Shrieking Rod
Shrieking Rod
- Cost: 22,500 gp
- Weight: 4 lbs.
This rod is made of some very strong, hard metal, extremely smooth and polished. It is capped with a ball made of a mass of fine black wires, all packed to gether into a roughly spherical shape. When touched, it seethes with vibrations at all times.
Wielders of this rod can utter a command word as a standard action to cast a Shout spell, using up one charge from the rod.
This ear-splitting shriek deafens and damages creatures in a 30 foot cone (a 6x6x6 area) adjacent to the wielder's space. Any creature wholly or partially within the area suffers damage based on the creator level of the rod. This is Sonic (energy, common) damage. A successful Reflex save also laid out in the table reduces the damage by half.
Any unattended objects in the area of effect may suffer 1 point of Durability damage, at the GM's discretion.
You can purchase this rod at a higher creator level than the minimum required to cast the spell. Doing so increases the potency of the spell as described above, but also increases the cost, as follows:
Creator Level | Cost | Save DC | Damage Dealt |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
7 | 9,375 gp | 24 | |
8 | 12,000 gp | 25 | |
9 | 15,000 gp | 25 | |
10 | 18,750 gp | 26 | |
11 | 23,250 gp | 27 | |
12 | 28,125 gp | 28 | |
13 | 34,125 gp | 29 | |
14 | 42,000 gp | 30 | |
15 | 53,250 gp | 32 | |
16 | 72,375 gp | 33 | |
17 | 97,500 gp | 33 | |
18 | 135,000 gp | 34 | |
19 | 180,000 gp | 35 | |
20 | 240,000 gp | 36 |
Creator Level | Cost | Save DC | Damage Dealt |
21 | 318,750 gp | 37 | |
22 | 427,500 gp | 38 | |
23 | 566,250 gp | 39 | |
24 | 750,000 gp | 40 | |
25 | 975,000 gp | 41 | |
26 | 1,312,500 gp | 42 | |
27 | 1,725,000 gp | 43 | |
28 | 2,325,000 gp | 44 | |
29 | 3,075,000 gp | 46 | |
30 | 4,087,500 gp | 47 | |
31 | 5,400,000 gp | 49 | |
32 | 7,087,500 gp | 50 | |
33 | 9,375,000 gp | 51 | |
34 | 12,412,500 gp | 52 | |
35 | 16,537,500 gp | 53 |
This magic item does not require an attunement period, and grants its benefits immediately upon being worn or wielded.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 24 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 11,250 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).