing a Manastone.
Each time you cast the spell from the rod, you must make a Use Magic Device check to cast it, unless the spell is a spell that is present on your character class' class spell list. Even if you are too low level to cast the spell normally, or you haven't learned that spell, as long as you could learn it eventually from your class spell list, you can skip this check. Everyone else needs to make the check. The DC of the check is 5 + (2x caster level of the rod). If you succeed on the check, the spell is cast. If you fail the check by 4 or less (a normal failure), you waste the standard action and nothing happens. If you roll a natural 1 or fail the check by 5 or more (a critical failure), you waste the action, no spell is cast, but a charge is used up on the rod.
While a rod can only contain a spell of spell level 4 or lower (and never more than one spell), the caster level of the rod can be anything from the minimum required to cast a spell of that level all the way up to caster level 35. Higher caster levels on rods cost more, needless to say, but they often improve the efficacy of the spell being cast. As a result, it is usually advantageous to buy a rod with a higher caster level than the minimum, if you can afford to do so. See the table below to determine the cost for purchasing a rod at any caster level.
Rod Costs By Caster Level
Templates For New Items
- First item in a clade and the family description
- Each item after first
- Aggregated Family Page
- Table Row Per Item - use on tables listing items by slot (e.g. Magic Rods page)
- Table Row Per Family - use on main magic items table page (i.e. Magic Items page)
- Solo items not in a clade (e.g. rods)
- Weapon Base Prices - used as base price for all items unless price-nudge field is left blank
Magic Rods
Magic Item Name | Description | Cost |
Rod of Cure Light Wounds | Rod of Cure Light Wounds | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Cure Moderate Wounds | Rod of Cure Moderate Wounds | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Cure Serious Wounds | Rod of Cure Serious Wounds | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Cure Critical Wounds | Rod of Cure Critical Wounds | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |