Summoners Medallion +1
Summoners Medallion +1
- Cost: 5,000 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs.
- Family: Summoners Medallion
A Summoners Medallion is a headpiece, worn around the skull, such that a mystical medallion is held ove the center of the attuned owners forehead. It can be a massive thing of heavy iron straps holding a massive steel or beaten gold plate that covers the entire forehead, a leather or silk cloth with an ancient coin suspended above your brow, down to a nearly invisibly fine gold chain dangling a lacy filigree of ambergold wire. Regardless of the appearance, they are all incredibly powerful if you summon your friends, rather than socialize with them.
Whenever the attuned wearer of a Summoners Medallion casts a Summon Monster spell, of any power level, or from any source, the magics of the Medallion enhances, strengthens, and empowers the entity you call forth. This item works if you cast the spell yourself, cast it from a Rod Staff, or Scroll, or use a racial or calss ability to summon the monster. The entity arrives in its transformed state, ready for action. The Medallion makes your summoned allies more deadly, stronger, faster, and for more powerful versions of the item, it will even add in additional cloned copies of your summoned friends.
In all cases, any you possess which affect summons are applied first, and all powers, abilities, and adjustments made by the feat or feats you use are reflected in the powers granted by this item. Cloned copies of monsters created by this item have all of the powers granted by all feats, for an example. The adjustments to the Challenge Rating from this item are applied after all CR adjustments due to the use of feats, for another example. The GM adjudicates any unusual circumstances as they see fit.
- All Summoned Monsters called forth while wearing this item add +3 damage as an Enhancement Bonus to all their attacks, abilities, and powers that inflict damage.
- All Summoned Monsters called forth while wearing this item may be one CR higher than usually allowed in the Summoned Monster Base CR table.
- While attuned to this item, and while a Summoned Monster summoned with this item is in existence and within 30 feet of the wearer, with line of sight and line of effect between you, once per day, per monster summoned, you may gift that monster a move action without using up one of your own actions.
The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 22 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 2,500 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).